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Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 10:39
there's been lots of discussion in RVZT recently about the disrespectful comments. This would be a better place for it.
I've thought about it quite a bit. I dislike censorship a lot. But on the other hand I understand the authors too that get hurt when someone ignorant gives direspectful comments.
So to solve this dilemma I opened this topic to discuss the issue.
I'm going to propose some possible ways to resolve this... if some authors would like this solution please let me know:
1) RVZT was pretty much made to have easy commenting. With the good comes the bad. But how about when submitting there will be option for the author to disallow commenting on the track? If that would be selected then no comments could be made on the track. That way authors could share their tracks without fearing disrespectful comments.
2) Another option could be that the author wants that the admins approve each comment before it gets posted. Then all unthoughtful comments would get weeded out by the admins. The bad thing is that all the comments would be delayed until an admin had time to check through them. This is lots more time consuming for me to implement than the first option so I'm not sure when I'd have time for it, though.
If any track maker would like such an option please let me know by posting here or by mailing me. Depending on the interest I'll then try reserving time for doing these.
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 21:19
Very good ideas,
But with option (1) people would probably make comments on another of the authors creations, just indicating that their talking about a different creation. As we have seen that a lot of comments are nothing to do with the track/car they are posted on.
Option (2) would be the better way, albeit very time consuming, and what critiria would you use to difine whether a non positive comment is actually too negative to post, as some direct negative comments can inspire. I would totally agree that any comments that contain direct personal abusive statements should be thrown out without compromise.
I can only suggest sharing this filtering process with one or two others, but a set of rules/guidelines would need to be agreed upon.
The only other option would be to have a predifine set of simple statements and anyone can select one or two to be posted with their individual grading.
This is very impersonnal and mechanical, but it would provide some kind of auto comments without work for yourself or having creations sit there with no comments at all.
The set of statements could agreed upon here, to include both slightly negative as well as positive, say a selection of about 20 with the option to select upto 2.

