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Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 15:13
Hi all,
I have not been around much latly due to the fact my house has had some major work done on it, during which my PC overdosed on dust and exploded.
Things are now almost back to normal and I have my own room for the PC (soon will have 2 on a network set up for online racing) so I am looking forward to that.
I will carry on with the cars site, but progress is slow as I still am under pressure from the master to complete the decoration of the house.
Looks like all the regulars are still about and I hope to be able to contribute some new work soon.
Thats it for now
Josh - piN
Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 18:07
Well actually it's quite hot here at mo, but hey, cool!

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 22:50
Paste quickly some textues on your wall then go back !!

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 03:39
not a bad idea , cant see the wife going for it, shame
Posted: 23 Jun 2005, 00:10
Hey guys!
Very long time no see. Does someone remember me?? In case you do, I thought I have to let you know I'm not dead...
Well I have no time to play Re-Volt nor any other game right now, but I thought it's good to be in touch for someday I'll be ready to help you.
Ok not much other to say as it's long time since I used English last

See you later!

Posted: 23 Jun 2005, 18:47
Of course i do.
and theres one special reason i do as well...
that lil delivery pickup from your \sports\ track... well we ported it to be driveable car...
just like you tho, weve been quite busy lately, so its in this state for quite a while now...
oh well, it will get finished one day.
Posted: 23 Jun 2005, 23:32
Of course we remember the legend that is Yamada from Japan!
When your busy schedule eases, drop by at gamespy to play some multiplayer with us and/or create new nice track for everyone to enjoy!
Life seems to be too busy right now for lots of people, me included, but hopefully it will be but a phase and we can resume doing what is important in life: Re-Volt!

Posted: 02 Jul 2005, 23:06
Thank you for remembering me guys

TheMam, I also wanted to make that truck drivable, when I was making it. So it'll be very cool if you acheve it. I think I should remodel it for a little more detail, so please let me know when you're finishing the work as I'll make new version of the model asap.
Yes arto, when I get down the tasks of life, I'll finish and release some suspended tracks. I'm lookin forward to that day, but before that, I must graduate my school...

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 00:02
Hey, Yamada, new tracks eh ??
If you would like any AI help, I would be glad to assist.