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Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 08:55
I use meters to model things.
I have the system units set to meters when I export.
As that is what was needed for the models as used in another game.
To keep the models at the correct size in game

But the same models are too small in RV.
What system unit should I set 3ds max to for export?

Or do I keep the units the same but scale the models.
If i scale them up what scale do i use?

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 12:01
Well I seemed to have answered my own question.

I have found that cars in RV seem to be 1/20 th of the size of the real car.
So I can model leaving every thing as meters.
But I have to scale up by using uniform scale.
So in the x box i type in 2540 and the car is scaled up for RV units.
Thus giving me the correct size car in ReVolt.

So therefore if a car being 1/20 the size of other RV obejcts.
Then for real size you would use 5 x 2540 which = 12700.

So for real size objects/instances I would uniform scale up 12700
to get the correct RV size.

Real scale in RV 2540 x 5 = 12700
RC Car Scale 1/20 so is 1/5 of real size
So 12700 divided by 5 = 2540

This is the settings i will use for my revolt cars and instance models.
Until some one can come up with the correct settings or prove me completly wrong.