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Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 20:01
Can i adjust grip of my cars?????


Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 23:39
Yes,but cheat would appear above your name
Posted: 06 Oct 2006, 09:56

Posted: 06 Oct 2006, 20:42
You lie, Alyown! When you select the car from the box, it'll say [CHT], but it won't say it anywhere else.
For grip: there should be a section in the parameters of the car.
That would be in the car's folder.
That would be in the "cars" folder.
That would be in the folder you installed Re-Volt in.
Posted: 07 Oct 2006, 00:33
Alex, the word 'cheat' would appear next to your name over your car in multiplayer if you use a custom car or altered stock car.
As an example your name would appearlike this :
To maximize grip alter values in the wheels section of the parameters.txt of your car.

Posted: 07 Oct 2006, 04:56
Oh, didn't know.
So do you make those 4 things more or less? (Guessing more

Posted: 07 Oct 2006, 06:55
Gravity,depending on the car,a low center of gravity normally helps it to stay on ground and not to flip after hits and stuff,and after hard turns
Grip,The more the merrier,but too much grip makes the car uncontrolable
StaticFriction,it is how the stopped car behaves,and mostly how it behaves when on stop or slowing down big time
Kinecticfriction:THis is how the car behaves on motion,the value must be balanced with the rest of the features not to cause spins and roll-overs
And write my name correctly
Mister Alex Perdomo
Posted: 07 Oct 2006, 12:28
I adjusted it before this question but i not see effect
what a..............

and Cheat? on multiplayer?
(my multiplayer do not work)

Posted: 08 Oct 2006, 00:25
Use RV House.
And do you increase or decrease the frictions, Alyown?
Posted: 08 Oct 2006, 00:52
Obviously increased friction gives more grip.
If you have a basic understanding of actual physics measurments, forces and motion it's easy to see how relistic the RV engine can manipulate objects.
A science/physics teacher would do well to use Revolt as an educational tool to help explain physical properties.
Altering the values up or down will change the action of grip/friction depending how you prefere it to be and on which track/surface you race on.
Too much grip on the wrong surface can flip your car, likewise, too little grip will make it very difficult to turn.
Trial and error is the only stead fast way to find out which is best for you. Just remember to backup your work at all critical/major changes.
Also, remember that front and rear values don't need to be the same.
Posted: 08 Oct 2006, 02:46
Front and Rear values determine which type of car you will have
a FWD,a RWD, a FR and a 4WD
As I said APM it all depends,of what you wanna do

a high grip can be as hard to control as a Small grip
A good example of this is in Toys in Space,Toyeca Kinectic friction doesnt allow him to do that U-turn last full speed and close to the edge,because the car flips,the same is noticed in several other tracks
As MM said,trial and error is the best way to learn