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Posted: 14 Nov 2006, 04:48
Im making a track kit.
So far it is harder then making a track.
Some helpful info would be appreciated.
Like what you would like to have in the kit.
I will release a bata ver. soon and you can see
what it is missing. Or what you think would be
I want to help pepo with there track making.
Like Jim K. but I want my kit to be good to.
So let me know what you want in a kit. OK

Posted: 14 Nov 2006, 14:26
What kind of kit is it?
will it be parts and extras for track makers or will it be able to make tracks for people who don't know how?
Posted: 14 Nov 2006, 22:49
Nice to see that you will be making a kit Ricky. I know how challenging it is to do having made one my self.
I would go with a kit that you would want to race on yourself. Like for me when i make tracks i make them for me realy , it is just a bonus that others like and race them.
Keep me posted on how it goes and if ya need anything just yell in here and ill do all i can.
You can tell its winter, I am back in max lol.
All the best to you dood and keep the RV stuff comming.
Posted: 15 Nov 2006, 05:26
Hi Skitch.
I was happy to here your going to give us a new track.
I have some prms I like. Good advice make what you like.
Thats what im doing more or less.
To the other re-volter it will be prm files and you will have
to make a track out of it. I dont know how to make a track maker.
Just track parts so get to know makeitgood ok.
I would love to see your kit Skitch where can I get it?
I need help if you have time. Most with maps I dont do
photoshop and have to get maps were ever I can.
If you want to see what I have send a mail.
Manmountain said he could not send me a mail
he said he was blocked but I did not block him.
My mail is
It should work if not please let me know so I can
talk to the guy at ise tv.
So if you cant e-mail me let me know here.
And we will go from here.
Posted: 15 Nov 2006, 05:36
I forgot to say I love your tracks and your style.
Keep making tracks you like thats good!
My master!
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 06:02
Some body works on a similar project on RVTT ...
New bricks for lego tracks ...
Topic on RVTT forum
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 23:40
hey masters,
whats a kit all about?
whats included in a kit exactly?
thanks nice pepo.
Posted: 18 Nov 2006, 04:53
Hi Human
A kit is a set of prm files that should fit to each other
to make a track you can race on.
I have a little kit I could send to you if you would
like to see what I have so far?
Let me know and I will send it to you.
Talk to me buddy.

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 12:02
Any screenshots of the kind of content the kit will include?
Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 21:07
Hiya, Rick. I for one am extremely anxious to work with your new kit. I have always had an absolute blast with the kits that JimK, Supertard and Spaceman have provided for the community. Getting a new track kit to work with is like playing Re-Volt again for the first time. I think that some of the newcomers to Re-Volt don't know how to use a kit to build extreme tracks--your kit could generate interest which would result in a LOT of extreme tracks being built. That would be great!!
Any chance of a preview of your kit?
Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 22:38
The creator of Domestic Disturbance and Attrition is back!!
Dude we Demand another track from your person,as hard as your other versions
Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 23:44
Hi Pat how ya doing?
So far all I have is track pieces and a
big plain to put them on.
I have only used 2 of the 8 maps so
there is lots of room for more prms.
The track pieces are a copy of the bored n space track.
I have made lots of dif. parts so far and a track that
I slapped together with no glue.
I dont know what to make I might make diff. themes.
Like one set of prms for a winter track. And another for
summer and so on.
What do you think? HELP!!!!
new e-mail

Posted: 26 Nov 2006, 05:37
I want you to tell me what you seek.
In a kit. Afraid to talk to me you are.
Your not afraid? You will be you will be.
Look im master yoda.
Come on what do you want? Houses
power poles tricycles?
U pepo need to give some feedback.
Some help!
I would use the force but im saving it
for something inportant.
Help me make this good please.
Use the force to see in to the future
so we can make something you will like.

Posted: 26 Nov 2006, 09:30
Hiya, Rick, I think the .prms from Bored-N-Space will make great kit pieces. You have elevation changes and smooth turns. I personally would like to see some small detail pieces like a mailbox and a telephone pole. I have played around a bit in Max and have been able to make and export a driveable surface, but I have trouble trying to texture it. Maybe you could guide me through the texturing process. Anyhow, good luck and let me know if I can help with advice or beta testing. PAT
Posted: 26 Nov 2006, 20:00

Pat send a e-mail and I will try to help you with
max or what ever you need.
My new mail is up 2 or 3 comments.
Mapping and sub mapping are easy
but time consuming.
Talk to soon.
Posted: 27 Nov 2006, 14:26
I want to see tricycles...
Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 04:48

We can make a tricycle Alex.
If thats what you want.
What you drinking?
Looks good.
Make some more cool things to drive.
We like them lots.
When you gona finish that track?
So meny questions so little time.
Talk 2 U
Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 20:06
You can now DL the KW's Lego Pack
Module description
Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 22:57
What we need to go along with these kits is a
tutorial about how to arrange .prms in Instance mode.
With years of practice I have become fast at aligning
.prms, but when I have tried to write directions on how
to do this I have found it is a difficult job to put into
words what I can do without thinking. Cloning .prms,
using World and Camara modes, the XYZ axis and
the Numpad keys are all things people need to learn,
along with hints and tips about aligning prms. Also
how to use rvGlue to create tracks with various kits.
I might try to write a tutorial about this, but this seems
to drift into the realm of WORK. So, does anybody
want to take a crack at this?
Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 06:07

