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Posted: 24 Jun 2006, 23:18
I'd like to request for a Traxxas Rustler to be built. I don't believe that it would be an easy task though and it doesn't have to be on a time limit . I will be able to help with painting and graphics though. I don't have 3ds Max so that is why i'm requsting for it to be built. I want it to handle like it's meant for offroad and don't want the suspension to be too stiff and springy. It should have soft easy gliding suspension that just soaks up the bumps and not too fast steering so that it can be precise when cornering. I want it to be able to go on or off road so these characteristics should make it a really great handling vehicle. Thank you for your time and please reply as it would be greatlty appreciated.

Posted: 25 Jun 2006, 02:44
Not sure which car your talking about ?
Do you have a link or a picture ?
There is already a Traxxas pack, is it one of these cars :
click on image
As to the params, I'm sure I could help out there.

Posted: 25 Jun 2006, 23:30
Hey Manmountain, i already know about the traxxas pack, it includes the Traxxas E-Maxx but i'll give you a link to the Traxxas website for the Rustler. Here it is
Click Here. Thanks for the reply.

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 02:22
Hey Manmountain, i was just wondering what cars are available for download that would replace the clockwork used in clockwork carnage, that are a little bigger and a little more easier to control. As well as low poly, i know i've seen them somewhere. Could you please throw me a link or give me some names. Thanks.

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 07:54
If you replace the paint, body, wheels and params in wincar4, you can have Toyeca carnage or Dust Mite carnage or....etc, etc. Any car can work. I like MadBull carnage myself.
P.S. one of RVCC's cars on RVA sorta looks like the Rustler. I think it's the RVCC T-10 or something like that...

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 19:56
what is the fastest car for re-volt? only looking for 100+ mph
Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 21:45
Probably the TT series pack cars. Their fastest params go around 1000 or so at max.

Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 00:32
Hey Manmountain i'm currently repainting your M.O.M. trucks and wanted to know if it's okay with you if i could post it. I'll send it to you when i'm finished with it and i won't forget to give you and Duo M credit for the trucks aswell. Basically they are the same exact trucks but with different paint schemes. By the way if there are any wheels you have laying around that you made and would fit them could you please send them to me. Maybe i could touch em up a bit. Thanks, and i won't disappoint you.

Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 20:51
Hi Turborust,
Try my 'Wincar Beta' - this is a repainted (2 skins) Wincar Too, with 2 slightly different sets of parameters. It's available from RVZT.
You could also try 'Wincar Adeon', which is a reduced-size Adeon, tho this has a higher poly count.
Posted: 28 Jun 2006, 22:28
GWC @ Jun 28 2006, 04:21 PM wrote: Hi Turborust,
Try my 'Wincar Beta' - this is a repainted (2 skins) Wincar Too, with 2 slightly different sets of parameters. It's available from RVZT.
You could also try 'Wincar Adeon', which is a reduced-size Adeon, tho this has a higher poly count.
Hey what's up GWC, yeah i alredy downloaded your wincar beta, i also kinda gave it a new paint job in the process

. But what i was actually looking for was a car i could use to actually replace the clockwork used in clockwork carnage "meaning a whole new car". I was just wondering if there were any cars available right now that would immediately replace wincar4. Thanks for all your replies it is greatly appreciated.
p.s. Hey Manmountain, i'm about 95% complete on the repaints of your M.O.M. pack, i just need some input as to what colors would look cool on them. Also i made the car look like everything on it has a bevelled/shaded look to them. I also figured out how to do a more psychadellic painjob over the past few days that would totally fit the car. Oh and could you please PM me your e-mail Manmountain so i can send the beta photos over to you. Thanks.

Posted: 29 Jun 2006, 01:52
Hi all
Ever so sorry for the lack of replies, but I have been trying to stay off my PC for the last few weeks.
I was slightly OD-ing on Re-Volt, so I needed a break.

Hopefully I will try and get back into the swing of it all.
Yes! by all means, please do repaints of any of my creations.
As to the clockwork replacement, you are quite right in trying to find a low poly model, but there aren't realy any custom models with low polies.
The wincar's are about 100 poly,
The average stock car is about 250 poly,
The average custom cars are about 800-1200 polies, some are over 2000.
I don't know the poly counts for every car. What style/shape of car are you wanting ?
Tou can find a contact email on the home page of my RV site.
Posted: 02 Jul 2006, 21:54
who has fastest re-volt car? (100mph+) please put download link to car
Posted: 08 Jul 2006, 09:54
Iron Bob
I have a parameter file that will allow my tungsten tiger to go 999mph. But doing so is pointless. The only way I found to hit that kind of speed was to replace the stunt track with a giant flat floor. And then the speed hits 999mph and then starts slowing down again. It's way to fast to be suitable for any track.
Posted: 08 Jul 2006, 19:31

Posted: 11 Jul 2006, 06:05
Iron Bob @ Jul 8 2006, 05:24 AM wrote:I have a parameter file that will allow my tungsten tiger to go 999mph. But doing so is pointless. The only way I found to hit that kind of speed was to replace the stunt track with a giant flat floor. And then the speed hits 999mph and then starts slowing down again. It's way to fast to be suitable for any track.
I have a set of parameters which allows one of my cars to reach 700mph/1000+kph and still rising at the time of reaching the end of a specifically designed Drag strip track , my own creation.
This car gradually (yet quickly) reaches it's high speeds and maintains grip and direction.
The quick acceleration to a max speed followed by a drop off/reduction in speed, as Iron Bob describes, is something I have come accross myself, but I found that these cars find it very hard to stay in a straight line, they feel like their about to take off.
There are a few 100+mph and some 200+mph cars out and about, if you can't find any just drop me an email and I'll try and give you the collection I have.
I will also let you have a basic yet specially modified lego track I use for these high speed cars.