Hi and Welcome to Our Re-Volt Pub.
Because each car is mapped differently to it's own body.prm model, it is not easy to explain what needs to go where.
Check out the page about skin repainting over at
Googled English translation :
Also, use the
Texture Mesh Viewer utility to help you understand where your car is mapped.
The best way to paint a model for me, is to open Re-Volt, use the 'MAKEITGOOD' name cheat code (this will enamble you to use you mouse to pan round the car from all angles), select your car and start a race. While in the race (no need to actually start racing) press F6, now you can use your mouse buttons to go forward or backwards and you can pan round by moving the mouse.
Now press Alt+Tab to exit out of Re-Volt to the Desktop, without closing the game.
Use your graphics editor to paint your car, during each small change save your image then go back in to Re-Volt and see what effect it has done, then Alt+Tab to go back to Desktop.
Always make sure there is no bmq file within the car folder, as the game will use that for certain distance viewing and will obscure what you really want to see.
Basically, it's a lot of trial and error editing, but once you understand how your cars body.prm model is mapped, it should be easier the next time.
I hope this helps you.