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 22:05
This is a serious problem, there is no easy answer. But I think I'd prefer to go with option 1; with an author asking for no comments, but the opt-out applying to ALL his/her submissions, tracks and cars, retrospectively.
The problem comes when an author steals, or uses without permission, an element of his creation. This has happened several times recently with cars - including preston fs' Phat Slug repaint, that uses the skin I created for Rex Reynolds 'Slug'. I commented on this, and we haven't heard from young preston since. But I couldn't have mentioned it if he had asked for no comments.
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 22:47
I dont want any options,That's incorrect
We should not be forced to pass by anyone's approval just to express our opinion
Option 1 is Unrealistic
Option 2 is Censorship
So By those means I would rather choose none,We can stick better by Adding an option for the autor to delete a comment in his page,that way he would kill unwanted comments about his track
Let the autors choose wether they want or not to censorship us,not the admins
Otherwise RVZT will become just like RRR,where we are censored all the time
That's my thoughts,We could solve this whole mess by Moma taughting respect to everybody
"There's time and place for everything"
"There's a multiple ways of saying one thing,Choose the best"
I just dont like the suggestion sorry,Free Expression is welcome,The autor will read what the guy said,and then if he want he will delete,Simple and Plain
MM option is also unrealistic,sometimes what we mean is about an expecific region in a track and that comment must be written according to it,you can say nice things about the whole track and then complain about an Invis Wall in a point,how can you make that Pre-determined set?
I suggest a nice (Delete) button near the comments for the autors
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 23:11
No Ayl - that's another, possibly worse, case of censorship! Think of dictators who silence their opposition!! In particular, in the case I mention above, preston would just delete my remarks.
Really, the only way is to rely on members being responsible - and boot out anyone who abuses this freedom. But, if Arto feels he must take action, I still prefer his 1st option.
Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 00:47
Very good points from you both.
It's obvious there is not going to be a simple solution to this problem, and no one person could or should have soul reponsability.
A straight permanent ban plus removal of offensive comments is quite harsh, but probably the easiest way to maintain a respectful level. Although a good respectful argument does create intrest, so that kind of thing should be directed here at the forums rather than attached to indivduals creations.
As for stolen/copied cars that have been approved, I can only delete/remove these cars at time of submission before approval, after being approved you need to arto to remove or alter them.
Your years of collecting RV goodies has you at an advantage over me, as most things look new, but obviously there not, and I can't really be asking you to check everything I receive, unless you wish to take over as car admin ?
Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 00:53
I agree with GWC about authors deciding what gets removed... I thought about that option too and discarded it for pretty much the same reasons.
I'm not sure if I should take action or not. I personally don't like censorship like I said. But when things go to the point where track creators do not even want to create/share their creations maybe something should be done to make them feel good about releasing.
I'll post more coherent comments to the suggestions tomorrow when I'm not as dead tired as right now. But it's good to have some discussion and different opinions on this. No opinion is bad. The final decision might very well be to do nothing but it depends on what gets proposed and what kind of solutions track makers would like.
Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 00:55
Manmountain @ Oct 13 2006, 08:17 PM wrote: As for stolen/copied cars that have been approved, I can only delete/remove these cars at time of submission before approval, after being approved you need to arto to remove or alter them.
That should be fixable if need be. I thought you could at least edit them if not remove.
Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 02:21
I personally wouldn't prefer either of the options, although something definately needs to be done. An idea I had, would be a button or link next to the comment. Where if enough different people clicked it, the post would be deleted. So one person couldn't block posts about his track that he didn't like. And no administrators would be needed unless it is serious enough to be deleted immediately. Later,
Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 03:00
zagames @ Oct 13 2006, 09:51 PM wrote: I personally wouldn't prefer either of the options, although something definately needs to be done. An idea I had, would be a button or link next to the comment. Where if enough different people clicked it, the post would be deleted. So one person couldn't block posts about his track that he didn't like. And no administrators would be needed unless it is serious enough to be deleted immediately. Later,
Not a really good thing,Only if you think everybody that uses RVZT is civilized,there are quite some dudes who will just click to laugh after seeing other comments getting deleted LOL,and there are much persons who would do that also
As for the clickable,Yes I thought of that also,There's not really a way to do things,you can be harsh sometimes,but not rude,I guess there should be Comment penaltys,and that's all
OH I have a great idea,Have a Members Page,for when someone do crap,they can post comments about the person freely over there,so everybody spills their anger at them,and they cant reply there-after,those could be done just as in APM case,would save space on Old West Days and Old West Nights
Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 15:17
hey brains,
good to see a constructive discussion here. my first thoughts, initial idea is the following: in the community there are folks serving in the army for years and there are young titans aswell. thanks to god, there s a circle with members that are respectful to each other seeing each others selfless work for the game or at least somebodys positive attitude and respectful behavior. what if not arto alone, but the so called members would have the right to accept or refuse critics? by this way we would share the task and we would remove the weight from arto's shoulders making him free from having the responsibility alone. this is how a family or an organisation is working defending itself like if theres a virus or something that obviously is not part of the body. if the majority feels that a comment comes only from hate or envy and its disrespectful enough it could be rejected by removing. the only question in this theory is that who can be regarded as a member and who cannot. hmm, i dont know...
Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 15:46
just a quick word,
i dont know apm well enough, i dont know if hes banned already or not, i didnt see his comments taken in the past that caused the commun"s intolerance and i didnt feel that the "kind a boring" saying in this case of issue was offensive or something. obviously im not ricky. he knows what he does feel. what i know is that apm wasnt disrespectful to my own work. maybe i missed something in the recent months, i dont know. what i told about the theme i did mean it generally. right, pepo?

