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Posted: 24 Jun 2005, 10:52
Okay using any of the free programs below you can create content for re-volt.
Gmax v1.2
Zmodeller v1.7
LithUnwrap v1.3
Blender 3D
Click on the names below to download the files.
Blender 3D
If using Gmax to model you need LithUnwrap as well as Zmodeller v1.7
As you export your file as a quake 3 md3 file which you import into LithUnwrap and export as a .3ds file.
You import this .3ds file into Zmodeller and export as a .prm file for re-volt.
Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 11:52
Hey BurnRubr,
Is there a special trick to getting Zmodeler to export prm's? I keep getting level of detail errors and the resulting prm's are invisible. I'm getting continually frustrated with Zmod. I'm considering getting UltimateUnwrap 3D to avoid using Zmod. Is UltimateUnwrap 3D easier to use?
Posted: 28 Jun 2005, 12:40
When exporting with Zmodeller you MUST add a zero at the end of the car name.
So is your model is called mycar you need to rename it to mycar0 before exporting with Zmodeller.
UltimateUnwrap 3D is much easier to make re-volt prm files with.
I only use UltimateUnwrap 3D to make my re-volt prm files.
They work all the time.
Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 14:35
Hi Spiderdragan
Have a look at the NFS conversion Tut on RVA if you follow it through you will get to the export from zmod part and that will explain how to do it. Mail me if you get stuck and I will have a look at the files etc.
piN -
Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 10:02
I'm a bit new here and I'd like to know if you can download Zmodeler (or any other program that lets you create Re-Volt cars) for free. I almost never pay anything for online stuff.

Just help the new guy, please.
Posted: 01 Apr 2006, 17:44
Yes you can, ZModeler is a free program.
A little google search would have told you that faster than I could reply

Have fun editing and hope to see some of your work down the line!
Posted: 02 Apr 2006, 10:33
making stuff in zmodeler can take some time. It tends to be a bit hard.
The best versions of zmodeler are 1.05 and 1.07 as these are the most stable. zmodeler 2 is not compatible with Revolt, wouldnt waste my time downloading it (unless i had a newer game)
I made a tutorial a while back on zmodeler (teaches a few operations to help make a car) as for mapping, there's no pics to help you in it...but that's indeed the hardest part about zmodeler...(there are 2 forms of modeling in zmodeler too, revolution and spline) spline modeling is for use with a 3 or 4 view drawing of a car or object...makes it more accurately....but for the beginner i reccomend revolution modeling (like my tutorial)........there are better tuts out there tho
Posted: 06 Apr 2006, 05:34
Actually, I did try Google. I use it all the time. I'll try again. The thing is, maybe I don't remember because I don't like signing up for stuff you have to pay for. Thanks anyway.
P.S. Try the Google toolbar!
Posted: 04 May 2006, 07:25
Can I up load a re-volt car into the Zmodeler program to change it???
If so, tell me how.
Posted: 04 May 2006, 17:38
Choose Import feature but not open folder

Posted: 05 May 2006, 22:41
How do you make a car on Blender? I downloaded it yesterday, unknowing that you could make cars with it. I then thought that you probably couldn't so I searched around for Zmodeler, which didn't work on my Win98 laptop. I've just read this and luckily I still have Blender installed. Any help, tutorial e.t.c. would be much appreciated.
Posted: 06 May 2006, 01:51
You can also use Milkshape 3D to make content and cars and there is some great biginner tuts availble to get you started, I was able to produce a car in a week or so using it and the tuts. you can get it here
MILKSHAPE the site to look at for tuts is
HERE and afetr you have had a look over the bigginer stuff try and make the audi TT as in the tut (look on the tut page of the psionic site). When you get to that stage I can do a tut to get it to Revolt if people are intrested.
Good luck and I am happy to help if I can.
Posted: 13 May 2006, 04:14
when I export a car from Zmodeler, it bacomes transparent, so I do I make it non-transparent?

Posted: 13 May 2006, 10:53
When the body is semi transparent - glass looking.
Check your material/texture setting in Zmod.
To make sure it is applied to your model.
Press E on keyboard.
Make sure you tick primary texture and select the bmp you want to use and press
apply changes and ok.
Posted: 13 May 2006, 13:28
Hi War_Hamster,
BR is right, you have export the prm in a set way or it will be transparrent as you are getting.
What I do is follow the tutural on RVA on how to convert NFS cars to revolt, you just need to skip to the export part. Have a look
HERE and follow it to the letter and you will end up with a black car in game then follow the shading part of the tut to get it to look correct.
Josh - piN
Posted: 18 May 2006, 05:58
Hey, just wondering if anyone out there that knew how to make tracks from scratch using a 3-D editor like 3DS Max or whatever, if they'd like to teach me how to import the tracks, I can set up my own "MAKEITGOOD" options, I'd just like some help getting 3DS Max and everything set up. Thanks,
Posted: 18 May 2006, 06:31
Hello and welcome to Our Revolt Pub,
It's always great to hear of some new talent getting straight in to 3D modeling.
There might be one or two people who could help you, but if you keep an eye on the
Max2Trax thread, you will certainly benifit from the project there.
Posted: 18 May 2006, 07:09
I have made many 3-D games where I have done the models myself, I just need to know how to set up a program to make the tracks. I have been looking through most of the forum topics and like what I see. I have learned a lot of new stuff already and hope to get some of my tracks that I have sketched made soon. I don't really like to go through forums though, there is so much crap mixed in, that's why I am just asking straight out. Thanks anyways,
Posted: 18 May 2006, 14:39
hey zagames,
if you are familiar with 3ds max you can make tracks by modeling in max and converting the files for revolt. to do this you will need a small converter called rvtmod7, you can dload it from here:
this prog works through the dos prompt, it can be difficult at the first look to use it, you can find documentation for it here:
be prepared, its not easy (at least for me it was hard) but if you can come over the first difficulties it works fine and gives you freedom to realize your own ideas. on the documentation webpage there is a link to rvglue modul, but if you use max you dont need it, just skip it. what you really need are the ase converter tools, read the pages carefully. if you have questions i might be able to help.
good luck,
Posted: 19 May 2006, 02:50
Thanks human, that really helps a lot. If anything happens I'l be sure to let you know.

Thanks again,
Posted: 23 May 2006, 03:37
Posted: 28 May 2006, 01:55
I have a doubt. How to open p3d files?
Posted: 28 May 2006, 06:13
hello caveman,
p3d is a part of the genome polyprotein.
take a look here:
or its a tool for exploring nonlinear dinamics of 3d plasma systems:
i hope you understand, if not, dont hasitate to ask, lol.
well, it can be a lot of other things aswell, like: ... rch=Search
also used for plottering 3d graphics
and so on....
sorry for joking, i hope you can manage it

buena suerte
Posted: 28 May 2006, 15:10
I see lots of things here, but, where are a simply program to open?
See ya!
Posted: 29 May 2006, 04:54
hey adx,
i was kidding. i have made a search on the web and got many kind of results, i know i didnt help you. i dont know what exactly that file-type is, the circumstances must help in which you have met with the file. anyway, the documentations generated by doxygen looks fine, however i couldn understand a word

, but it looks like to be pretty and helpful (to the choosen ones who knows that language

man who says hmm
Posted: 29 May 2006, 16:49
Oh well

The p3d files are in the revolt source and seems to be "builded" 3d objects.