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Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 15:16
Anyone got Runescape account?
I know you have one APM
You said it in Re-volt zone tracks

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 21:01
i have 1, it is catkiller228
but i an thinking of getting a new on cuz i hav not been on 4 a while
but some 1 took my password, stole all of my stuff, and gave me a bad reputation.
Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 21:06
sorry, but APM cannot respond.
"SOMEBODY" whose name i will not mention, restricted him, yet i do not have a problem with "INSERT NAME HERE" i don't know why HE/AND/OR/SHE restricted APM
but apm's runescape account is revolt192
Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 23:35
YES! I did.
And if you don't understand why, then it must be an age/generation thing.
As the younger RV members don't seem to appreciate the work and wisdom of the older members with the proper respect.
Inane drivel and excesive 'LOOK IT'S ME' posting is not welcome or required.
APM's forum ban is expiring tomorrow, you just watch how much he post's and the quality of their content.
I hope he gets the hint! 
Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 22:32
sorry manmountain, i did not know what he typed, and starting now i don't realy want to know.
so sorry.
i have heard several diffrent "stories" of apm's comments, and i personally have never bothered to read any ones that are discriminative ar rude, so plz don't misjudge me.
thank you
Posted: 13 Jan 2007, 00:38
Restricted Freedom is
Now watch the posts and content, you'll soon see what I mean.

Posted: 24 Jan 2007, 06:45
Restricted Freedom is not
Neither is he here anymore.

Posted: 24 Jan 2007, 06:58
How convenient!
Yeah yeah, what ever.

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 02:36
Wow, I can actually post here...
Anyways, yeah, my RuneScape account is Revolt192.
Of course, named after our beloved game Re-Volt.
That's why I'm back here. What kind of community member can resist the lure of Re-Volt?
Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 11:41
Added.....Revolt192.....To friend list.