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Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 09:24
Greetings, I have noticed a UFO folder in the cars folder and have heard of this car mentioned on the forum and in track comments on another website. I have recently completed the Progress Table but this car has not been unlocked. What must be done to unlock it or is the cheat code the only way to get it?
Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 19:38
Ask from manmountain maybe he knows what to do
Ps:you can unlock ufo by writing "urco" to your name
Sorry i dont speak english very well

Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 20:27
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 02:03
Yes, the only way to reach/use this car is by the use of cheat codes.
You could use the carmanager program to create a copy which you can access but it will have none of the in game abilities that the UFO car has, as only cars in that folde with that name can have those abilties.
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 21:27
You can also open the ufo folder; open parameters.txt, and then, in the second section of the parameters ('Stuff for frontend display and car selectability'), change 'Obtain' from -1 to 0.