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Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 00:11
I wan´t to start modeling cars and tracks which programs should you recomend? (for both cars and tracks) I want to have all necesary programs, for example: 3d program for both tracks and cars(maybe the same) and other programs that you really need so i don´t have to ask again becouse I missed some.
Please tell me!

Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 02:25
A good idea would be 3DS Max as your modeling program. You'd also need the RVTMOD7 pack to convert everything to ReVolt.
Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 11:54
does that work for both cars and tracks? and are there are NO other programs you need?
Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 12:11
Can you tell me some painting program?

I don´t really know which i should use! I think i just got paint.

Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 12:19
Rvminis and Chaos rv tools come in handy at times too.
Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 20:56
And they are ... programs??
Whatever can somebody make a list! and i want ALL programs that i should download please i really want to!!

Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 21:50
There is also wscale for tracks and you will need hulscale to adjust your car's .hul.
You might also like to dld trackmk - this takes the top of the editor bridge tile and allows you to twist, stretch, shrink and turn it to almost any shape - this prog is by srmalloy (as are the 2 above) and his demonstration track of this is 'Synthesis'.
For textures, I use Pstudio, which is a fairly basic prog - I would suggest, however, looking for GIMP, which is free, and is claimed to be as powerful as any professional graphics prog.
Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 00:00
WRIGHT A LIST!!!!! Can enybody do that????
Please tell me ALL programs that i might need in THE SAME list.
(please if you can, you can make a list whith links that would make it a lot easier)
If you wonder why i´m like that it´s becouse i don´t know where to download stuff and if you make alist then I don´t have to think as much about what and where to download.

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 03:01
Car and Track modeling : 3DS Max
Car and Track texturing : Microsoft Paint (Paint)
Car and Track converting: RVTMOD7
Car and Track testing : Re-Volt
Is that enough for you? How many people have to explain it? Later,
Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 03:19
Also, learn to use the Revolt MAKEITGOOD edit modes.
rvGlue program found in RVTMOD7.
A graphics program like Paint Shop Pro.
Anyone know of a good free graphics program?
Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 11:48
THANK YOU! that was much easier to understand!
However, now you will get a new modeler whith some reeaally cool ideas!

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 17:17
ReVolt_asker @ Nov 8 2006, 07:18 AM wrote:However, now you will get a new modeler whith some reeaally cool ideas!

As they say, 'The proof is in the pudding'
Ideas are not lacking in the community, but actual developments are.
I eagerly await your first creation.

Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 21:06
hilaire9 @ Nov 7 2006, 10:49 PM wrote: Anyone know of a good free graphics program?
Good is a matter of a heated opinion regarding this program, but it's often cited as a free alternative to photoshop: