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Posted: 11 Jul 2006, 01:41
I have removed a post by pheneaaa, member No 121.
As it was hyperlinks to sexual enhancement medications, nothing what so ever to do with Re-Volt. :angry:
Only 11 people had viewed it, but I will try to catch this kind of thing sooner.

Please remove pheneaaa from our members list or give me admin privilages to do member removal myself.


Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 21:33
Another adult link spammer, Kazanova Foreve.

Please remove!

Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 21:39
deleted the two fools and i gave you admin rights, dude.
youll find a Admin CP next to Mod CP now.
please dont mess anything up. :P
even tho im sitting at my desk and my pc hour after hour i rarely find time to check with you guys lately.

uni, real life and most notably, a girlfriend are taking their tolls. ;)

Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 21:46
Thanks, :)

Enjoy the girl friend and the real life while it's fun. ;)
We'll still be here when it's not.. .... :lol: