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Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 04:56
Anything you'd like to ask, answer, or share regarding the MAKEITGOOD name cheat can go here.
For those of you who do not know what MAKEITGOOD is, it is a way to take your tracks to the top. You type this cheat in as your name, then go back to the Mode screen and you see a new mode.
The modes all have some different controls, but the basics is that you press F4 to enter and you press Control+F4 to save. You have to have the F Lock on.
As said before, any questions, answers, or things you've learned can go here. Unless you make your own website, most preferably on
Freewebs, or you go to another forum, but lets keep it simple, OK?
Posted: 25 Oct 2006, 08:51
Have you ever wondered how to get the ripples onto the water in your track? This is done by placing a Water Box object. Be warned, though, because it can slow down your computer if too many people make a splash at the same time.
Water boxes DO NOT, however, add the effect found in the Toytanic Pool. That effect is done through the use of farce fields.
Posted: 31 Oct 2006, 10:46
It is possible to make custom objects for Re-Volt, I just don't know how.
Perhaps it is possible to create other custom stuff, such as custom instances and custom farce fields.
Posted: 31 Oct 2006, 16:51
No, that stuff is inbuilt in the game engine.
Posted: 01 Nov 2006, 04:09
Yes you can make custom models, they are just limited. Simply rename a .PRM file into a .M file. The catch is, that your model has to take the place of another ingame model. Therefore, you'd have to backup a model you wanted to replace, and rename your custom model to that model. And you can only animate the model if you replace another animated model. I can't explain it all, you'll just have to play around a bit. Later,
Posted: 01 Nov 2006, 05:43
Well, what object does the speedup replace? You know, the one that comes with Route 666.
And I've noticed that there are object files inside the stock track folders. Do the tracks use those objects?
Posted: 01 Nov 2006, 06:18
Basic models/prm's/instances can be made and altered as you wish.
But interactive moving objects such as sparkgens, balls, doors and water can not be created or alted, well, you could change the models for the specific object in the models folder, but you can't change the effect it has or does, that is an in game engine thing.
Farcefields have their own edit mode and can be altered within the limitations of their boundries.
Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 09:13
So do the files inside the track folders do anything?
Posted: 06 Dec 2006, 06:47
Hey, how does one add those arrows to tracks?
You know, the ones you find in stock tracks and some customs.
Posted: 06 Dec 2006, 06:52
Sorry, pressed the wrong button.

Anyways, I have a hunch that it has something to do with MAKEITGOOD.
And can someone answer the other question I had?
About the model files inside of the track folders themselves?
Posted: 06 Dec 2006, 21:02
Arrows are place in MAKEITGOOD Triggers edit modes (directional triggers).
Posted: 07 Dec 2006, 03:15
Thanks, hil.
Now can anybody answer my other question?
Posted: 28 Dec 2006, 03:59
From what I've observed, Linear farce fields affect where gravity pulls the cars. It takes away the reality, but is quite useful and/or cool on certain tracks.
Orientation fields affect, of course, the cars' orientation. Just as a note, Volken_Grudge_XL made the cars in Toy World do a backflip off the jump near the finish using orientation fields.
In my opinion, Linear and Orientation fields go hand-in-hand. Say, for example, you go off a cliff. If you use a Linear field to drag the car towards the face of the cliff, the car will be on its hind. However, you can use an Orientation field to change the orientation of your car to the correct orientation - that is, nose down.
Just something I was pondering about.
Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 04:52
Hey, if you have a laptop, how can you flip through instances if there no number pad at all?

Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 05:52
Good question, but I think the simple answer is you can't!
Unless anyone knows of an alternate or multi key press to assign the same function ?
Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 13:16
ive never had a laptop so i dont know but if this is the case, there is a small numpad keybord for laptops, looks like the numpad section of the normal keyboard, maybe it can be used.
Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 15:35
Filipe Monteiro
i have one question: when i put a skybox on a track editor track, the sky was there, but the lamps from the track editor were there too. How can I fix this?
Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 23:56
Iron Bob
Every laptop I've had has a function switching key to allow the right hand letter keys to be used as a numpad. Have you tried that?
Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 01:58
no, and which key is it???
Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 15:49
The Key I use ( as I always edit on a lappy now) on My Vaio is called "FN" If you look on you keyboard, on some of the letters will be tiny numbers and these are your num pad keys, press and hold the FN key and poof you have a keypad. It takes some getting used to but once you have it aint no different to your desktop.
