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Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 15:29

I don´t know if enybody thought of this before, but how good idea is it to make weapons for RV

seems cool but i don´t know if somebody already thought about it and I reeealy can´t do such a thing my self, so that up to somebody else. Just thought it was a cool idea!

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 17:47
What exactly do you mean by weapons ?
ReVolt already comes with an array of weapons/missiles/pickups and these are defined by the game engine and as yet can not be modified or changed.
The graphics and the models for the weapons is something that can be altered, and Gel created a scud missile model as a replacement for the rockets, very funny.
You need to understand that although there is a lot we can uniquely create for the game (mainly tracks and cars) there are still a lot of limitation due to most of the dynamical physics of the game being inbuilt into the ReVolt engine and as yet we can not alter or change these.
Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 22:41

just thought it would be a good idea if there were some new downloadable weapons/pickups. But if you say that it don´t work then it was just a nice idea that don´t work!

OK, then i´ll think about something else.
At least it was a good idea!?

Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 02:54
Sound entirely possible. What kinds of weapons were you thinking of?
Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 06:33
There should be remodel of the rockets. Like some other kinda projectiles..
Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 08:29
Just let me know what you want any of the weapons to look like, and I'll see what I can do. Later,
Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 10:35
Kaki ... missle.jpg
Edit: Manmountain:
Posted image removed, too big, please use a thumbnail link or find a smaller picture, OK ?
Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 13:57
Manmountain @ Nov 4 2006, 08:17 AM wrote: The graphics and the models for the weapons is something that can be altered, and Gel created a scud missile model as a replacement for the rockets, very funny.
where can i dl the scud missile!?
Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 14:56
Click on image for download from RVZT.
Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 23:31
thanks for reading about my idea!

I think a handgaranade or a bomb whith a fuse that pretty quickly explodes, woulden´t that be cool?!
Thank you all again for reading about my idea!
Cool S.C.U.D. missile and cool picture on that other missile!!!
Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 02:23
Sure, I'll make the "Magic" missile tonight, just remember. It acts the same way as a firework. We can only replace original models. They act exactly like the model we replace. Later,
Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 03:04
zagames @ Nov 6 2006, 09:53 PM wrote: Sure, I'll make the "Magic" missile tonight, just remember. It acts the same way as a firework. We can only replace original models. They act exactly like the model we replace. Later,
Cool, thanks!
Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 06:36
Ok, here's a small screenshot of the "Magic" missile posted.

Let me know what I should change quick before I convert to a ReVolt model. Later,
Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 06:46
zagames @ Nov 7 2006, 02:06 AM wrote: Ok, here's a small screenshot of the "Magic" missile posted.

Let me know what I should change quick before I convert to a ReVolt model. Later,
That looks freakin awesome.
Posted: 07 Nov 2006, 07:49
They should start putting a powerups section on RVZT and the other RV sites.
Posted: 08 Nov 2006, 04:40
Ok, I updated the pic and now the model is available for download.
"Magic Missile". Later,
Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 04:08
Is it skinned?
Anyways thanks!!!!
Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 04:44
I didn't give it a specific texture, I just colored each vertex slightly different. It looks exactly like the screenshot ingame. Later,