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Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 23:49
Name : CTR Palm Marsh
Author : Killer Wheels & darksabre
Difficulty : Medium-Hard
Length : 448m
Size : 1.15 Mb
Download HERE Courtesy of RVZT
Posted: 08 Jul 2005, 02:22
Very Nice Track. I love it
Try to be the first to enter the cavern to see some special effects

Posted: 08 Jul 2005, 05:22
First things first, I really like this track, it has a well constructed enviroment (although some surfaces are missing). Very reminiss of BK's Yabba Dabba Doo (the Flinstones track)
The race flow is smooth yet tricky.
The colour scheme is a bit too bright for my taste (lol, me saying its too bright, thats a first)
Now, about this multi frame stuff ?
I assume we'er talking about the water section and the wave ripple effect, very nice. An explanation on how this was achieved would be welcomed news to all.
Try to be the first to enter the cavern to see some special effects
I assume this is a joke, as I can see nothing special
The track seems longer than the length displayed, maybe because I follow the path rather than the short cuts taken by the AI,
IMO 8.5/10
Nice work guys, keep it up.

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 12:55
I assume the FX we are talking about are the triggered Lanterns?
I do think that this is a subtle but well thought out effect.
As i said over at RV zone Tracks : This track is one of those tracks that prove that ReVolt will continue to be more like a painters canvas for us editors. It is like a full on 3d etch a sketch lol (silly line drawing toy that was pretty hard to draw anything on actually but good creative fun to figure out never the less).
With peeps like Killer Wheels and Darksabre who, like myself keep pushing at the RV engine and realy thinking about pushing the game to its fullest , are comming up with new ideas all the time.
Yes any info on your new findings would be realy helpfull lol
If you are into looking deeply into RV you may be able to scratch an itch i have, to do with the two ".COL" files in "Muse1" and " toylite". they seem to have some size to them and i would love to know why they would have a ".COL help file" in those track folders, if thats what they are.
Thanx for the track, it is a stunner.