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Posted: 26 Aug 2006, 03:27
aight, here's the thing. I have NO idea how to create my own cars. Is there anyone that would care to help me out??? My e-mail is I'll need to know what programs to use and how to use them. I got some pretty cool ideas in my head, I just need to get them out! Thanks in advance to whoever helps me out.
Posted: 26 Aug 2006, 08:16
I have some tutorials I am putting together on my website
"ZackAttackGames - Revolt" if you want to check that out. I'll be adding to the tutorial pages tomorrow, and you shouldn't have much, if any trouble with them. A good program to use would be 3DS Max. You can find a torrent on Google, and even a direct download. Later,
Posted: 26 Aug 2006, 21:57
re-volt hustler
Well if ur internet isnt fast enough to get 3ds max, you can get zmodeler v1.07-free or blender3d-(free) which is just as good as 3ds max.

Ill make a tut for blender3d. With zmod im get used to converting cars to different games.