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Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 22:04
Is my opinion of tracks and cars too critical or a welcomed read.

Posted: 05 Jul 2005, 23:13
defintely worth the read.
i mean, as long as you have the time to write it up, i guess a negative comment is still better than no comment.

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 00:05
I always enjoyed your IMO about tracks, cars or everythings
Poll not needed : We allow you post all you IMO you want !!!

Posted: 06 Jul 2005, 23:28
I agree, constructive comments, be they critical or praising, are a good thing! Keep it up Manmountain, too few people write comments as it stands.
Posted: 03 Aug 2005, 20:43
Yes, all I want to say here is you can feel free to attache comments to previews, but dont be too cruel!
