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Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 07:40
I noticed the Car Kit with the rear spoiler, front spoiler and ram scoop by The Me and Me (I think) was floating around, and I was wondering if there are any other car kits out there that have alternative bits to apply to car models? I think its a great idea, whatever the case.
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 11:56
See this post. ... wtopic=158
No one that downloaded the 3ds files ended up posting them on a website so others could use them too.
I no longer have web site access so I cannot post them.
How ever I still have the 3ds files.
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 12:24
:-/ Well, 3ds files don't do me much good since I don't have or use 3dsmax. I was just hoping for some nice .prm files that are ready to go since I really don't have a grasp on all this converting formats stuff yet.
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 12:27
I had them available so others could make them into prm files so as to be used by more RV users.
But no one made any prms of them available.
You don't need 3ds max.
Zmodeler 1.07 is FREE that can be used.
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 16:52
Aeon @ Nov 17 2006, 02:54 PM wrote: :-/ Well, 3ds files don't do me much good since I don't have or use 3dsmax. I was just hoping for some nice .prm files that are ready to go since I really don't have a grasp on all this converting formats stuff yet.
Well according to this post you know how to use blender. ... wtopic=458
Blender can be used.
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 18:36
I actually had the original spoilers in prm format in their original red, yellow, blue default colours.
I also packaged them together with TM&M's Racekit, you can down load them :
I also used them in my G.T.P pack, which you can download :
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 19:28
Manmountain do you want to host the original 3ds files as a download on your web site?
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 20:04
For sure.
If you want me to help host any of your tutorials also, just say.

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 22:42
I'm agreeing with The Me and Me's post on the other thread. They would be better if they were mapped to a single pixel on the BMP. I just finished customizing two cars, one of which was green, and the other dark blue. None of the blue/yellow/red spoilers would look good on them.

But if they were mapped to a single pixel, they'd fit in quite well.
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 23:02
OK, grab the original 3ds format spoilers :
If you can import them into your 3D program, please use them and show your results here.

Posted: 18 Nov 2006, 07:39
I would if I could figure out how to get the models from Blender/3ds format to PRM format... I can't seem to figure out how to make the blender-to-ASE script, and I can't find any way to successfully convert 3ds files into PRM files (with textures intact)...
Posted: 18 Nov 2006, 07:49
OK, to help us help you, what is it you can do ?
What version of Blender are you using ?
What format can you export to ?
Have you used the ASE2PRM tool from the ?
Do you get any error messages ? if so what do they say ?
Posted: 18 Nov 2006, 11:23
I'm using the latest version of Blender, just downloaded it today. It can export to .3ds files easily. I downloaded the scripts to import/export .ase files, but I can't get either of them to work, and I'm not sure if they're compatable with the latest version, or if its just me not knowing what to do with them.
I haven't used ase2prm, since as of yet, I've never encountered an .ase file.
I tried Lithium Unwrapper, and can import .prm files, but can only export them as .3ds files. I also tried Zmodeler, but aside from the weird naming issues with the 0 thing, when I imported my .prm, then exported it again, the textures were all messed up in-game. And I'm not interested in dishing out $50 for Ultimate Unwrapper.
Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 00:43
Wow, either this game is deader than I thought it was, or I'm posting on the wrong forum!
Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 05:30
Lets hope that your just in the wrong forum lol

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 18:55
It's almost like somebody's on vacation or something.
A game doesn't get real prosperous in February and die 6 months later.