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 18:09
APM has a long long long line of harsh comments on many tracks Human,that was one of the less offensive,but was the last straw,he had no comprehension about the work,told some cars where stolen without proof,said some cars sucked,said some tracks sucked,overall he said everything was not good enough for him
But he is 11 years old,let's give him a discount
Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 18:18
Hey, I'm back to this post with a fresh mind and a cup of coffee

But with option (1) people would probably make comments on another of the authors creations, just indicating that their talking about a different creation.
MM that probably would happen, but those posts would of course have to be removed as they are off-topic to the track/car in question. I have probably let too much chit chat that belongs to the forums go unremoved from RVZT as it is.
You are right about the difficulty where to draw the line between posts that are negative or just constructive criticism. It is a hard problem where no definite objective criteria exist. In my opinion, if this was what would be done, some reasonable criteria could be defined (for example, should not be all criticism, criticism must be explained etc...) or then one could simply make a rule that any negative comments would be removed. That sounds harsh but now must remember that this would just be an option for authors who feel bad about negative comments and don't want to see them. Most authors probably would not use it and in those tracks/cars that it would be used of course the matter of fact would be made clearly visible. This way no ones fooled by the lack of negative comments.
The only other option would be to have a predifine set of simple statements and anyone can select one or two to be posted with their individual grading.
This is very impersonnal and mechanical, but it would provide some kind of auto comments without work for yourself or having creations sit there with no comments at all.
But how would this differ from the vote gradings except be as words? Would anyone really care to read through a list of auto generated comments?
But I think I'd prefer to go with option 1; with an author asking for no comments, but the opt-out applying to ALL his/her submissions, tracks and cars, retrospectively.
The problem comes when an author steals, or uses without permission, an element of his creation.
GWC, in this case one could use the Info->Contact car/track admin form.
Option 1 is Unrealistic
Ayl, why unrealistic? I mean, it would be just an option to authors who get hurt by negative criticism.
Option 2 is Censorship
True. But, I don't think too many would use that option. It's probably better to have censorship for the authors that want it than to not have their creations at all, right?
An idea I had, would be a button or link next to the comment. Where if enough different people clicked it, the post would be deleted. So one person couldn't block posts about his track that he didn't like.
Zach, that's a good idea and one that I thought a bit too. I'm just inklined to think there is not enough a big community in RVZT to make it work. Problems such as what Ayl said become prevalent as the decision to delete would have to be quite a low vote count as there's just not too many people that would bother to do so. Also, what some consider offensive is not offensive to others. This would leave the authors that are vulnerable to critic still just as vulnerable.
f the majority feels that a comment comes only from hate or envy and its disrespectful enough it could be rejected by removing.
Human, that's one practical solution. I'm just not sure if it's good enough for the authors that get hurt by negative comments, because that kind of removing necessarily leaves the comment visible for some time until one of the removers see it. It gets worse if it needs some kind of vote between the removers, then the comment will be visible until enough of the removers have seen it.
i dont know apm well enough, i dont know if hes banned already or not, i didnt see his comments taken in the past that caused the commun"s intolerance and i didnt feel that the "kind a boring" saying in this case of issue was offensive or something.
APM's posting rights have been removed for the time being, but he's not banned. And I will probably let him post again soon. IMO just basically saying "kind a boring" is rude considering the time that has gone to making the track. What's boring about the track? He said nothing about it. Considering the track was really skilfully made one could at least spend a bit more time talking about it's good points.
I didn't remove his posting rights for that one comment alone, but for many others that he has made recently that are similar. Not to mention his behaviour after getting a warning. I don't like doing stuff like that but on the other hand I don't want the site to turn into childish flaming either.
Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:41
can you please tell me how many grade votes does helios have all together? thanks.
Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:51
human @ Oct 14 2006, 10:47 AM wrote:hey brains,
good to see a constructive discussion here. my first thoughts, initial idea is the following: in the community there are folks serving in the army for years and there are young titans aswell. thanks to god, there s a circle with members that are respectful to each other seeing each others selfless work for the game or at least somebodys positive attitude and respectful behavior. what if not arto alone, but the so called members would have the right to accept or refuse critics? by this way we would share the task and we would remove the weight from arto's shoulders making him free from having the responsibility alone. this is how a family or an organisation is working defending itself like if theres a virus or something that obviously is not part of the body. if the majority feels that a comment comes only from hate or envy and its disrespectful enough it could be rejected by removing. the only question in this theory is that who can be regarded as a member and who cannot. hmm, i dont know...
