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Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 04:32
is theere any possible program that i can use to fip/ rotate .prm's?
and is there any possible way to make cars/.prms to be bigger?
so, somebody plz help me!

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 05:14
I don't know about the rotating thing (I'd like to find a program that properly mirrors PRMs myself), but you can definitely resize PRMs with RV-Sizer. I've been using it to re-size all my conversion cars to fit their proper dimensions relative to each other. You can probably find it in any local utilities section.
Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 06:50
where could i get rvsizer?
Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 06:55
ok i found rvsizer.
but how do i use it?
i cannot figure it open it, a black scrren comes up for a split second, but that is all.
Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 11:00
Yeah. That's called a DOS program.
I'm using Windows ME, and in this version of windows, I need to run "Start -> Programs -> MS-DOS Prompt". From there, type in:
(If its not in the C: drive, then start by typing in D: or E: or whatever.)
Make sure the rv-sizer program is in your \re-volt\cars\ directory for this, then you can use, for example:
Code: Select all
rv-sizer mclaren\body.prm sa=1.05
That will resize everything to 1.05 times its regular size. You can also use sx=#, sy=#, and sz=# for individual dimensions.
You can get more details by just typing in:
And you can also type in this to get the dimensions of a PRM:
Also note that you'll want to keep your car directories under 8 characters for this.

Rename them if necessary.
Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 17:57
I find that it is best to create a BATCH file, a basic text file that is saved with the .bat extension.
This make it easier to edit the command line without having to retype at the Dos prompt.
If the batch file is saved in the same directory/folder as RV-Sizer and the prm you should be able to just double click on it and run it from there in windows without opening the Dos box.
Win XP users may have to edit it's shortcut to open in Win98 comp mode.
From the Chaos Manual :
Code: Select all
RV-Sizer is a tool to change the size of a model along one or more of it's axis. It only works with .prm and .m files, other files will be damaged!
Without Options
RV-Sizer, run without options, tells you the total bounding-box area of the model.
There is only one option type, but this type can be given multiple times on the same command-line.
The options look like this: Sx=y
Where x is a letter (x, y, z or a) and y is a number. Note: the S is always required.
The letter (x) specifies the axis to scale, and the number (y) is the scaling-factor. Scaling means multiplying, ie. 1 has no effect, 2 makes it twice as large, 0.5 halfs the size and -1 mirrors the model.
I'm assuming that RV-Sizer is located in the Revolt root-directory.
Firstly, open a MS-DOS Prompt window and go to the Revolt root-directory.
Type: rv-sizer (Enter)
You should see the usage-message:
Version: 1.00
FILENAME is the name of the file to be remaped
S? ? can be X, Y, Z or A meaning which axis to scale (A for all)
=? ? is the multiplier for the axis
1 -> no effect
0 -> eliminate that axis
negativ -> mirroring and scaling
Type: rv-sizer .\models\abcblock.m (Enter)
You should see:
RV-SIZER.EXE Version 1.00
8 Points found
-30.0000000000 <= x <= 30.0000000000
30.0000000000 <= y <= -30.0000000000
-30.0000000000 <= z <= 30.0000000000
Type: rv-sizer .\models\abcblock.m sa=2 (Enter)
You should see:
RV-SIZER.EXE Version 1.00
8 Points found
Type: rv-sizer .\models\abcblock.m (Enter)
You should see:
RV-SIZER.EXE Version 1.00
8 Points found
-60.0000000000 <= x <= 60.0000000000
60.0000000000 <= y <= -60.0000000000
-60.0000000000 <= z <= 60.0000000000
Type rv-sizer .\models\abcblock.m sx=0.5 (Enter)
You should see:
RV-SIZER.EXE Version 1.00
8 Points found
Type: rv-sizer .\models\abcblock.m (Enter)
You should see:
RV-SIZER.EXE Version 1.00
8 Points found
-30.0000000000 <= x <= 30.0000000000
60.0000000000 <= y <= -60.0000000000
-60.0000000000 <= z <= 60.0000000000
Type: rv-sizer .\models\abcblock.m sy=0.5 sz=2 sz=0.25 (Enter)
You should see:
RV-SIZER.EXE Version 1.00
8 Points found
Type: rv-sizer .\models\abcblock.m (Enter)
You should see:
RV-SIZER.EXE Version 1.00
8 Points found
-30.0000000000 <= x <= 30.0000000000
30.0000000000 <= y <= -30.0000000000
-30.0000000000 <= z <= 30.0000000000
Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 19:43
i somewhat get what your saying, but what is a"BATCH" file?
and i am still alittle confused where to type all of those hthings.
but i think that 1 of my problems was that i did not put rvsizer into my
"cars" folder
but for the "batch" file, how do i get a .bat extention?
Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 23:07
Very simple.
When using a basic text editor such as windows Notepad, when you save, type the filename and add the .bat extension.
This should create an executable batch file.
Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 23:12
ok, so after i do that....should i type the codes in therer, and then what should i do, put it nto that car's folder, but all i want to realy know how to do i just learn to make a car bigger and smaller, but i would be neat if i could somewhat bend that body too,
but rightnow my main goal is to change its size.
Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 00:08
Yes, place the batch file into the cars folder with RV-sizer.
Read the above coded section to learn how to use the RV-sizer commands to alter the size in all or individual directions.
Just add the correct commands and values to your batch file, then run/double click the file.
Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 04:14
is theere any possible program that i can use to fip/ rotate .prm's?
Rotate and flip .prms - when you are working in MAKEITGOOD editing mode for instances, first bring up the .prm you want to rotate/flip, hit the "alt" key once to change view from camera to world. Then use the numbered keys on the right of your keyboard to rotate and flip your instance in a variety of ways. There are keyboarding tables available at a number of Re-Volt sites such as RVA and RVEXtreme. Experiment!! It's easy and fun to position your instance just the way you want it. Hope this helps!!

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 06:25
i wanted to know that alo, but the thing i realy wanted to know is to open and rotate the actual .prm it self, such as a .prm used for the body up a car, such as, if you took the skate board from teh levels, and make it in to a car, it is side ways, so how do i rotate it?
but taht is not the particular instance that i want to use it for, because it have already made a skateboard from scrtach.