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Posted: 11 Aug 2006, 03:50

From another angle.
The strange thing is, they both had colision data, hul files.

Posted: 11 Aug 2006, 07:15
Wow, that is strange. How fast were they going?
Posted: 11 Aug 2006, 23:30
re-volt hustler
lol, that has never happen to me before and what is that red car?

Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 01:01
It was actually at the finish, one colided with the other, they both have top speeds of 55mph.
The cars are just two of my MANY AI project test cars.

Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 08:01
I guess a hull file that wasn't properly set to the cars' bodies could create that effect.
Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 19:35
re-volt hustler
ManMountain could you deal with the AI in my cars?
The AI I got now are kind of retarded.

Posted: 13 Aug 2006, 00:05

Posted: 13 Aug 2006, 03:09
re-volt hustler
How do I make my polycount lower?
Im using blender3d to make my own game now.
I dont know if Im gonna do the readme's anytime soon.
And programs do I use to make a track?
Posted: 13 Aug 2006, 04:35
I don't know how you can lower the poly count, but I would expect a loss in crisp definition if you do.
You can use 3D programs to make tracks.
I would appreciate it if you could send the original readmes and updated readmes as soon as you can, so that I can approve your cars, then everyone can enjoy them.
Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 03:12
re-volt hustler
Do you make tracks and if you do what programs do you use?
Do I send the readme's to your email?

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 05:29
Yes I make tracks, but I only use the in game Track Editor.
I have worked with others in track making.
Yes, send the readme's to my email, thanks.
Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 06:25
re-volt hustler
I sent the reade's and how many cars can I upload at a time on the site?

Posted: 14 Aug 2006, 06:26
re-volt hustler
did u get the readmes MM

Posted: 30 Aug 2006, 01:00
Where Can I dl These Cars One Is An Modified Aquasonic while the other is a repainted Corvette.