Hil my bud.
I think if you dont know how
to use the editor you need to
read the key file and do some
work with it. I can not explane
the keys better then the author
did. And I know you are the best
with glue and the editor. And that
comes from work.
Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 06:21
I got cut off.
If you want to make tracks
you have to work work work
no other way will you learn
to be a master then work and
discipline. Hil has worked lots
like me we are the best track makers
yet as a team.
We rock and will not be kicked by asses.
So rock on my brother.
And the force is with you.
Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 05:33
Hi RTT-Pigasque
I just D.L. the new lego parts.
I will check it out and see what it
is like.
Thanks for the tip.
Im sure you are much better
looking then your picture here.
Talk to you.

Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 18:47
rickyd @ Nov 30 2006, 01:03 AM wrote:Im sure you are much better
looking then your picture here.
Sorry, nobody is perfect ...
(But I eard perfection exist in a special locked forum ...?)
Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 19:35
are the new lego parts used in the track editor in re-volt or are they prm's to make an extreme track?

Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 20:11
hey rickyd, the makeitgood command key tables must be
used by new trackmakers, but they do not explain how to
arrange prms, just what keyboard keys do what. There are
many things, little details and tricks, I have learned over the
years but find hard to put into words. A tutorial about this
must have pictures.
Posted: 01 Dec 2006, 04:41
HAY all.
I D.L. the new lego tracks parts.
There not part of the lego editor.

Thay are a kit like im trying to make. And I
Think its worth the D.L. thay are track parts
that look like lego track parts. Pretty cool.
It comes with a track made with the parts
thats cool. I would say if you are a track maker
you will want this kit. Good work.
I have to say my little kit is coming along well.
And it would be awsome if Hil could make a
tutorial on his track making tips and tricks.
I think we need it.
Master hil if you would like to see the bata
track kit or what I have so far just say so.
I need someone to play with it.
And see if it works for them. 
Posted: 01 Dec 2006, 08:20
how many track kits have been made in all and where can i download them?
Posted: 02 Dec 2006, 01:36
Killer Wheels
Hi, and thank you Pigasque
Here is just to say that to use the new lego prms you'll need to use a little the makeitgood edit mode and a few RVGlue basical functions. This is not very difficult, but I don't have time to send a tutorial, so simply ask if you have a problem with using this pack, I'll try to answer you
Thanks again
Posted: 03 Dec 2006, 05:07
war_hamster @ Dec 1 2006, 03:50 AM wrote: how many track kits have been made in all and where can i download them?
how many track kits have been made in all and where can i download them?
I can think of at least nine kits, or collection of .prms that have been released to the Re-Volt community by their respective authors:
JimK - offroad kit Supertard - skatekit
warehouse kit Ye Olde Funshoppe .prms
neighborhood kit
house kit Spaceman - Botanical Garden2 .prms
Re-Ville .prms
SR Malloy - prm bend or trackmk
Where to find them? Do a little digging at RVArchive, Re-Volt Motorsports, RV Extreme and Spaceman's own Re-Ville website. You should come up with most of the kits easily.
Now that you have 'em, what to do with them? That is the question!! You will probably be able to lay down some .prms and drive around on your new creation, but getting the AI cars to follow your desired route is the hard part. You have now entered the realm of extreme editing. Be prepared to waste a lot of time and effort building your own custom level. Good luck!!!

Posted: 19 Jan 2007, 06:22
Ok it is out.
Any parts you think you need explane here.
And I will try to make them.
Somone make a track.
Posted: 19 Jan 2007, 06:59
Download it from
From the Kit's and PRM's page on my site
Posted: 20 Jan 2007, 05:15
Thanks Manmountain!
There are some prms that were
not in the zip.
Only 1 or 2 but I mite make more.
So there mite be some more prms to come.
More then likley.
I will be wating to see what will be made
with this.
Im kinda excited.
Talk 2 U

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 07:04
hilaire9 @ Nov 28 2006, 06:27 PM wrote: What we need to go along with these kits is a
tutorial about how to arrange .prms in Instance mode.
With years of practice I have become fast at aligning
.prms, but when I have tried to write directions on how
to do this I have found it is a difficult job to put into
words what I can do without thinking. Cloning .prms,
using World and Camara modes, the XYZ axis and
the Numpad keys are all things people need to learn,
along with hints and tips about aligning prms. Also
how to use rvGlue to create tracks with various kits.
I might try to write a tutorial about this, but this seems
to drift into the realm of WORK. So, does anybody
want to take a crack at this?
Hey why don't you make videos explaining it and put them on you tube. What with your rock-star good looks that would make for some great watchin'. Shirly you have a friend with a video camera and some editing skills.
Posted: 23 Jun 2007, 05:31
speaking of this kit, i made a track with it. I feel its a pretty good example of how this kit can be used.