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Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 23:26
Just thought seeing as this project is slowing to a halt for a while that I'd share a little progress with you.
Expect this to show up in your inbox if your name sounds like Hilaire. Don't expect it to be soon though.
I think I still owe somebody a mouse...
Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 14:54
OK, Alex, I've cleaned out my Inbox (including all the spam that
sell the pills that promise to make grow bigger).
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 01:01
I get those too.
My cat's already big enough without their feline-inflation medication.
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 01:11
I have a pussy cat hanging around my house and she is just
the perfect size.
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 02:16
Whoa whoa whoa. There are kids around this forum. lol
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 02:40
just talking about our kitty cats
Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 10:09
Sure you were

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 15:13
Here is their ad -

Posted: 26 Oct 2006, 03:08
For some reason when I attempt to edit or race the track now is causes RV to close.
Not sure what now...
Posted: 26 Oct 2006, 03:54
Either.... too many polies in the track, error in Track Zone placement (Zone 0 is not over start position), error in AI Node placement (Open loop or reversed nodes)
Does any of these sound like possible causes ?
Posted: 26 Oct 2006, 04:27
I'm not really sure, I haven't actually touched the track in a while, but now it's not working. I'm going to make Hilaire play with the AI and track zones and therefore haven't been messing with that myself. I'll have a look at the files in the folder and make sure everything is in order. I might eventually just send my progress so far to Hilaire as I did once upon a time with Eberhard's Garden. It is the only way I get tracks finished even if the track becomes infected with Hil's tainted mind.
The problem is simply my re-volt. It is crashing on every race regardless of which track I select. I might quite possibly have done something stupid with one of the cars, I will recopy them over from the disc. Wish me luck.
Posted: 26 Oct 2006, 04:47
Ahhh cwap. I can't even get as far as the frontend anymore, guess it is time for a re-install.
Posted: 26 Oct 2006, 05:40
Haha, nice joke.
Anyway, yeah, try a re-install.
Also, the track looks nice.
I'm itching to try it.
If you can send it to me, that'd be great. Just make it so I can cruise around.
Oh, right you can't.
Well, ASAP, then.
Posted: 30 Oct 2006, 02:38
Are you people alive?
I'd like to order a copy of this track, thank you.
Hurry up!
Posted: 31 Oct 2006, 02:48
Shhhh Im having some technical difficulties.
I might have to send it to Hil in its current state... But I'm still deciding.
Just nice and relaxed.
Posted: 31 Oct 2006, 10:28
Oh, sorry.
But send it to me too!
And, if I can move around on it, maybe to me first.
