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Posted: 20 Dec 2005, 03:29
i cant drive the cold-fire car just because it cant find a AerialE.m file and the Aerialm.TK something like that. im using no cd. does any1 have these 2 missing files?
Posted: 20 Dec 2005, 17:23
Killer Wheels
These files cames from the Iron Bob's Aerial kit. Thx to him

Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 23:23
but where do i get these???
Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 22:45
Iron Bob
You can get them here.
Posted: 26 Feb 2006, 23:33
How can you unlock the UFO car without using the cheat code? Does the Clockwork Carnage do anything with it?
Posted: 27 Feb 2006, 00:41
The UFO can be unlocked by using a cheat - either URCO (which onlocks only UFO) or CARNIVAL (which unlocks all cars, including the trolley and Wincars).
Or you can open the UFO parameters and change 'obtain' (in the 2nd section) from -1 to 0.
Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 00:58
How do you let other cars get the ufo sound, or clockwork because if i change the parameters/class to others i'll get a glow sound :S
Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 01:03
Simple, you can't.
Sorry, but it's one of those in game engine secrets that is unreachable through the parameters.txt or the .inf file.
I once tried creating an individual sound, placed it in the wavs folder then created a car with the same folder name as the sound then as you, seleted the other setting, but it did not do anything.

Posted: 04 Apr 2006, 10:17
Code: Select all
Class 1 ; Engine type (0=Elec, 1=Glow, 2=Other)
I think that how he chose the sound. Try and put 2 and see if it works.
Posted: 08 Apr 2006, 07:02
Why is it that some cars have a bitmap file AND a BMQ file and if you replace one with another paint scheme, the car changes between the two depending on how close the camera is to the car? Does this add some kind of effect or something?

Posted: 08 Apr 2006, 08:29
Pretty simple to understand this one.
A bmp file is the full size 256 x 256 pixel bitmap, of either your car or track graphics.
The bmq is one quarter the size at 128 x 128 pixels, but it is still in bmp format if viewed in any graphics program.
The difference is, the bmp is for close up graphics drawing and if included the bmq is for distance graphic drawing.
If applied correctly, you can create some good effects, both on cars and in tracks, hilaire9 has used this effect in a few of his tracks.
The reason for the bmq file is to reduce drawing time of distant objects, but a bmq file does not need to be there to make your car or track work correctly, it's just to help fps.
Posted: 08 Apr 2006, 16:58
Killer Wheels
You should try
This Track to se how it work !

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:47
can anyone tell me how to:
- change color of a car
- how to make a car wider or thinner
- how to make a car longer or shorter
- how to make wheels bigger or smaller
- change how fast a car goes
- change how much a car weighs
I know it is a lot, but I SERIOUSLY need help.
Since i'm new to all this stuff, can you also tell me where to locate them on the parameters thing and how many lines down they are?
please answer quickly
Posted: 01 May 2006, 17:17
The basic colour of the car is created by the car.bmp file (or what ever name it is saved as), edit this in any simple graphics program. Some cars have a bmq file, which is one quater the size but still saved in bmp format, edit or remove this to stop strange doubled layering.
- how to make a car wider or thinner
- how to make a car longer or shorter
To make a car wider, thinner, longer or shorter visually, you need to use RV-Sizer, a utility that will enable you to change the size of the car body.prm in all three axis.
The hul file is the physical collision data for the car, you can use the Hulscale utility to try and change this, although I personally never had much luck., other wise use one of the original stock car hul files.
- how to make wheels bigger or smaller
For the visual size of the wheels use RV-Sizer as described above.
To change the actual physical size, go to the
'Car Wheel details' section and change the value
- change how fast a car goes
For basic speed adjustment go to the
'Handling related stuff' section and change the value
Also in the
'Car Wheel details' section, you can alter the values
'EngineRatio' and
'AxleFriction', not only will these values change overall speed but also change acceleration.
- change how much a car weighs
The cars weight/mass can be changed by going to the
'Car Body details' section and changing the value
I hope this starts you on your way to solving your questions.
Any other qestions, just ask, OK?

