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Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 13:57
Nice to see someone stepped up to the plate after the demise of RRR!

Hopefully people find the forum.

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 14:55
I think that forum will have a lot of success.

Manmountain already made an advertisement on the RVTT Forum.

PS: Manmountain, I set your post as a post-it on RVTT so it will always be on the top of the page. B)

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 15:38
Yeah, I saw that, thanks a lot. :)

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 18:28
i mean, the forum has been here for a while already. but with RRR around after RP shut down there was no need to heavily advertise it really.

glad some found the way already.

Posted: 15 Jun 2005, 23:36
Very happy to meet you here all Re-Volters !!!
Long life to Our Pub !!!

No beer ? Pfff is a joke !!!

Posted: 16 Jun 2005, 09:11
As Pig@sque said, long life to Our Pub. I love so much beer too :P

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 04:04
The pub looks nice, but the service is a little slow. I ordered a Pink Lady 20 minutes ago. Where is that lazy waiter? Manmountain! A Pink Lady, and make it quick!

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 05:26

Take your pick of these pink ladies, ;)