Posted: 24 Jan 2007, 05:43
People Person @ Dec 30 2006, 04:05 AM wrote: i have one question: when i put a skybox on a track editor track, the sky was there, but the lamps from the track editor were there too. How can I fix this?
That is something you can do in RV Glue. The only hitch is that the track has to be
straight out of the Editor. That is,
you cannot edit the track with makeitgood, or it won't work. There's also a Glue function that allows you to get rid of the wall.
Or you can always create the track above the lights.
Posted: 24 Jan 2007, 06:17
Sorry APM, but you have it slightly wrong, or your explanation is lacking certain detail.
RVGlue can be used on any track, not just the Track Editor tracks.
RVGlue has several commands that will allow you to remove individual components from an Editor track, walls, lamps, floors, boxes.
It is true that there is no function in the MAKEITGOOD edit modes that can do the same, but in conjuction with RVGlue a lot can be acheived.
Posted: 24 Jan 2007, 07:15
What I had meant was that, if you add anything to the track using makeitgood, the function will no longer work.
Posted: 24 Jan 2007, 23:41
Sorry, what ?
That last statement made even less sense than the previous.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:44
It is best if you use legosplit options of rvGlue (removing skylight and
other Track Editor made things) on an unmodified lego track, like APM said.
Do all the legosplit option on a lego fresh from the track editor.
The most important thing to do it you use rvGlue on a lego is to
backup the Track Editor made .ncp file before you use rvGlue. rvGlue will
overwrite the .ncp file without prompting. This is bad because the
Track Editor made .ncp file is optimized. rvGlue will add ncp data to
all parts of a lego track making it much bigger than needed, and adding
those invisible walls to a lego. For this reason it is a bad idea to add
Surface Properties to a lego with rvGlue (surface properties are in the
.ncp file of the track). So backup the Track Editor made .ncp file, run
rvGlue and delete the Glue made .ncp file and put the original .ncp file
back in. If you want to place instances (prms) in the race line that
needs collision data do not Glue them in, but keep them in the .fin
file with the prm's matching .ncp file.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:52
hilaire9 @ Jan 25 2007, 03:14 AM wrote: For this reason it is a bad idea to add
Surface Properties to a lego with rvGlue (surface properties are in the
.ncp file of the track). So backup the Track Editor made .ncp file, run
rvGlue and delete the Glue made .ncp file and put the original .ncp file
back in. If you want to place instances (prms) in the race line that
needs collision data do not Glue them in, but keep them in the .fin
file with the prm's matching .ncp file.
Unless you want surface properties, then you need to really use the TAZSPLIT option and manually remove all unwanted collision walls and surfaces to reduce the Glue created NCP file.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:53
Also, the lower collision option of rvGlue to remove invisible
walls has never worked for me.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:57
Yes, I have found that it is best to tazsplit the walls after the first glue because you then can easily see them.
I think that the lower collision did exactly that, just lowered it by a fraction, in some areas it may reduce the collision data by enough, but not all.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 07:58
Fast reply man! I have added surface properties to a lego and used
the delete (tazsplit) option of Glue to remove invisible walls and optimize
the ncp file, but this can be a tedious operation and maybe difficult
for new users of rvGlue.
Posted: 25 Jan 2007, 08:03
True, very true.
I actually did a lot of this work on my Castle Keepers track, but I didn't add surface properties, it was just to reduce the overall size of the NCP file.
I had three different sets of Track Zones, Fin files and four different Glue command files, just to get it right.
Posted: 19 Jan 2010, 00:26
old topic but didnt want to start another:
any chance i can make custom objects solid that are replacing the planets? are they hard coded no collision in the engine? i want to make a custom model in place of one of the planets, but i want it to be solid. chances?
also, the slider collision is a bit strange, its solid along the edges, but apparently it has holes, its easily driven through, is that normal?
Posted: 19 Jan 2010, 00:49
I belive that planets can be made solid.
If you load the museum level and take a look at the revolt.log file, you'll see that:
Code: Select all
Loading: models\earth.m: Found
Loading: models\earth.hul: Not Found
Loading: models\earth.ncp: Not Found
So revolt seems to look for collision files for these models. Now, you have to test to be sure.
Is "the slider" the sliding door in market level?
Posted: 19 Jan 2010, 02:47
Yes, jig. And that's a pretty cool observation.
Posted: 19 Jan 2010, 13:29
I tried a quick test with the earth.m.
