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Posted: 26 Nov 2006, 23:37
Hi all.
I need to ask an important question. I now have the Max2Trax web site under construction.
I have also created a forum that will be linked from my site. I need to ask you all if it is ok for a Max2Trax dedicated forum will be ok as I do not wish to detract from the forums we already have?
As I have said it is a Max2trax And texture forum with a breathing topic to let off any steam but it is not for "track promotion, car promotion or any other Re-Volt related stuff other than Creation Of Extreme tracks".
I will leave it with you guys for a few days before a carry on any further.
Thanks all. Site may pratt about a bit for a while as i am often playing with it lol
Posted: 27 Nov 2006, 00:11
I have been anxiously waiting for your Max2Trax tutorial for quite a while, Skitch. I think a dedicated forum is a great choice because the forum won't get cluttered up with a lot of non-M2T posts. We would know exactly where to go to ask our M2T questions.
Posted: 27 Nov 2006, 22:25
Lots ov page views but one post. so I shall take the silence as an ok to go with it guys so ill get it all fixed up over the week.
Any probs just mail me.
Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 01:00
hey skitch,
if you ask me, green light.

sorry 4 short comments, i have roughly an hour per week online.
ring when the site is ready to check.
Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 01:38
Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 03:47
I would certainly agree that this site is a definate must have.
But I will not be joining as I do not do, or have any 3D modeling skills.

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 05:52
All right!!!! I have just been to and registered on your new site, Skitch. This is a great thing for all of us who would like to try using Max to create a map for Re-Volt. I am very anxious to follow your tutorial to learn some basic modeling and texturing. Good luck-you will be peppered with lots of questions from me, I'm sure. PatS
Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 06:14
I forgot to add that I remember Racerspoint very well - I used to check in every day to see if anything new had been discovered because that was when the game was being broken down by the great Ali, Spaceman, Partzman, Gibbler, just to name a few. Cadster, triple666's, Morph, Ekla, Ice, Zagadka (sp), Nairb, Scloink--the list of old-timers goes on and on. That was a super forum, when the game was fresh and exciting!! I think it can still be alive with sites like this one - how to sites that can really help newbies and experienced track makers alike.
Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 12:47
MM!! get yer rear over there and join it or ill come up country and give it a kick till ya do!!!!
I need you for the AI side of things!
The forum will be a complete MAX2TRAX as the name states and where would a good extreme track be withought AI??? welll????? yea thought so.
Get over there or ill sulk!!!!
Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 21:57
I'm on to it,I am anxious to learn how to use 3dmax,I know a small bit of it now but guess not enough to make a great track as the masters