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Posted: 25 Mar 2009, 11:42
zipperrulez @ Mar 24 2009, 02:37 AM wrote: i think track or car maker should be able to delete comments that he/she finds offensive on his creation.
That won't happen. We'll find just flattering comments after that in every car/track.
Posted: 25 Mar 2009, 15:32
arto @ Mar 25 2009, 07:12 AM wrote: zipperrulez @ Mar 24 2009, 02:37 AM wrote: i think track or car maker should be able to delete comments that he/she finds offensive on his creation.
That won't happen. We'll find just flattering comments after that in every car/track.
Those are the exact words I wanted to come up with last time, I just personally think people would abuse it and delete anything moderately bad so even the (by public opinion) worst release ever could very well only have a single positive comment...
Posted: 05 Apr 2009, 00:57
Posted: 06 Apr 2009, 06:17
yeah i see your point >_<
Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 14:46
arto @ Mar 23 2009, 06:39 PM wrote: Good ideas. I missed TMAM's original comment, but it'd be quite easy to implement. I guess the report button would have to have some kind of form to fill so that it's not too easy to clickity-click on it, I think I'd get lots of spam from funny people if it was too easy

Now you can report inappropriate comments. Do not misuse it!
Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 18:06
I think that this site is fantastic, are fantastic the members, and the number of members!
Posted: 14 Apr 2009, 10:57
arto @ Apr 13 2009, 10:16 AM wrote:Now you can report inappropriate comments. Do not misuse it!
I haven't tried the report comment yet (no reason to), but for some reason I can't even post a comment. I am getting an error telling this:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare full_link() (previously declared in /usr/web/htdocs/ in /usr/web/htdocs/ on line 172
I hope you can fix it soon

Posted: 14 Apr 2009, 20:12
I get the same error message
Posted: 14 Apr 2009, 21:30
Oh sorry... I'll check it tonight.
Posted: 14 Apr 2009, 22:05
Fixed, thanks for reporting it.
Posted: 15 Apr 2009, 11:21
I've noticed some of the comments has a yellow box around it, why?
Posted: 15 Apr 2009, 11:25
Adamodell @ Mar 24 2009, 03:43 PM wrote: public opinion far outweighs a single person's view, because it allows more ways into seeing things, and more people's opinions. If enough people think a comment is bad, it might as well be a fact that it is bad, even if opinion can never be fact.
Public opinion-based ratings only work when the community doesn't suffer from idiot-swarms. Thankfully this community doesn't seem to attract too many idiots.
Posted: 15 Apr 2009, 20:52
Crone94 @ Apr 15 2009, 06:51 AM wrote: I've noticed some of the comments has a yellow box around it, why?
so when you click on the latest comments, the comment that you clicked on is noticed
Posted: 16 Apr 2009, 11:18
zipperrulez @ Apr 15 2009, 04:22 PM wrote: Crone94 @ Apr 15 2009, 06:51 AM wrote: I've noticed some of the comments has a yellow box around it, why?
so when you click on the latest comments, the comment that you clicked on is noticed
ah, okay, thx
Posted: 21 May 2009, 16:53
hey guys if RVZT
does be up this summer
or this weeks what do you
think , Arto , to make a RVZT forum?
It's a short suggest about RVZT
anyone agree me? what do you think?
Posted: 22 May 2009, 00:31
miromiro @ May 21 2009, 12:23 PM wrote: hey guys if RVZT
does be up this summer
or this weeks what do you
think , Arto , to make a RVZT forum?
It's a short suggest about RVZT
anyone agree me? what do you think?
For stuff about RVZT:
For general Re-Volt chat an own RVZT forum... no. Why make another forum when we have fine forums like these.
Posted: 22 May 2009, 17:26
oh cool arto I didn't
knew this sorry.
Posted: 09 Dec 2009, 19:33
I've been wondering in a long time which factors shouldn't affect the rvzt average grades. Especially related to the length and difficulity has been on my mind. Both factors could for example have been planned for the current track all from the start, so should it really affect the average grades if your track just ain't those 600meters a guy expected it to be?
I am just curious, that's all.
Posted: 09 Dec 2009, 21:25
Urne, everyone knows that a good track can't be very long. As example your JungleVolt. It is cool but short. So yeah, if a track is long and good than it should get big grades. If it is long and bad than not. Better to be short and hard but good.
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 00:04
I don't get it. Your saying that everybody is thinking that way, but if that really is, then why do track makers do tracks both long and short? It's not a coincidence, I am sure people got their own opinion related to both difficulity and track length. Therefore I am asking how big this should really affect the grades.
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 00:27
I said something like this:
Quality > Quantity
but when
Quality = Quantity then this is good
but if both of them are missing or small then that track get small grades.
and because good tracks are hard to make, the guys make them short and get big grades.
and the bad and boring long tracks (Quality < Quantity) that that's bad too.
so yeah, if the track is long and bad this will affect hard the grades
and if the track is short and good it affects just a bit the grades.
or if the track is long and good you will sure get the max grades. (e.g. PetroVolt - long @ 950m and very challenge and good track.
but if the track is short and bad you will get the worst grades.
so keep good short or long tracks coming !!


Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 01:07
I hate short tracks.
I also hate tracks which are both long and boring, like Hockenheimring.
Long interesting tracks are da bomb.
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 01:59
Your not answering my question, just classifying tracks in general. Well, anyway to the matter: How much should the length and difficulity affect the grades in general? In my own opinion I would say, not at all. A track doesnt have to be classified as boring, just because it's long (even though a very few is long and fun all the way).
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 02:34
I answered.
Read again more carefully.
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 05:10
I honestly believe that the length of a track depends on the authors ability and the track theme. I think longer tracks can be more enjoyable if they are 'easy' to race and the author has included a large amount of detail. I think that some short tracks can be really fun if that's what makes sense for the track theme.
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 11:36
It also depends on the cars. For FutureCars which typically travel around 50-60mph, anything less than 750m feels too short. Around 1200-1500 is an ideal length for those cars, but anything longer is fine as well, after all I race on Pipelyne and Magnet which are both around 1700m and those tracks are a blast.
For slower cars, like my too realistic to be fun real-life cars, which typically go 25-30mph, fairly short tracks can be reasonably fun while a lot of long tracks end up taking so long that you're just waiting for them to end.
A lot of it has to do with how long you have to wait between interesting points in the track. If you have to wait 10 seconds for each turn because its a huge track designed for fast cars but you're driving a slow car, its not going to be fun. On the other hand, if you're driving fast cars on a short track designed for slow cars, you'll be running laps so fast it'll quickly feel repetitive.
I don't think the length of a track should influence scores at all.
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 12:16
zagames @ Dec 10 2009, 12:40 AM wrote: I honestly believe that the length of a track depends on the authors ability and the track theme. I think longer tracks can be more enjoyable if they are 'easy' to race and the author has included a large amount of detail. I think that some short tracks can be really fun if that's what makes sense for the track theme.
Aeon Posted on Dec 10 2009, 07:06 AM
It also depends on the cars. For FutureCars which typically travel around 50-60mph, anything less than 750m feels too short. Around 1200-1500 is an ideal length for those cars, but anything longer is fine as well, after all I race on Pipelyne and Magnet which are both around 1700m and those tracks are a blast.
I agree with both of you, Aeon and Zach. So, you will only grade after how long it is if the length of the track also has something to do with the flow, the choice of car and the detail? If I am correct, the actual amount of length doesn't have influence on the grade?
Posted: 10 Dec 2009, 17:32
I believe PHP can read binaries and texts and size the file
Re-Volt files has it all
I don't think that a PHP expert like Zack would need my help on that xP
Posted: 29 Mar 2011, 21:14
Hello. Sorry for the bump but i have a question.
Me and burner gave a e-mail to Zach's mail
(Not going to tell)
But he doesn't respond.
I would like somebody that has contact with him, tell him to check his mail.
Thanks man!
Greetings R6 and B94
Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 22:42
Haha, a while back I mailed him some images for my cars that lost their images on the RVZT server move- I don't think he fixed that yet... so yeah, same here. Now, get back on topic guys, haha. Not that I'm helping.
Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 09:38
For r6te and burner: I did reply to your email (not the facebook message) but apparently it never went through. I'll try to send it again.
Adam: I completely forgot about your message, I had downloaded the files and got distracted with something else. I'm going to make a note to take care of that and some other things this weekend.