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Posted: 14 Jul 2005, 03:32
something wrong with my re-volt game. i got a total of 71 cars and 42 tracks(customs count). everytime when i start the race the game crashes!!whats de problem?!!

Posted: 14 Jul 2005, 10:05
You have to many customs cars. The maximum is 30 added cars more or less.
You have two solutions : delete some cars or use the unlimited custom cars patch by the Me & Me.

Posted: 14 Jul 2005, 17:10
Or use Re-Volt Car Manager by CD 090580 ;)

Posted: 15 Jul 2005, 05:49
where can i get the unlimited custom cars patch? and what about the tracks(the game now works though)?

Posted: 15 Jul 2005, 16:07
its right on there, called TMMCC.
follow the instructions.

with the tracks, youve got a limit of about 260 tracks you can add.
so that should be the problem.

Posted: 15 Jul 2005, 22:52
don't "LOL" me im just new here!!!

Posted: 15 Jul 2005, 23:07
well it just seemed you didnt look at all. :P
dont be offended.

Posted: 16 Jul 2005, 11:04
I thought its just a piece of junk!

Posted: 18 Jul 2005, 10:06
how do u exakly work on this tmmcc thing? just tell me the steps cuz i don't fully understand.

Posted: 18 Jul 2005, 15:44
dude seriously, i dont want to sound harsh or anything but the ReadMe is pretty clear i think.
..::. How do I install and use it? .::..
Well, installing it is really easy. Just extract the .exe's
(or just one of them) from this ZIP-file. Extract it to really
anywhere you like. It doesn't matter. So, that's the install-bit.
To use it, just click one of the .exe's you just extracted.
Depending on which one you clicked, Re-Volt will boot
automatically (so you can later replace your Re-Volt shortcut
with a shortcut to this .exe) or you have to click your Re-Volt
shortcut after starting TMMCCnotautostart.exe.
Well, you'll see Re-Volt will not crash anymore if you add more
and more custom cars. Which is quite cool. :)
To change the camera perspective, just click Alt+Tab while in
game and play with the + and -'s you can see on the User
Interface. To leave the camera perspective as it is, just don't
use the + or -'s. As simple as that.

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 03:05
dude, i really don't understand just tell me the steps so it could be easy for me 2 do.besides, im using no cd crack