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Posted: 10 Dec 2006, 02:19
I saw a download that said it replaced the original ReVolt cars with a bunch of Toyeca repaints. The download was an executable, though, so I didn't download it because I've had some bad experiences with ReVolt executable's recently... (my ReVolt version is currently so screwed up that I'm going to reinstall shortly.)
So anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knew exactly what was required to tell ReVolt to use your car instead of the default cars. It it the name? The folder? Or what? I can do some fiddling on my own, but it would be nice if someone already knew how to do this and could just tell me.

Posted: 10 Dec 2006, 05:54
GeneRally" ?
What's that ?

Posted: 10 Dec 2006, 06:23
Manmountain @ Dec 10 2006, 01:24 AM wrote: "
GeneRally" ?
What's that ?
Sorry, wrong game name.
Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 05:53
Simple. If you replace any of the files in a car folder, (say, the parameters file), it listens to that rather than the old one. So to replace a default car, just copy all the files from one car folder to another and do the nescessary parameter changes.
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 23:01
Iron Bob
Just a bit of info for anyone interested in this. Replacing the original cars is what I've been working on for the last few months. That is why you haven't seen any new cars from me lately. I've managed to recatagorize the selection screen so the cars are listed as micro, offroad, monster, sedan and GTP. I've also replaced four of the original cars with new custom cars including box art and custom drop shadows. I have five more in the works. I may be sending out a prerelease soon, depending on how my free time for it works out.
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 23:04
Ooh, ooh, I was just going to ask - how do you replace the box art and such? And what's that about shadows?
Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 23:10
Iron Bob
He he he
Ok, the box art is located in the levels/frontend folder. And can be edited with any paint program. The drop shadows are the ground shadows added to the original cars as you drive them through a level. They can be found in the gfx folder.

Posted: 16 Dec 2006, 04:28
Gah, another frustrating discovery. I hate it when programmers do this: Reuse the same material in completely different ways, so that anyone modifying the original ends up modifying both things inadvertantly. In this case, Sprinter XL, Rotor and Panga all use the same shadow, only it gets stretched out in the case of the later two. So if you have three regular sized cars, the first one has a shadow that looks fine, while the second two have massive shadows that don't match the car at all... Frustrating!