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Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 17:24
this is what i enter in notepad:
( texmap h:0,0:256X256=a:0,0:64X64 )
and saved do i have to have a .bat thing too?! b/c i did in notepad again:
rvtexmap texmap.txt and saved it rvmap.bat (like an example shown in the rvglue tutorial)
did i do that right?!
Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 18:02
Question ?
Are you using the RVtexmap.exe from the RV-Minis-5 collection of tools, or are you using RVGlue to remap your textures ?
Both are similar in command file setup, but not the same.
Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 03:58
When you use RVtexmap, your command line should read:
rv-texmap.exe wall.prm h:0,0:256x256=a:0,0:64x64.
In this case I am remapping a .prm called "wall". Its texture mapping has been changed from using the entire "h" bitmap to the upper left quarter of the "a" bitmap.

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 16:17
i'm using rvtexmap. but now i get error...

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 19:29
Your cygwin library does'nt match. Its a different version

I think you can found the correct one searching in the Ali's tools files, like RVGlue (
Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 15:48
dl it , and error still
Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 16:32
What OS are you using ?
Is the dll in the same folder as the other files ?
How are you implementing the command line statement ?
Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 17:15
i have the rvtexmap.exe in the track folder
rvtexmap.exe command.txt
and in another file--
rvtexmap pine3.prm h:0,0:256x256=a:0,0:64x64
the .dll thing is in ah systems folder, maybe? and i put rvtexmap.exe in a command folder i created also
and using windows xp
Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 17:23
I don't use XP myself, but from what I understand, you need to run/execute RVtexmap in a dos shell or win98 compatible enviroment.
I personally have all the files, rvtexmap, cygwin.dll, the prm file and a batch file to execute the process in the same folder, this way I don't have to rely on windows finding the correct files in different folders.
Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 17:29
okay, i put everything in same folder and ran in win. 98 still not working. so guess i'm done before i started
Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 23:17
No this isn't a OS problem, or drivers...
This isn't the same cygwin1.dll used.
The old cygwin1.dll (used in rvtexmap) maybe contain some libraries and maybe the old one doesn't have the same ones.
I'll try to look over that.
You searched in perror's website, isn't?
Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 09:01
yes that is the site i dl'ed from
Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 21:10
The program is working for me now

I'm using the dll library from RVTMod7.
Can you send us more info?
Posted: 11 Jan 2007, 00:35
okay, that error gone, guess now all i have to do is figure what i sould be typing, all those spaces, and ( and ) symbols

Posted: 11 Jan 2007, 01:11
Maybe you need to read the readme files and search help here
I'll do a quote of the readme:
--- 3 --- Additional info for rvtexmap.exe
rvtexmap.exe expects something it calls "texture spec".
A remapping spec is of the form
where everything that uses parts of the texture <src> is remapped to <dst>.
Both <src> and <dst> look like
<sheet> : <top-left> : <size>
<sheet> is a letter between 'a' and 'j',
<top-left> is a pixel-position for the top-left corner ( <number> , <number> ), and
<size> is the size of the texture ( <number> x <number> )
[rot] (optional) denotes a texture rotated ccw 90 degrees. Only <dst> can be rotated.
remaps the 128 by 128 pixel sized texture in the top left corner of "a.bmp" to
the 64 by 64 pixel sized texture in the top right corner of "b.bmp".
You can use asterisks ('*') instead of <sheet>, <top-left> and <size>, in which case
defaults will be used:
'*' in... <src>-texture <dst>-texture
<sheet> Remap from every sheet Don't alter sheet
<top-left> 0,0 same position as in from-texture
<size> to the image's lower-right corner same size as in from-texture
makes every texture use only the top-left quarter the bitmaps.
remaps a.bmp to b.bmp
remaps the 128 by 128 pixel sized texture in the top left corner of "a.bmp" to
the 64 by 64 pixel sized texture in the top right corner of "b.bmp". The image
in "b.bmp" is expected to be rotated left.
Hope this helps you.
Posted: 11 Jan 2007, 17:20
read it, did it, and still not working
Posted: 11 Jan 2007, 17:52
Well, what error you have now?
Posted: 12 Jan 2007, 15:56
there's no error let's say i wanted to do rst's pine tree is originally on h sheet and i want to put it on sheet a i did --
pine3.prm h:0,0:256x256=a:0,0:256x256 then saved it command.txt
then this rvtexmap command.txt and saved it rtm.bat
then double-click then went in revolt- makeitgood and insert the tree and it still looked the same
Posted: 12 Jan 2007, 19:37
I would have done it like this :
rvtexmap.exe pine3.prm h:0,0:256x256=a:0,0:256x256
Saved this command statement to bitmap-ex.bat
Then executed this batch file.
I would only create a command.txt file if I were using RVGlue.
Just a quick question, you are sure that the specified original bitmap and co-ordinates are correct ? otherwise nothing will happen.
If you are using the same bitmap area then try and use RV-remap instead.
Posted: 15 Jan 2007, 07:09
While checking something with another tool I encounter a sort of error, it was actually a nil action.
The problem was the files were Read Only, maybe this could be your problem ? just a thought.
Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 16:05
well i typed what you showed in last post, then a lot of writting came up very quickly don't know what it said, but the tree is still the same colors. the bitmap area doesn't have to be the same as the origanl size right?!
Posted: 18 Jan 2007, 14:43
ok, works now, ah-- i don't know what i was doing when it wasn't working

