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Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 20:36
Been lingering to write this but was to lazy so here it is..
Sure this is an excellent program letting you have loads of cars.
But my <Insert word here for the correct thingy?> is as follows..
In My cars directory I have a total of 532 Cars which is great and using the TMMCC allows me race with them. (Waheey)
But because of the amount of cars in my directory, Revolt has become typicaly BORING because of the AI uses of cars.
When I start a race with professional cars, it only selects the first 12 custom pro cars that i have in the cars directory (Ranges from Zero-G to Porsche 911 GT1 EVO) and it never chooses anything else. So I'm always racing the same cars on the same tracks over and over again.
Now I know the best way to fix this is remove a chunk load of cars but I don't want to do that. Is there any other way possible? Thanks =]
Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 21:28
Yes, the only real solution is to add & remove a preferred selection of cars.
The best way to do this would be to use Gareth Bain's RVOrganizer, a utility to help organize your cars. Download it
There is also cd090580's Car Organizer 1.1.1, download it
But I can not get it to function properly on my system.
Another solution to your problem is to create 4 copies of your prefered car and re-class them to each class (0=Rookie, 1=Amature...etc etc), then reclass a selection of AI opponents (I believe RV uses the first 25 cars in any one class).
This way you can have a sure 5 different set of races. Although it will involve a lot of editing and specialised group selection.
I hope this helps you some.
Posted: 06 Aug 2006, 16:34
Used the car organiser to organise cars into a garage folder.
I forgot about reclassing the cars aswell, I tried it and now Revolt is as fun as it was again.
Thanks Manmountain. Really appreciate it. Thanks.

Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 04:27
As it seems I just downloaded those to programs but didn't try them out. (I ran out of time)
I tried out Garath bains garage program, removing a chunk load of cars and I left about 103 cars in the directory.
So I started Revolt expecting to play fresh, but to my suprise once I had moved to the Car Selection screen, the game crashed. I thought it was because I typed in a cheat. So I tried without cheating, same result. I then tried Random Cars. I was able to get to the track selection screen, so I choose a track and the summary came up and I pressed enter. Same Result again.
Any Ideas on how to fix this?
Also a problem with RVA
Whether its just my computer or the site I don't know.
Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 04:45
Try this link :
Download original cars page one
Or this :
Cars Menu
As to your error, you should always select a stock car (idealy RC Bandit) before deleting/removing any custom cars.
The game creates a registry value of the last car selected. Custom cars have values higher than the stock cars. If you have a registry value of 100 or more, but have lesss than 100 cars in your cars folder the game will crash.
Try and always set your cars and tracks to stocks before deleting or removing large amounts of cars or tracks.
Please try and keep your images 640X480 max, thanks.
Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 04:51
So about the error on my cars part. Does that mean I have to go into the car organiser and set a value of 100 and keep a maximum of 100 cars in the game directory?
Ps --> Sorry about the large image size... I'll remember next time.
Posted: 07 Aug 2006, 04:59
You may have to either, reset the registry value, to 0
Or you might have to replace all the cars that you removed. Then select a stock car before exiting Re-Volt.
Is there anything else you have done besides remove cars ?
Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 04:17
Nope All I did was remove cars.....
Posted: 12 Aug 2006, 04:33
Copy the following into a basic text editor :
Code: Select all
Save this as 'Car-ID.reg'
Then double click on the saved file and answer yes to add to registry.
This will set your starting car to RC Bandit or which ever car you have in the RC Bandit folder.
Posted: 13 Aug 2006, 00:04
Thanks. Fixed. No other problems.