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Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 07:54
On my first repaint attempt (a taxi style Sprinter XL which is just a slight colour change), I saw it look really strange, as if it had layers. One part of it was yellow, the rest was blue. In the race when I turned, sometimes the yellow would filter through. To make the repaint's file, I just copied the Sprinter's, made a folder name change, and changed the route where files were retrived. To be simple and fast, I used MS Paint to do the colouring. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 14:03
Howdy. You're seeing the car.bmp and the car.bmq mixed together. The car.bmq is a bitmap image that's exactly half the size of the car.bmp (a .bmp renamed to .bmq). The two different image sizes exist for the sake of a graphics effect known as mipmapping (
click for info). I suspect you didn't create a new bmq or didn't delete the existing one, that's why you're seeing the old and the new mixed together. If you pause the game while looking at your car you can look in the renderer options for an item called "mipmap level", it has three settings: none, point and linear. If you set it to none you will see only the car.bmp, while point and linear will show what you have described. For a simple cure to your problem just delete the .bmq in your car folder.
Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 21:31
Thank you very much!

It really helped!