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Posted: 03 Oct 2006, 08:22
hello all, I'm fairly new to re-volt, but been play computer games along time and was wondering can an 8x8 be made for re-volt? and if so how?
Posted: 04 Oct 2006, 02:54
Hi and welcome to Our Re-Volt Pub.
Please explain 8x8 ?
Is it 4x4 mutiplied ?
Can you link us to a picture ?
Posted: 04 Oct 2006, 09:13
I believe they mean 8 powered wheels. That, in all my experience, is impossible. You would have up to 4 powered tires, and the other 4 would have to be built into the body prm.
Posted: 04 Oct 2006, 22:13
What if you had 4 rollers, as wide as the body, and painted the centre part of them 0,0,0 black, so that just a disc on each end is visible. And then placed them centrally under the body as the 4 wheels, but 1 behind other?
Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 00:41
Yes Geoff, I thought of something similar myself, but the problem then would be steering.
With some clever use of certain values in the parameters.txt, it could be done... I think.

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 01:55
Yeah, really wide rear tires on the back that blend together, and make rollers on the body for the front, hiding the actual steering tires in the middle.
Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 05:37
I've seen some trucks with 2 back wheels on one side and 2 back wheels on the other, but never a vehicle with four front wheels.

Posted: 05 Oct 2006, 05:58
thanks all who replied, an 8x8 is a vehicle with 8 wheels as someone said.
someone asked for a pic or a link, here is a link to a truck makers site for another game, (no pop),the truck can be dl'ed for there

thanks again all,
Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 07:46
to add I do know of one 6-wheeler for re-volt, ford aeromax by name, maybe I should pick around with it for awhile and see what I can come up with
Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 19:07
GWC @ Oct 4 2006, 06:43 PM wrote: What if you had 4 rollers, as wide as the body, and painted the centre part of them 0,0,0 black, so that just a disc on each end is visible. And then placed them centrally under the body as the 4 wheels, but 1 behind other?
you could actually model it to fit, without needing to clumsy hide it by 0,0,0ing it.
theyd need to be fairly wide tho, or itd act like a motorcycle. also, id put the steering in wheel zero and maybe three.
it could work.
Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 07:18
there is a program I have heard of that breaks down the parameters file to be human understandable, but as its on a file planet server it is unreachable to me, if someone can point me to another location I will see what I can do with it, maybe come up with re-volts first 8x8
Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 07:23
We can understand it good enough. Don't worry about getting that program. I'll play around tonight, maybe have something tomorrow. Later,
Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 07:47
Try my version of the Parameters.txt.Doc :
I'm still re-editing it, but now most of the actual dynamics are explained correctly.

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 09:14
I DID IT!!! Kindof, lol. I have powered four of the wheels of this little car here.

The other four are part of the body. The way I did this, the vehicle handles almost exactly like Toyeca. Very easy for an 8x8. My chassis was simple, 4 wheels and a simple polygon. If someone wants to send me a model or two with a tire and the body, I'll be glad to put it together for you. Later,
Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 10:10
Zack that is exactly what I want, I want that file somehow, a good drop-on for that might be boxycar just to test how it all goes together
p.s. let me play with zmod a little more and the world of mtm2 may be coming to re-volt land
Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 11:32
Cool new idea. Now someone could do a proper version of the 1nsane 8x8 Behemoth.

Posted: 09 Nov 2006, 13:31
Zach am i correct in that if you add the extra 4 wheels to the body mesh.
Then those 4 wheels do not turn.
Mtm2 to revolt has been done.
Well some of the stock models anyway.
So it is already possible to convert from mtm2 to RV.
In fact I wrote a tutorial on it.
Found at the link below. ... tm2rv.html
Plus one I wrote for 4x4 Evo to RV can be found at the link below. ... evo2rv.htm
Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 03:09
Yes, but being in the middle, you almost couldn't tell unless you looked specifically for it. I'll convert the posted 8x8 to ReVolt to test the idea in it's entirety. Later,
P.S. - Your link for Winpod doesn't work. Same with
Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 09:07
I converted anyways, unpacking the MTM2 file and converting with Zmodeler to a .3ds file. From there I opened in Max, resized, and vertex textured. No real texture on the prototype vehicle. I'll fix some slight parameter bugs and add missiles, which I had to take off due to a corrupt vertex, tomorrow. Here's a current screenshot of the (almost) fully functional 8x8. Made from the post by cblt_drgn. I actually know BigDoggie, so he sent me the files to use. I'll post it on RVZT when I release it. Later,
P.S. - You all owe me for this

Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 16:40
looking good there Zach.
Posted: 10 Nov 2006, 19:27
I'm not 3D savvy, but could I make a suggestion.
I would have created four extra wide wheels as TM&M did with the 'Ford Aeromax', but placed the center of the models to both the far left and for right of the model, so that you could actuall give the impression of four independent axel's although the there would only be four wheels.
You could use the offset2 axis to position the models while the wheels are placed in the correct postion.
If done correctly, each axel would move independently giving a more realistic look and feel to the model.
Is that possible ?

Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 00:19
Yes, if you wanted the whole axle turning, I did this just so each wheel rotated on it's own axis. I'll try it later maybe. Thanks,
Posted: 11 Nov 2006, 07:15
thanks zack, that is exactly what I wanted. I just dl'd it and I'll give you a headsup on how it feels, my fav truck for mtm2 just may become my new fav for revolt
Posted: 12 Nov 2006, 03:04
This is the original Mtm2 version in Revolt using the mtm2 textures.
Need to work on the scale for revolt.
As it keeps rolling over when i try to turn.
Also all 8 wheels turn.
Posted: 12 Nov 2006, 03:11
BurnRubr @ Nov 11 2006, 10:34 PM wrote:Need to work on the scale for revolt.
As it keeps rolling over when i try to turn.
Either your COM is too high or the grip/friction values on the wheels are to high, maybe a cobination of both.
Maybe also the body and wheels need to be repositioned to suit the hul file.
Send it to me for a little tweaking,

Posted: 12 Nov 2006, 03:23
Okay I have emailed the 8x8 wardog to you ManMountain.
Let me know if it needs to be scaled bigger or anything.
Posted: 12 Nov 2006, 05:04
Very nice BurnRubr. Probably would've been a good idea for me to do that the first time, it's just that I'm just a little short on time. Later,