Posted: 02 May 2006, 03:38
Hey thanks Manmountain, and I do have another question...
Can I ever change how thin, wide, tall, or short a car is in the parameters?
I've been trying and nothing I do seems to work, so if I can change how thin, wide, tall, or short a car is in the parameters, can you tell me how to?
Posted: 02 May 2006, 07:26
The only thing that you can do to the body in the parameters is change it's visual position, in the
'Car Body details' section, change the
'Offset' values in the X,Y & Z axis. Not recomended to do this unless the model was created off center in the 3D program.
You can not alter the car bodies pysical or visual dimensions from within the parameters.txt. Sorry
You need to use RV-Sizer, part of the Chaos tools found here :
Chaos Tools
If you do alter the size and shape of the body then you will need to change the position of the wheels, in the
'Car Wheel details' section adjust the
'Offset1' X,Y & Z values.
Remember, when editing any of the wheel values that there are four wheels, 2 back and 2 front, so you need to maintain semetrical adjustments and alter at least 2 wheels at any one time.
Check out the param notes documentation over at RVA :
Param Notes
Posted: 02 May 2006, 08:41
I'm working on a new car that goes 1 mph faster than the speed of light.

It spins out on turns if it goes past 60 mph. I was thinking, "Iron Bob's cars can go that fast without spinning out. It must be those arials." Now, I looked at Sabre Storm. Its arial was ArialTA. But the Tungsten Tiger's arial was ArialTC, and so was Micro-Pup's. So I didn't know which one of Iron Bob's arials to choose, and I couldn't see a difference. Could somebody tell me what arial would be ideal for my car? Or what some of the arials mean?
Posted: 02 May 2006, 08:51
I was just wondering exactly what the Engine Ratio is, it would help me a bit. Thanks.
Posted: 03 May 2006, 01:35
Killer Wheels
Hey, all aerials are the same !
All you are searching for is in the paramters.txt file :
Code: Select all
; Car Aerial details
AERIAL { ; Start Aerial
SecModelNum 17
TopModelNum 18
Offset -20.000000 -28.000000 -28.000000
Direction -0.310000 -0.900000 -0.310000
Length 20.000000
Stiffness 2000.000000
Damping 5.500000
} ; End Aerial
Posted: 03 May 2006, 05:55
HEY, does anyone know how to activate the Chaos tool?
Everytime I try to open it, The screen appears black and closes in a few seconds for know reason. I am not sure why.
Additional info is I have windows xp, if it is important...
Posted: 03 May 2006, 07:26
I also have Windows XP. Unfortunately, I don't know what program you're talking about. Can you give some clarification? If you mean the MAKEITGOOD cheat, I also have trouble with that. If you mean the track editor, only thing you need to know is press F1.
Posted: 03 May 2006, 07:31
Thanks, Killer Wheels. Now all I have to do is figure out what THAT means

. So then why did Iron Bob create the arials if they all mean the same thing? why did he make so many? Is it the same with the stock arials? Why are there two arials, arial and arialt, in the first place?
Posted: 03 May 2006, 07:53
I was talking about the Chaos Tools which is supposed to let me edit my cars and stuff.
So if you have it, let me know what's wrong, okay?

Posted: 03 May 2006, 08:10
When I increased the length, the antenna got bigger. And I said, "What does this have to do with aerials?" I guess aerials are antennas or something. If I'm right, this case is closed. If not, tell me.
Posted: 03 May 2006, 11:23
Iron Bob

Sorry, but the different aerials change the color of the antenna on the car. The aerials kit was something I introduced when I got sick of the stock black and red antennas. As for the spinning out problem, look in the parameters file at "SteerRate" and "COM". SteerRate and COM will be found in the "Handling related stuff" section of the parameters file. As a kindof rule I set the COM first. The term COM actually stands for Center of Mass, what this refers to is the point in the car model where there is the most weight. The numbers after the COM refer to X,Y,Z coordinates from the cars 0,0,0 point. I've found the best location for the COM is slightly forward of the wheelbase center and as low as possible (BE WARNED! setting the COM to low will totally screw up the car in Revolt, and can even crash the game). As for the SteerRate, in general the faster the car the lower the SteerRate number. You will have to play with both settings till the car feels right.
Have Fun

Posted: 03 May 2006, 21:11
Hmm ??
You guys seem so impatient,
If you
read the included documentation with the Chaos tools you will read that you need to run/activate the tools from a DOS prompt command line. Examples of the command line statements are included.
I create Batch files (basic text files saved as file.BAT) which have the full command line statement. These need to be saved and run in the same folder as the tool and should also be in the same folder as the prm file your working on.
As to the Engine Ratio, please
read the Param Notes as I have linked to in the above posts.
Car parameter tweaking is a lot of trial and error testing, trust me, I've done quite a bit of it.