well thxs 4 the help peoples.
Posted: 19 Jan 2007, 02:54
OK, glad we could assist you.
Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 06:14
great, now it's time to assist me again!!!!!!! yippie, okay i did the track zone , the pos things and the ai nodes, i checked over and over and it looks right, but there's still an X sign at one part of track. if any wants to look at it for me here's my email 
Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 06:29

Send me what you have, I'll take a look for you.

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 18:12
rvtexmap help again! ok. this time i know im using rvtexmap from the minis tools. i dled BurnRubr's 'old cabin' model from here: ... s/prm.html
and i used rvtexmap to changed the texture from sheet I to sheet C.
rvtexmap cabin.prm i:*:*=c:*:*
and now in game the cabin textures are i and c sheet mixed together! i even exited and re-enter revolt and the texture is still mixed...
Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 08:41
Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 14:06
I actually use another tool (by Chaos) which is rv-remap,
Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 21:29
still didnt work

thxs anywayz. maybe some nerves to my brain isn't connected right lolz
Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 05:02
Hiya, Jaseaka - I have not used rvtexmap in a while but I had good success using it. I did not bother to look at the texture for the cabin, but if it is the entire 256 x 256 bitmap, then your command line needs to read exactly as follows:
rvtexmap.exe cabin.prm i:0,0:256x256=c:0,0:256x256
If the texture for the cabin, or any other prm for that matter, is only a partial bitmap, you need to identify the upper left hand corner of the texture (0,0 for example) and the size of the texture (say 128 x 128 for example). (Both the size of the current texture and the size you want to change it to, because you can make it a smaller size). Please let me know if you still are having trouble because the above command line should work out great for you. Good luck!!! PatS
Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 05:34
yups. i did that also. didnt work

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 07:12
Hiya, Jaseaka. Have you ever gotten rvtexmap to work successfully? I have no doubt that the command line I gave you will work perfectly. I have downloaded the old cabin with the enclosed bitmap "I". Please e-mail me the btmap "C" that you wish to change to. My addy is I will see if I can switch textures for you. PatS

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 08:29
I think there may be a problem with how the cabin.prm was made.
It seems parts of the .prm can be remapped, but other parts can not.
I tried to remap it with rvGlue (switch i.bmp to another) and found this
problem, the roof will remap and parts of the front, but the back and some
of the sides will not remap correctly. Very strange.
Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 08:45
phew, thank god it didnt work for someone else also

Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 10:24
Use RV-Remap by Chaos
Command is RV-Remap Cabin.prm 8=2
This will change reference from I to C.
Posted: 07 Nov 2008, 18:06
Yea, i prefer rv-remap as well, works as it should

Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 01:35
Hiya, Jaseaka. I stand corrected; after trying to change the textures on the cabin with rvtexmap, I tend to agree with Hil. Some of the prm will remap and other areas will not. Dunno why. On a sidenote, a little program that any potential editor needs to have is Texture Mesh Editor for Revolt. This utility shows the exact mapping position on the .prm when you open it with your paint program. I think you can download it on ManMountain's site, among others. PatS
Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 01:44
Texture Mesh Viewer for Re-Volt, sorry. PatS
Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 05:47
I have the cabin.prm remapped to C using rv-remap.
Where can i send it to?
Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 05:54
i pm u my email address
Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 07:36
thxs. file works fine and thanks for mapping it!
Posted: 08 Nov 2008, 08:26
No worries.
Glad to help.