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Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 21:56
toy soldier and X-mouse

Posted: 05 Nov 2006, 14:28
I dont know. Ask from Manmountain

Posted: 05 Nov 2006, 15:36
I never made a car myself, but i think you need to use Zmodeler2, its free. I'm not sure where you can download it from. Also this may be used to create objects for your track(instances) and use it with MAKEITGOOD cheat. I don't know anything else about it.

Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 02:56
You can use 3DS Max. Just model the car, is should probably be about 75 basic units wide. Then use ase2prm to convert the car, and place it in the params. Tires work the same way, but smaller. Later,
Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 18:38
How about starting out by doing car conversions.
As that is how some of us started making things for ReVolt.
There are plenty of tutorials around for converting from different games to revolt.
Start out from converting cars from NFS4 to revolt.