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Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 07:31
Hello, I'm trying to setup a car to allow it to have relatively slow acceleration, while still being able to crawl uphill. Since ReVolt doesn't have any control over gears or rpms or anything like that (that I'm aware of), I'm wondering if there are any other tricks out there to increase a car's ability to go uphill besides just giving it lots of EngineRatio in the tyres?
Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 09:21
Aeon @ Dec 12 2006, 03:01 AM wrote: Hello, I'm trying to setup a car to allow it to have relatively slow acceleration, while still being able to crawl uphill. Since ReVolt doesn't have any control over gears or rpms or anything like that (that I'm aware of), I'm wondering if there are any other tricks out there to increase a car's ability to go uphill besides just giving it lots of EngineRatio in the tyres?
On a similar car-editing note, I'm experiencing a weird problem that maybe someone else can help with. I've been fiddling with the car Inertia values, and when I set the Width value on some cars to certain values (generally between 400-1100) then the car starts shaking in the car selection screen. Shakes from front to back like a teeter-totter. Kinda weird. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone might know what causes that? Or just another bug?
Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 18:12
I usually have that problem when the wheels are semi-large. Maybe the inertia values got screwed up.
Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 03:26
Aeon @ Dec 12 2006, 03:01 AM wrote:Hello, I'm trying to setup a car to allow it to have relatively slow acceleration, while still being able to crawl uphill.
You don't say whether you are using an AWD, RWD or FWD car ?
Basically, increase the
Grip and
Kineticfriction values of the wheels.
Also to give a slower acceleration, reduce the
EngineRate value in the handling related stuff section.
If you want any hands on help, just ask.
Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 05:50
Cool, now I know how to modify the Acceleration.
I have my own problem with a car that's real heavy and often has a hard time going uphill without a good start.
But I don't want to make it lighter because its weight is the whole purpose.
Another question: How does one make inertia greater? It will help with the purpose.
PS The car is named Heavy Hitter, maybe you can get an idea about what it is out of that.
Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 11:02
I forgot to mention the thing about XWD. I don't reccomend RWD because I experience some difficulty going uphill with T-Bucket, a RWD vehicle. It is quite good in other situations, though.
And it's 4WD, not AWD, ManMountain.
Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 15:34
Listen Alex!
It's either 4WD or AWD
Four wheel drive or All wheel drive - the same thing. OK !
To understand inertia you need only to read an explanation from any souce on what inertia is.

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 22:53
I can't exactly explain what inertia is, but I think it is a force that is caused by speed. It is speed diminishing, therefore inertia diminished when one goes at a lesser or at no speed. It increases when one increases in speed.
I think I've got it.

Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 06:03
Inertia is an object's resistance to slowing down caused by opposing forces.
To increase inertia, decrease opposing forces (friction) and increase weight.
I had half got it without knowing it, that is why I increased the weight.
But I still wonder what the inertia section of the parameters is for...
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 06:16
Physics: The tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force.
Resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change.
But I still wonder what the inertia section of the parameters is for...
After enjoying the real life effects of the game you have to ask that ?
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 06:52
Manmountain @ Dec 14 2006, 06:46 PM wrote:Physics: The tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force.
Resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change.
The body does not ever want to remain at rest. It does tend to stay in motion, although it is regardless of whether the line is straight or not.
Inertia is not the tendancy to resist acceleration. That does not make any sense at all. Rather, it is the tendancy to resist decceleration. This decceleration is caused by an outside, opposing force known as friciton.
It is the resistance or disinclination to certain change, but certainly not to motion or action.
Where did you get that quote? I want to sue them for misinformation.

Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 06:58
You really know how to talk B*ll**K's.
Learn some basic physics before you embarace yourself even more.
Start here :
Inertia and Mass
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 07:06
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 09:49
Actually, it isn't 4WD or AWD. It's 4x4.

Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 10:55
Well the game says 4WD.

Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 16:42
Oh Gez
Inertia is a constant of a body,it's resistance to acceleration(POSITIVE or NEGATIVE)
I mean,a car with big inertia will have a pretty bad acceleration,and most probably bad braking,being then tough to handle,but it wouldnt lose so much speed on heavy attrition floors(like those hil loves to make) it should be able to maintain it's speed easier,which can be good or bad
But it's almost a rule,a car with big inertia isnt a good choice
4X4,AWD,4WD is the same,here in Brasil it's 4X4,in Australia it is AWD,while in the USA it's 4WD
Hope that clears the mind
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 20:09
Sorry, but if I understand well this topic, I would add 2 comments :
About inertia : this item is the property to stay allways on same speed,acceleration and trajectory (IMO)
Aeon question : I think his problem is about torque in low rpm not about inertia ?
If that is true, not is needed to fight about a false problem, even if it seems some of us like to fight about any subjects ...
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 21:11
Well, I do believe that objects are more likely to slow down than speed up in space, where there is the least friction. True or not true?
And inertia sorta does have something to do with going uphill because one can use inertia to get at least a part of the way up a slope.
@Pig: Are you saying that the Inertia section of the Parameters is useless?
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 21:20
APM @ Dec 15 2006, 04:41 PM wrote: And inertia sorta does have something to do with going uphill because one can use inertia to get at least a part of the way up a slope.
That's called Momentum, obtained after overcoming Inertia.
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 22:10
APM @ Dec 15 2006, 04:41 PM wrote: Well, I do believe that objects are more likely to slow down than speed up in space, where there is the least friction. True or not true?
Not true.
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 22:55
Well, then I'm not looking for Inertia at all!!!
How does one modify momentum?
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 23:00
AWD, 4WD, 4x4 - the game says whatever the English.txt file tells it to say! If you don't like it, go change it yourself!
Inertia, according to car stats mentioned in paramnotes.txt from RVA, says:
This helps determine the car's willingness to rotate or spin about the respective x, y, or z axis. Higher values = more inertia (less willing to rotate) and lower values = less inertia (more willing to rotate).
Quit abusing my thread before I start beating people with fish.
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 23:02
In momentum there are a few formulas
The area of Contact increases the momentum
The Total Force Increases the momentum
Also momentum is only acchieved after overcoming inertia
You may call inertia as a Force(it's not reallyyyy a force,but wtf)
Piga is almost totally correct,but staying on the same trajectory is not inertia,it's kinectic friction
Also everything,has the same tendency to slow down or to slow up,the same force you need to speed up a mile is the one that makes you slow down a mile
Inertia is soooo important dude,I mean,acceleration is based on that,The bigger your inertia,less acceleration you have,but you have a bigger tendency to stay on speed
For a nice example,see cougar and toyeca
Toyeca-Low inertia,high acc
Cougar-Huge Inertia,Bad Acc
While toyeca slows down after any turn,cougar manages to stay at the same speed
That is explained by inertia parameters
Inertia would affect going uphill,a higher inertia would maintain it's speed,while a lower would probably lose speed faster
Though a higher inertia is bad on Downhills
Well hope you understand it now =)
I'm trying my best
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 23:32
Which car stat(s) are you refering to? Toyeca and Cougar have identical "Inertia" stat values.
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 23:38
OK cool so all I have to do is try to fight the inertia and get good acceleration somehow. Because let me reveal my creation before in is battered in the smell of rotten fish...
Behold! Heavy Hitter! Well, you can't really see it yet, but I'm thinking about using Flamer's body. Right now, it's Ghengis Kar. But that's not the point. I really hate it when I get hit on the two-way street in the Hood. So I created Heavy Hitter. A very brilliant thing, can hit anybody out of the way without as much loss in speed. But now that I've increased the weight to produce inertia, I can't accelerate too well. I've been trying to fight it as much as possible, but it doesn't help much. I need to flatten out the weight-related handling problems, too.
Posted: 16 Dec 2006, 04:21
More acceleration is easy, just add more EngineRatio to the tyres. A car with 2.0 weight at a total of 100,000 ER will go just as fast as a car with 10.0 weight and 500,000 total ER.
Posted: 16 Dec 2006, 23:37
The car is 5 in weight value.
Posted: 20 Dec 2006, 12:07
I still can't find anything that'll let the car go uphill decently besides EngineRatio and Weight, which also increase acceleration. If I could find another value that would significantly effect acceleration, then I could increase the EngineRatio enough to let the car go uphill, then modify the other variable so that the acceleration would be decreased...
Posted: 20 Dec 2006, 15:08
Send me your car along with any specific details of max speed and handling and I will see if I can solve your problem.

Posted: 22 Dec 2006, 05:36
Actually I'm fiddling with about 40 right now, so its not quite that simple.

I'm just looking for tricks and might be able to apply to achieve the desired results.
At the moment, I'm also trying to figure out a good way to get cars to actually stop going faster once they've achieved their TopSpeed. If you reduce the Air Resistance to 0, then they go faster than they stop exactly at their top speed, unless they've got a certain amount of EngineRatio, then they go beyond it. Very inconsistant and annoying. I also found it weird that AxleFriction, when set to 0, will let cars with 0 Air Resistance stop once they hit their TopSpeed, but if they have positive amounts of AxleFriction, then they go faster than their TopSpeed... Weirdness. I'd have used that latter idea, except then the cars never stop unless you hit the brakes.

Posted: 22 Dec 2006, 06:20
I will dive into that idea.
Standing, not kneeling.
And of course it's the deep zone, not the shallow zone.
Anyways, I will commence to investigate.
Posted: 22 Dec 2006, 06:51
These cars are shock-resistant!
They also give some rest to your fingers.
Posted: 23 Dec 2006, 11:44
I was looking for a way to apply my newly collected real-life weight destribution stat to my Re-Volt real-life cars, and finally figured out that the CoM stat would work very well for this. But after fiddling with it, I realized that the CoM moves the car off its own shadow... Gryah! Why do they do this to me? So yeah, either I learn to play without shadows, or I find another way to have a car's weight destribution effect its stats. I've been using wheel friction values for this, but it seems if the car's front wheels have any more grip than the rear wheels, they're prone to oversteering constantly. It gets pretty annoying. So I'm still fiddling with ideas - I'd like the RWD cars to be able to drift if they want, but not so uncontrollably...
Posted: 23 Dec 2006, 11:52

That relates how?
Other than the fact that you're the person who started this topic?
*switches perspective on comment and takes it for what it is*
I did not really understand exactly what you said, but that's cool.
*sits confused*