Posted: 03 May 2006, 21:24
The car will also easily spin if the back wheels have less grip and friction than the front. Iron Bob's cars usually have a lot more rear friction than the front.
Also, changing the inertia values and air resistance can limit how much the car will spin.
Trial and error dude,
I have a car that can accelerate extremely fast and reach in excess of 130mph and has quick yet smooth reactive handling, both manual and AI.

Not much use for the short up & down twisty tracks, but on long flat open tracks it's pure heaven.
Posted: 06 May 2006, 05:19
I used the original Probe UFO's parameters. I guess I just have to increase the grip. But I'm having trouble. Is the grip calculated by the game based on downforce, or is the downforce value irrevelent? I don't think I'll change the COM, but I'll play with the steer rate. Thanks!
Posted: 23 May 2006, 04:49
Posted: 10 Jun 2006, 07:55
Posted: 14 Jun 2006, 17:11
The UFO/Probe params are specific to the UFO folder and in-built in the game engine.
They can not be reproduced in any other folder.
And believe me, I've tried.

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 03:42
Manmountain @ May 3 2006, 04:54 PM wrote:I have a car that can accelerate extremely fast and reach in excess of 130mph and has quick yet smooth reactive handling, both manual and AI.

Not much use for the short up & down twisty tracks, but on long flat open tracks it's pure heaven.
Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 01:21
Posted: 05 Aug 2006, 02:00
Download the
RV-Minis set of tools, and use the RV-texmap utility.
Otherwise, load/import the wheel into Zmodler and remap the textures that way.
Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 22:37
"Aerial" is the European term for "antenna" or "cable".
I prefer to say antenna for antenna, and cable for cable,
I'm American.

Posted: 19 Aug 2007, 22:54
I've worked on radar (with the RAF) and television (with the BBC), and I have always used 'antenna' for radar and 'aerial' for TV.
But I have always referred to 'cable' as 'cable'
Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 01:44
Britain has a lot of variety.
Apparently it's only the size of Montana.
Also, Manmountain, I WANT THAT CAR!
Also Geoff, (pronounced Jeff to anybody who doesn't know...)
I just heard aerial somewhere on BBC America.
So I assumed that the Re-Volt developers were using that word.
(BTW BBC America is our watered down BBC)
Shows on that station:
Bargain Hunt
Changing Rooms
Everything Must Go! get the idea
Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 21:38
Those BBC shows you mention are the reason I spend so much time on my comp!
And they are the better shows

Posted: 01 Sep 2007, 18:48
Seems I was lucky then. How's the weather over there?
Our weather (Illinois) can very from -10 Fahrenheit to 100 Fahrenheit.
Don't know what that is in Celsius though.
Some of those shows are REALLY BAD while others can be funny.
One thing I never understood about MANY BBC shows is that they have "jazzy" themes.
There stereotyping their own country.

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 04:52
Useful tip from Aeon......
Aoen on 17th Sep 07 @ RVZT wrote:How to make a hul file:
1. Get the body.prm and hull.hul from the R6 Turbo car.
2. Run rv-sizer on the r6's body.prm to get its size.
3. Run rv-sizer on the new car's body.prm.
4. Calculate the difference using (1 / r5 x/y/z * new car x/y/z) for each dimension.
5. Apply new values to hulscale using the r6's hul file.
My 2 cents worth...
Using the same method, use other stock car body.prm's & hull.hul's, and depending on where your wheel placements need to be, find one that best suits your needs, as not all models and their wheels are equally placed over the mid point.
Find ;
RV-sizer :
Hulscale :