arto @ Oct 14 2006, 01:48 PM wrote:
An idea I had, would be a button or link next to the comment. Where if enough different people clicked it, the post would be deleted. So one person couldn't block posts about his track that he didn't like.
Zach, that's a good idea and one that I thought a bit too. I'm just inklined to think there is not enough a big community in RVZT to make it work. Problems such as what Ayl said become prevalent as the decision to delete would have to be quite a low vote count as there's just not too many people that would bother to do so. Also, what some consider offensive is not offensive to others. This would leave the authors that are vulnerable to critic still just as vulnerable.
So! we need an agreed collective guild who will monitor the posts on a regular basis and there will need to be at least 3 or 4 in agreement to remove a post ?
Which ever solution if any, there is going to need someone reading every post daily as not to leave abusive comments on the site for long periods. Which means a lot of work for one, unless there is agree team work split into timed scheduals so that no one person is left to do everything. this would just need a set of basic but strict guidelines. Plus it would mean setting up a specific level of admin rights.
I know that I spend a lot of time online and can offer as much help as needed, but the guild would need to be selected by a democratic vote, yes ?
Is good to see this kind of enthusiastic discussion, but it's really annoying it's because of one persons lack of mutaul respect.
I love the Revolt forums and other sites that are fairly unpoliced and free to discuss or criticise with a level of respect, this kind of thing just takes the whole enjoyment out of the game.
Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 13:03
human @ Oct 14 2006, 08:11 PM wrote: arto,
can you please tell me how many grade votes does helios have all together? thanks.
15. It's one of the most voted tracks on RVZT. Most get only a couple of votes initially.
So! we need an agreed collective guild who will monitor the posts on a regular basis and there will need to be at least 3 or 4 in agreement to remove a post ?
That may work reasonably. But it would really need active participants to work. Plus it needs quite a bit new coding from me to have that functionality. So I'm a bit cautious if basically the removing of posts warrants that much work just so that the removing is more democratic. But it might be, let the discussion continue, these are good ideas.
Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 19:30
I'm right now Going through RVZT download track zones and will make a report of bad packed tracks and old TDF in order to be fixed or excluded,also some tracks like Dirt Cross and Dirt Track by JimK link to the same download +)
Also about the grades,I guess that Overall grade/Graphics/Flow/Difficulty arent so good,I personally get offended more by a Number than by a comment
Also there could appear the number of votes and the grades each guy gave...that way no more dumb secret grading
For the other stuffs...well....I dont like censorship,But I believe that each registered member could have a small page,for us to write comments about him,good or bad =)
This way No hiding under tracks
I also hope that RVZT doesnt turn into RRR would be shameful
we never really had trouble like that,but RickyD is also an Overeacting dude,he always was like this,and his comments arent also the most polite....
Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 19:39
thx arto,
the reason why i mentioned the votes here was that the the track's position in top gradeds changed from first to fifth and this seems to be a result of "kind a revenge", lol. in case of 15 votes if my calculation is right the last vote must be grade 5.2 or something like that. this is not so bad that what i thought. it can be a real vote. sorry, i didnt want to be off from the point. continue the discussion.
Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 22:23
No, I don't think I should take over as car admin - you do it much more efficiently than I could, and it wouldn't be practical to refer all new cars to me! So, let's go on as we are, I think it works well. BTW, do you still want to co-operate on a track?
Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 04:01
Yo Geoff, I'm always up for co-operating.
You still thinking on that Monty Python theme ?
Aylown, I wouldn't say that ricky is inpolite, just very passionate about his work, and just reacts as most would to direct abuse/attack. And, please don't snipe/remark on RRR, poking the bear when he's got a sore head, just makes it worse.
Arto, The aim would be to make it simple yet fair and easily implimented, please don't give yourself excess coding jobs if you don't have to. Couldn't you just allow certain members to have a specif admin level ? or do you need more than this to remove posts ?
Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 05:09
I belive the comments must stay there,But the members could have an intern *FLAG* number,which after reaching 3 *Flags* he would get suspended for "n" time
The remarks on RRR are true and Rst knows that,I dont need to hide to say stuff...I can talk him on the face
For the admin members,must be someone arto trust as hell,and that wouldnt love off,and also with LOADS of free time
Passion for work doesnt give exactly the right to offend someone,I'm not saying he's wrong,as I had the same reaction with my work,Just that he should calm down and not listen to 11 years Power Rangers Players
But I really dont like where this discussion is going...I fear for more censorship in re-volt

Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 17:50
Aylown @ Oct 15 2006, 03:00 PM wrote: I'm right now Going through RVZT download track zones and will make a report of bad packed tracks and old TDF in order to be fixed or excluded,also some tracks like Dirt Cross and Dirt Track by JimK link to the same download +)
Also there could appear the number of votes and the grades each guy gave...that way no more dumb secret grading
For the other stuffs...well....I dont like censorship,But I believe that each registered member could have a small page,for us to write comments about him,good or bad =)
This way No hiding under tracks
I also hope that RVZT doesnt turn into RRR would be shameful
we never really had trouble like that,but RickyD is also an Overeacting dude,he always was like this,and his comments arent also the most polite....
That's nice, do let me know. Old TDF style tracks are there only for historical completeness, I don't think it's worth the effort or used disk space to make them real tracks. If there's a particularly good TDF track, it'd be nice if someone reskinned it to a proper track though

Also there could appear the number of votes and the grades each guy gave...that way no more dumb secret grading
I'm willing to put the number of votes a track has received available. I'm not that willing to put what individual user gave to a track public. It's like voting. It's personal and no one should be harassed how he voted. I may however, if people really want it, put each individual grade viewable but without the name who voted. I'm not sure if it's that a good idea though. May just cause idle speculation.
Also about the grades,I guess that Overall grade/Graphics/Flow/Difficulty arent so good,I personally get offended more by a Number than by a comment
You're weird. But were you to release more tracks, would you prefer them not to be possible to grade? It's a possibility too if numbers hurt. I must say though that the numbers are only a crude tool to give some idea about thousands of tracks. They are not accurate nor objective, but hopefully in the bigger scale they are somewhat representive. And with that I mean for example that the top 20 graded tracks should most likely be very good. Doesn't mean there's not very good tracks that have received unfairly bad grades.
For the other stuffs...well....I dont like censorship,But I believe that each registered member could have a small page,for us to write comments about him,good or bad =)
Certainly a good idea. Not something I have time to do in the foreseeable future but I like the idea.
Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 17:53
human @ Oct 15 2006, 03:09 PM wrote: in case of 15 votes if my calculation is right the last vote must be grade 5.2 or something like that. this is not so bad that what i thought.
Yeah a bit better than that, but anyway it seemed like a real vote and not one of revenge. Can't debate with opinions even if its hard for me to understand who could not like the mighty Helios

Posted: 17 Oct 2006, 06:30
I believe In coments you can see who disliked,and basically also why they disliked...
Numbers are cold and heartless
The best solution is not to do nothing,public opinion raises the voices against unwanted comments,Arto there are quite a few wrong Lego named as extremes,they go as the following(All extremes tested)
F-12(Lego Extreme)
Devil's Ride(Lego Extreme)
Fun Track(Not even lego Extreme)
GTX STA 2005
GTX STA 3000
Hokey Smokey (Reverse Wild West Repaint)
Tech Park 2(Bugged)
Total Chaos(I'm not sure what this is)
Wild Wild Power
Wild Hood(just a repaint)
Hope to tell also the tdf and wrong placed tracks,We could make also a HUGE pack with all re-volt tracks,more-over,we could also add Lego Extreme category
Just some suggestions also putting the tracks in .exe mode would be good
Posted: 17 Oct 2006, 22:04
I never watch that show.

