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Posted: 27 Oct 2006, 18:02
toy soldier and X-mouse
how can we make a screenshot from a pack???

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 00:31
You Paste An image in paint of each of your cars. After each 1 u finished save so there is no risk of starting over.
Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 08:19
I did not understand a thing you said, prestonfs.

Were you trying to say that you take a separate picture of each car, make them smaller, and paste them all in a single file?

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 19:14
That's a dumb way! For a better one,Put all their speeds to 0,enter re-volt using a car which speed is not 1(also take away from folder all other cars with it's rating) and re-arrange them in the track you want and how you want,this way you can make a nice looking picture,but if you want motion,well,then it's a bit harder +)
Posted: 29 Oct 2006, 01:19
I don't think that it's dumb.

But I do think that your way is quite confusing.

Posted: 31 Oct 2006, 00:17
APM,glueing paint things make stupid looking pics,for a notion of the job,check GP1 pack or another ones that have more than 1 car,that way you can pic them in track and bla bla bla,MM will explain better
Posted: 31 Oct 2006, 10:26
I mean, I don't get the 0 speed thing. Are you try to say that you change the cars' speed to 0 so that they can't move and take a screenshot using makeitgood?
Posted: 31 Oct 2006, 18:12
Yes, that's what he means.
I myself, before starting the game use PSP 4 and select capture image function, then I start Revolt and start to select a track to race, while in the MAKEITGOOD mode, I pause the window as soon as the track has finished loading (before the 3, 2, 1 count starts), then I press F6 and use the mouse to give me freedom to fly around the track and position myself for the best shot, then I return to the race and press the predefined capture key to take my picture.
I go back to PSP 4 to check out my results and edit as necessary.
You can just as easily use the Print Scrn button and use windows paint.
This also a good way of getting an action shot from a specific angle, as I don't reduce the speed of the cars as Aylown.