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Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 18:58
how can I add trees into my track? they aren't in the MAKEITGOOD object things

Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 19:42
Maybe just copy the ones from NHOOD. Open in MAKEITGOOD mode the Instance mode, so see what name have the tree. After that, go to your NHOOD folder and copy this file (and the NCP, the collision

) to your track folder. This is all.
See ya!
Posted: 08 Jun 2006, 20:25
Trees are 'Instances', not 'Objects', so do as ADX says, then select 'Instances' from the MAKEITGOOD menu. But the only instances you will find are those that you have put into your track folder.
I think the best trees are in the Garden track, though the Hood tracks also have some.
Posted: 09 Jun 2006, 00:54
Yea its true. However you also have to copy the correspondend texture (can be done with tools like ali's remaper, but think that is easy to find these textures)