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Posted: 16 Nov 2006, 01:40

I was around house for a while...And Surprisingly there hasnt been any good racer coming out lately

The Good are the usual Arto,Sjampo,Speedy e co. from Old generation(hil e co. included)

The Other Force are the now also kinda old NRL staff,Irck,Me,Mat,Maybe Harry Plotter

I cant stop myself from thinking what has happened?

I was from a time with irck boy,RBSMR and harry plotter all together,And believe me we werent so over played,but somehow we managed to get to the higher rank

The cups are the biggest proof of that,there's a 1st division and a 2nd division,ALWAYS

What has happened to the infinite source of good players?We are missing someone new to kick our asses

I blame that lack of new skill in re-volt to the habit of just playing Stocks,No offense to who likes stocks,but They arent half as training and hard as the customs we have.

There are lots of good players in those 16 tracks,AND ONLY in them,it's quite a shame,because since they dont want to try something new,or are to lazy to download stuff,they get racing only the same stocks and stocks

What happens?Simple,They get Stagnated,They stop improving,and when they move to customs they get bottom beated(as we all did some day) and simply lose the will to race the over 1000 tracks we have,and only racing 16 tracks gets boring one they simply leave us,never to come back

Is there some manuever we can apply to reverse this process?

I would really like some other players oppinions and suggestions of how we can proceed

I dont even know the groups,but I can guess the first 5 in RVL cup

Ayl Irck Ajalkane Sjampo Speedy3000(if he races)[In any order]

Cheers,Hope for a New Racing Legend =)

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 23:07
Dont be afraid to reply ;)

Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 23:33
hey ayl,
this is how world goes, nothing special, racers come racers go, as everybody has ages in his lifetime shorter or longer terms. nobody can spend years online in the same place on the same server except some madly crazy, badly insane and totally dependent addict like a few player in da house :)).

Posted: 18 Nov 2006, 13:57
Doods! Like me they are all probably too intimidated by the good racers like yourselves.

I love to race RV and often do , but to get so hammered in an online game, on a track i know every little bump and turn too tends to piddle me off some lol.

So ill stick to making emm and ill leave the racing to you guys hehe.

The other reason i dont race on line, stems from the old toyeca debate! I HATE TOYECA!!!! I race with Magma from the race debate pack and that is slower than toyeca but handles better for me, but when everyone in the oline game tells me we will only alow toyeca, i just pop off and leave emm to it.

Click HERE for The Race Debate Car Pack by Antimorph.

Posted: 18 Nov 2006, 14:06
In all honesty I do think that it is down to Tracks. If there were more quality extreme tracks comming out all the time like there used to be, interest would soon pick up for the racers.
I will start to put more time into making them now winter is here. I can usually make a track in 6 days ( Zero Degrees 2 nine days so far ) so ill produce a few over the comming months. I just hope the race line and flow are to your liking.

Zero2 will be out more quickly than intended. I gave it a dec 5th deadline but i am looking at more this week as all the max work is done and I am RV editing it now.

Posted: 18 Nov 2006, 19:41
I hate Toyeca-only races.

Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 01:16
I would love to race online but the major problems are:

1) Car Restrictions - I absolutely HATE the Toyeca! It has horrid handling for me. I actually prefer the rookies because everyone can race well with them, and you don't have to do as much practice as the Toyecas. If you think the rookies are too slow, and the pros are too fast, there are 3 levels in between. Not to mention, you can't race your favourite custom car unless everyone has it downloaded.

2) Custom Tracks

A. Not enough good ones coming out anymore - We seem to be in a drought for mind blowing tracks like Playa, Rooftops, Venice, Quake!, PetroVolt, MetroVolt, etc.

B. Too many tracks - Odds of having the same track as someone else so you can race on them is declining. You might never find someone who likes to race your favourite course unless it's one of the big ones like I already mentioned.

3) Skill - There are 3 types of players in the online community: The pros :D, the joes :), and the newbs :(. We can only beat people who are below our class or in the same one as us. Surprisingly, there are so many more pros and joes than newbs, that we feel out matched and sometimes leave.

4) Battle Tag - This one may be the only one that doesn't apply, but for me it does. I love Battle Tag, but I only get to play it on the 64. And since I'm the only one of my friends who owns it for PC or console, I smoke them so bad, they don't want to play anymore.

5) RV House - Countless times I find myself making friends with tumble weeds in the Lobby after we start the game.<.< Out of at least 40 tries to race, only about 5 have been successful, and out of that, only 1 has had more than 2 racers in which all of them show up.

Most of those things are what keep new racers from joining the fun or staying in. Heck now that I mention it, RV is starting to seem like a dying community, on life support by the vets and pros...

Posted: 08 Sep 2007, 17:58
Quite true.
We need to have custom car pack races or something.
You can make sure that the cars are equal power, but it does not have to be Toyeca.

Still I have fun, unlike some people here.
I'm starting to get used to the Toyeca. :P

But repetition can get quite stale. :banghead: