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Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 21:46
For a time I really didn't have time to make any tracks. Now I decided to make one. Only problem is that I'm not good in creating extreme tracks, so I decided to take things from the built-in ones and use them to create a mixed track. There are some things that I CAN take out, but the most important ones I can't. For example, the bridge used in The Botanic Garden 1, or any other none-objects or instances. The MAKEITGOOD cheat can't move them and I can't find them in the "levels" folder. I appreciate any suggestions.
Good to be back, Peter
Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 22:14
If you want any models, all you have to do is ask.

Anyways, the bridge you want is in the garden1.w file. The only way to extract it is to use RV Glue, found in the rvtmod7 package. You're only other option is to find a new model from someone or somewhere. Later,
Posted: 27 Dec 2006, 23:34

Hil showed me how to rip a prm file
from the stock tracks. You have to use
tazsplit in a command file. And this means
you will use a track zone to cover the
part of the track you want as a prm file.
Get rvglue and read the docs.
Good luck.
Posted: 28 Dec 2006, 07:14
Not only the stock tracks - you can rip a .prm from ANY track using the TAZSPLIT option of RVGlue. Make sure you back up your .taz file of the track first.

Posted: 28 Dec 2006, 07:21
The only real problem of ripping out prm's is re-mapping them to an unused bitmap.
The RVtexmap tool can come in real handy there.
The basic limit is your own imagination.