I made a matching .ncp file for it
(rename .m to .prm and PRM2NCP.EXE):
Loading: models\earth.m: Found
Loading: models\earth.hul: Not Found
Loading: models\earth.ncp: Found
I found the earth Object had no collision with the .ncp file.
My guess is that it would need a matching .hul file in the shape
of the model.
Posted: 19 Jan 2010, 15:38
thanks guys,
my first try was throwing the .ncp file into the models folder, but it didnt work, this is how i realized that it might not be possible to have them solid. good find jig. keeping that information in mind and hearing what hil's guess is can we say that a planet model has to have a hul file to be solid?
if it does need a hul file, is it possible to make one? im not up to date in car creation where mainly it is used.
EDIT: would a car become no collision body if the hul file was deleted?
also, if the planet had a hul file it would collide with the .w file models, wouldnt it? in this case it couldnt follow the orbit route if that crossed walls and stuff?
Posted: 19 Jan 2010, 18:52
human @ Jan 19 2010, 11:08 AM wrote:my first try was throwing the .ncp file into the models folder, but it didnt work, this is how i realized that it might not be possible to have them solid. good find jig. keeping that information in mind and hearing what hil's guess is can we say that a planet model has to have a hul file to be solid?
I don't think it will change anything, but you can try.
Hul files are used for models that you physically interact with (ie. the model will move if you bumb in it with your car), and I think it can't be the case for planet models, even modified, so ncp is more appropriate.
Just a note (not 100% sure of it): Revolt looks for a .hul file, and only in case it's not found, it looks for a .ncp file. It doesn't use the 2 files at the the same time.
if it does need a hul file, is it possible to make one? im not up to date in car creation where mainly it is used.
I don't think there is a tool for it, except perhaps one made by kay, don't know if it works.
<EDIT> And I forgot the tool by SkindupTruk. Thanks to zagame (see below), it's now corrected. In fact, the kay's tool seems to be just a frontend for SkindupTruk's tool.
And also, if one day I find the time/courage to make an import/export filter for Blender, I would try to implement that. If I remember well what I've done so far, I can import them partly. But the export part would be another thing, far more complex. Possibly too complex for me... </EDIT>
EDIT: would a car become no collision body if the hul file was deleted?
I'm 99% sure of that (just for the body, not for the wheels).
also, if the planet had a hul file it would collide with the .w file models, wouldnt it? in this case it couldnt follow the orbit route if that crossed walls and stuff?
That could be a reason to have maybe collisions deactivated in the game for these models.
Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 02:33
Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 03:56
is that tool for editing only or for creating too? if i have a custom model, can i create a hul file for it?
Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 04:11
Don't know if you can create a hull from scratch, but it seems to be able to edit the values used. You can try, human, but I think it really won't be an easy job, especially if you don't know the internal format of the revolt .hul file.
EDIT: you can take a look at:
Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 04:46
well, i could edit the hul file with that tool i guess, but if i cannot see my model and the hul file in the same time, no way i can match its shape with the hul i guess.
another thing: what is .psm file? for example star.psm in the models folder.
Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 07:44
Yes, I have created several custom hul files. It's interesting to experiment and see what can be done. There's a lot to consider when you're writing the coding. The only problem is trying to find a pre-existing model with physics (weight, center of balance, etc) similar to what you're trying to create.
Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 14:59
zagames @ Jan 20 2010, 03:14 AM wrote: There's a lot to consider when you're writing the coding.
it seems to be very complicated. now, hul files are called hull.hul, right? if i want a hul file for a custom model thats behaving like one of the original models (planet for example) then i need to put the model in the models folder, where there are lots of models, so the engine cannot pair it with my model. or could i name it to venus.hul for example?
Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 19:09
Try using hullscale. Or wait, should i make the hull for planets?
Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 19:10
Just to say that there is a great likehood (from the available sources) that the collision are deactivated in the game for every models that don't need it in stock levels (like barrel, planets, plane, copter, etc).
And unfortunately, if it appears to be really the case, there's nothing that could be done about it (AFAIK).
Posted: 20 Jan 2010, 19:11
jigebren @ Jan 20 2010, 02:40 PM wrote: Just to say that there is a great likehood (from the available sources) that the collision are deactivated in the game for every models that don't need it in stock levels (like barrel, planets, plane, copter, etc).
And unfortunately, if it appears to be really the case, there's nothing that can be done about it (AFAIK).
Oh...i see. So you can't make colision for the planets cause the re-volt engine won't let you atm?