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Posted: 05 Jun 2005, 19:15
Check out this new site.
Re-Volt Motorsports
Let me know what you think ?
Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 21:24
Hi all,
I have updated my site (still needs a bit of work)
Please take a look, sign the guestbook and let me know your thoughts.
Re-Volt Motorsports
Thanks for your time,
Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 01:25
only thing i didnt find was how to read the Guestbook.
otherwise its pretty neat.
Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 02:49
Hmm ?
Not sure what you mean ?
Can you add a comment in the guestbook ?
Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 13:18
yeah and i think i did, too.
there should be a comment by me from yesterday in the guestbook but i cant read the guestbook so im not sure if i actually posted.
Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 18:01
Yep, your messege is there.
But I don't understand why you can't read the rest of the guestbook.
Any one else have this problem ?
Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 18:09
just tried with nasty IE and i could read it there...
so its another bit of code thats written in a way only IE can understand, mostly those bits are not standard and/or errorneous... pity...
not your fault tho.
Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 19:41
I'm using Mozilla and the guestbook works with it fine... what browser were you trying it with?
Posted: 07 Sep 2005, 21:54
Yes, arto is right.
After having a few small issue's while editing my site, Freewebs recomended using
'Mozilla Firefox Browser' as a more reliable browser.
But I am still using IE6 with no major problems.

Posted: 08 Sep 2005, 17:46
yah it was a browser incompatibility as i said.
i was using Opera 7.54 cuz i was being too lazy to care for installing 8.02.
i did now tho... and it's good. so yeah.

Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 18:55
your site is really nice