Listen, please, just because you don't want everyone to hate you doesn't mean
that you have to be offensive to me. I may not be able to post, but I can still
read. :-(
I think that rickyD is being overly passionate about his tracks. Of course,
since I'm just an 11-year-old and he's a bit old, everyone may view me as a
snotty brat. You're just making the whole situation worse.
I'm not piling anything on you, I'm just saying that I'm giving more respect
now, I learned, can you guys please return the favor?
No buddy really dont hide yourself behind e-mails
I'm one of the few that in all this mess even TRIED to defend you,I wonder how I bothered
Your actions were wrong,Ricky's reaction was wrong point taken,Dont start getting me mad...You sure wont be able to withstand me as your enemy
If you give respect,respect will come back to you
No I dont want anyone to like me,most of everybody already hates me as far as I'm concerned

I dont get offended of that though
Read this since you can read,Oh All Mighty
Let's keep this problem around right?Enough is Enough
Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 12:13
Thanks Ayl,
I've changed those wrong Extremes to Legos, except Total Chaos. It kinda looks like Extreme from the picture, you sure it's lego? I guess have to test it to find out.
Otherwise this post is getting quite off-topic. I'll let some time still if there's more opinions on the matter. Then I'll probably do a poll of some sort based on the implementable comments before deciding what to do.
Thanks for the opinions so far.
Posted: 20 Oct 2006, 20:24
hi all!
in my humble opinion, throwing away disrespectful comments isnt censorship but instead protecting the authors or the person being offended civil rights.
obviously i havent been here much lately, so im not totally sure what kind of comments these comments were, but if a comment is in no way contructive but merely insulting instead, id bin it.
my suggestion would be to implement a notification button for the comments, so if someone sees a disrespectful comment on his or someone elses track/car/whatever, a mail would be send to an admin/moderator who could then consider deleting it without the hassle of having to go thru all comments being made.
cuz, as they say. it aint a crime if you dont get caught, or in this case: a disrespectful comment is disrespectful one when someone feels disrespected by it.
just my 2 cts
Posted: 24 Oct 2006, 05:50
I shoulda put a nose on that tounge-sticking figure, I was serious.
But anyway, I think things are better now. Right?
If not, I'll repeat, I'm sorry.
Anyway, about security, I think this whole thing is just overreaction. But one could report the comment to the admins, just like here.
Posted: 25 Oct 2006, 06:20
Please note! I can do more than simply restrict or edit posting.
One wave of my cyber wand and all traces of you can disapear.
You've been warned, you've been given time to reflect. Think wise and post smart.

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 05:01
Hi all
I dont think we need this at all.
I have been doing some thinking.
I think apm is a small minded miserable person.
And now I fell kinda sorry for him.
It must realy suck to want to make stuff like
cars and tracks and not be very good at it.
But you know what I sucked to so you have to
start some where.
apm makes meny comments that suck.
But he is not a happy guy.
So what we do is take it with a grain of salt.
That means we dont pay attention to his
know it all rambling.
I dont want to quite making tracks.
And I fell good about most all the community.
So I have put myself above these pepo
And will here them no more.
It's not right to let one bad apple spoil all the fun.
Look for a new boring track soon. Hell you never
know it might even suck.
Thanks to Me & Me for this forum.
C U guys in the HOUSE.
Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 06:26
rickyd @ Nov 4 2006, 12:31 AM wrote:...
I think apm is a small minded miserable person.
And now I fell kinda sorry for him.
It must realy suck to want to make stuff like
cars and tracks and not be very good at it.
apm makes meny comments that suck.
But he is not a happy guy.
It's not right to let one bad apple spoil all the fun.
Look for a new boring track soon. Hell you never
know it might even suck.
Thanks to Me & Me for this forum.
C U guys in the HOUSE.
Yo dude!
We luv ya
And you better make a load more really sucky tracks, just so we can totally under appreciate you some more,

