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Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 23:48
First off hi.
I have re-volt for the psone and now I found out that it is free I can make my own cars.
What better to start with then my own Tamiya TT-01 Chassis.
But I have a problem,
why is it black?

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 00:11
Hi and Welcome to Our Revolt Pub,
I assume you are creating your model in a 3D program, which one ?
I have seen this kind of problem before with Zmodel models, and it's usually something to do with bitmap selection.
I don't know 3D stuff, but if you look at some of the other topics you may come across the answer.
Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 00:15
I use Zmod2 and convert down to Zmod1.
Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 09:50
The Zmod 1 prm exporter does turn models black when exported.
That is normal and easy to fix.
You need to use the program rvshade to get the colour correct.
Rvshade comes in the rvminis package.
Read the tutorial at the link below for further info on using rvshade. ... nvert.html
Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 23:05
I can't seem to get rid of the black, so i'm gonna make the whole car first then get it in.
and now more questions.
Is there a poly limit?
And how are springs used in game?
not to sure to use a real spring or a texture:

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 04:17
For a good example of how to use and implement springs check out one of Iron Bob's 4x4 cars :
He creates his own wheels, axel's, pin's and spring's. And puts them to good use.
A real spring with the correct parameter values really looks good.
As to poly limits, yes there is a limit or restriction.
I have seen cars with poly counts upto 8000 but they can really slow down game play and FPS rate.
I would say it's best to have an total upper limit of 4000, this would include 1500-2500 for the car body and the rest shared between the other parts used.
The lower your total the faster the game play will be.
The stock cars have poly counts between 200-400, this keeps game play fast and furious.

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 04:23
just one of the springs on the truck is around 5500 polys. and to me thats low.

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 04:43
Revolt_King created a few cars :
HERE and these were quite high in poly counts.
Also Hotshot's :
HERE, the H3 Dub is really high.
I suggest you try and race all these cars at once and see if you get any slow down of your system or FPS rate.
A combination of a high poly track with lots of surface particles and moving objects and sparkgens combined with 8-12 high poly cars can slow my system down to less than 10 FPS.