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 06:08
i try posting comment on site twice, but nothing show...
Posted: 15 Nov 2006, 04:22
i am ashamed of how people insult each other, but i do think that we should be able to post comments, because i learn from them. i'm sure that others do too; but i do agree w/ constructive critisizm, and others will need to learn to handle that.
i think that if you want to say somthing, just say it, but make sure that it is positive, but if it is negitive, don't say it at all.
i have an idea. i thinl that you should post them, but they won't be viewed unless you click on the warning/notice that tells you that there is a chance that you may read profanity.
i definently don't want you to stop posting comments because i learn very much frm them, and i want to advance my knowledge of editing.
Thank you very much for reading this.
Posted: 15 Nov 2006, 18:28
Let's make a Track Fiscalization Group(a.k.a. Law Enforcers)
Choose a few of the old community members,give them the power to delete the comments,or at least put them into notoriety
IMO Apm doesnt want to say bad things,it just slip out of his mind...
I'm not taking any sides...I think the problems are kinda solved...But we never know,The "This Track/car SUCK0RS" group may come back soon
We can make a power rangers group against them
APM can be the pink if he wants
Cheers Re-volters,I look forward for your next *sucky* track skitch2
Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 01:29
hi jaseaka i'm Andrew i'm italian i've seen you on your site you are a beautiful, marvellous black panther i love you

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 05:08
In my Country,we would call The Italia dude a "Arroz"
Would take a while to explain,but it's just like a guy that keeps coming on the same girl at a time
This topic is as good as closed isnt it?
Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 15:31
Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 02:11
Hey Human you just cant handle Mayhem being on top can ya mwahahahahah!!!!!!
Ohh I am number 2 aswell!!!!
Knock me of if ya can lol.
Now this post is just in jest lets not take it serious peeps.
Number one and two!! did i mention that?
Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 00:12
I'm number 37
All Hail Me
I'm waiting for skitch's tutorial to enter my adventures in Max,As I have some interesting ideas
Cheers re-volters
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 13:30
I loved Bored in Space I thought that was a great title.
And yeah the critisism is crappy but I think it made my second track better. I think comments that are just abuse should get deleted. I'm not sure about a comment like "this track sucks" it's better than "you are a retard" which has nothing to do with the track. "IMO not a keeper" is much nicer but is basicaly saying the same thing.
In conclusion why not do it like youtube where anyone can flag spam or abuse and also the poster can have the option of disabling comments.
Posted: 28 Jan 2007, 14:30
dylan @ Jan 28 2007, 09:00 AM wrote: In conclusion why not do it like youtube where anyone can flag spam or abuse and
1) Because the amount of visitors, while high for Re-Volt site, is not IMO significant enough to make such a system working. Youtube, slashdot etc. systems that utilize such schemes get tens if not hundreds of thousands of visitors. If only 1% of them use such flagging tools it is still significant to get a meaningful value. If in RVZT only 1% use them, then a comment's status as spam or abuse or anything would have to probably be determined by one vote only. Such makes it in by itself already suggestible to abuse.
2) Lack of time. Such system would require considerable effort which I have little motivation for because of what I think.
also the poster can have the option of disabling comments.
That's what I was thinking about and not such a heavy operation to implement. However based on the comments in this thread it seems there's lack of interest in using this feature (no author said they would use it if it was available) so as far as I'm concerned that too would be time better spent on something else.
Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 09:02
re-volt hustler
I agree the author should have a option to allow comments or not and there should be a clickable button used for reporting bad or unnecessary comments.(thats what mods are for)

Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 11:39
re-volt hustler @ Jan 29 2007, 04:32 AM wrote: I agree the author should have a option to allow comments or not
Are you a track or car creator, and if you are would you use the option to disallow comments?
and there should be a clickable button used for reporting bad or unnecessary comments.(thats what mods are for)

The amount of comments sent to RVZT are so few that the admins have no trouble at all to read each posting every day. Such reporting is IMO needed on high traffic sites where admins can not read every post and have to rely on the user base to report bad behavior.
Posted: 22 Mar 2009, 16:05
Now I just read all this stuff through, and wrote some while I've been reading. So heres what I got:
TMAM wrote:my suggestion would be to implement a notification button for the comments, so if someone sees a disrespectful comment on his or someone elses track/car/whatever, a mail would be send to an admin/moderator who could then consider deleting it without the hassle of having to go thru all comments being made.
Exactly. Below I wrote the kind-of same, but
to be able to 'Report' the comment to some kind of moderator, which will afterwards get mail about it and decide what to do, like for example a warning/delete of the comment or a permanent ban (probaly because he aleready got 3 warnings). Also, if you click it and the moderator(s) sees no reason to delete, you will be asked by e-mail why you reported that comment. If there is no good reason, or if there ain't comming then you will get a warning.
Another Idea would be to 'Report' the comment, but before reporting, you have to write why you report it. This must also be a good reason, or else the report will be refused. To be sure that the Report is serious, we could make something like you have to write at least 40 letters before you can approve the report.
Manmountain wrote:
So! we need an agreed collective guild who will monitor the posts on a regular basis and there will need to be at least 3 or 4 in agreement to remove a post ?
Which ever solution if any, there is going to need someone reading every post daily as not to leave abusive comments on the site for long periods. Which means a lot of work for one, unless there is agree team work split into timed scheduals so that no one person is left to do everything. this would just need a set of basic but strict guidelines. Plus it would mean setting up a specific level of admin rights.
Alot of people (like me for example) is aleready checking RVZT every 2 hours, so for some people this would just be another way to spend their time on. Maybe the moderators from the different will do this gladly.
Maybe some kind of "This post will be deleted within the next 24 hours. Click here if you are against that." would work?
Aylown wrote:For the admin members,must be someone arto trust as hell,and that wouldnt love off,and also with LOADS of free time
...And of course the Admin has some kind of "History" page, where he can check out everything that the moderator has done.
Oh, and sorry for necroposting, but I find this pinned topic very interresting.

Posted: 22 Mar 2009, 23:25
One would have to be able to (at their discretion) decide whether it is harsh or constructive criticism.
Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 05:47
Allow everyone to give comments a thumbs up/thumbs down, and if comments get a notable percentage of thumbs down, they can be flagged for removal.
Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 23:09
Good ideas. I missed TMAM's original comment, but it'd be quite easy to implement. I guess the report button would have to have some kind of form to fill so that it's not too easy to clickity-click on it, I think I'd get lots of spam from funny people if it was too easy

Thumbs up and down is good too, maybe better even, but would require more work.
Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 07:07
i think track or car maker should be able to delete comments that he/she finds offensive on his creation.
also the thumbs up/down thing i agree with.
Posted: 25 Mar 2009, 05:13
zipperrulez @ Mar 24 2009, 02:37 AM wrote: i think track or car maker should be able to delete comments that he/she finds offensive on his creation.
also the thumbs up/down thing i agree with.
I don't agree with that at all, I can see people absolutely abusing that... "mommy! (insert name here) said bad things about my car/track!" when it is clearly constructive criticism. I'm sure a few would keep the right things and delete the obvious bashing but some might not be able to distinguish from the two, heh.
I vastly agree with Aeon's statement, public opinion far outweighs a single person's view, because it allows more ways into seeing things, and more people's opinions. If enough people think a comment is bad, it might as well be a fact that it is bad, even if opinion can never be fact.