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Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 13:08
This morning, ORP's board software has been update to the awfully modern TapaTalk.
Inivisonfree has been acquired by TapaTalk recently. Apparently, administrators have the choice to either update to the oldschool-ish ZetaBoard software or a Tapatalk Board. The latter happened here.
Now, I'm sure everything can be fixed up (the order of forums seems to be mixed up and moderators don't appear on the list).
I'd much rather want to find out if this change can be reverted. Using ZetaBoards wouldn't be that bad either.
Still, I don't like that users are prompted to "upgrade" their account to a TapaTalk account. The design isn't as accessible anymore and the list of recent posts at the top of the site is also missing.
I want our old pub back!
Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 14:17
Don't know when exactly happened and why. Waiting for an answer from the forum administrator. It didn't happen with RVLive.
From my personal point of view, this transition is a huge downgrade. Some characters (like "|") got lost, and particular features seem to be missing now.
I also have to approve every single new post or edit now, so don't except to find it instantly. Is now fixed.
Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 20:59
Hi guys, this is news to me also, and totally blown my mind WTF ??
I have managed to log in to the ACP admin screen, I think I have put VaiD in to the Admin group, can you log in to the ACP via the manage settings tab ?
As I was not the original admin I think I might not have the total full access. TheMeandMe was the original Admin of this forum so I can only assume he was receiving notifications of this change.
Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 23:31
I gave a quick look at ACP settings. Not much I can do besides tweaking the css style a little bit, unfortunately (already reverted to square avatars). I will try to do a few more tweaks when I get more free time.
[Edit]: Member post count will now show up without hovering on member's avatar.
[Edit2]: More tweaks: defined board max-width, minimized useless margins/paddings, got rid of navigation bar footer, transparent navigation bar while scrolling, separator/divider below post date.
[Edit3]: Even more margin/padding tweaks, username above avatar in post list. Logo is now shown in every page with minor style changes.
Posted: 05 Dec 2017, 16:10
Yeah, I'm not a fan of tapatalk. ZetaBoard would be better for this, probably. If we can't just keep it how it was.
Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 02:39
We didn't choose it, and we are not the original senior admin, so had no notification of this. TheMeandMe was/is the original admin but has not visited or responded in quite a while. I think Viad is getting to grips with it and making good steady tweaks.
Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 03:33
This thread on Zathyus Networks (the official support board for ZetaBoards & zIFBoards) may be of interest. It would probably be a good idea to submit a support ticket and pursue a conversion from TapaTalk to ZetaBoards. It might be difficult to attain it, but it seems like there's the possibility that it could work.
It may be impossible to go back to InvisionFree, but I believe ZetaBoards would be okay. I have used it before, and it is not
too different from InvisionFree; definitely not to the same extent as TapaTalk. I'd argue it could even be considered an actual upgrade.
Posted: 06 Dec 2017, 17:00
To shed more light on the situation: The transition was automatic. Administrators (Jigebren and TheMeAndMe) received a notification about the impending change. Since they took no action, the transition defaulted to a Tapatalk.
Keep in mind that the ZetaBoards is also only community-supported. Who knows how long until Tapatalk shuts them down as well.
Before too much effort is spent on trying to recover ORP, I think a self-hosted solution would be better.
We can only speculate what's going to happen with the Forums now that Tapatalk took over Invisionfree, same applies to RVL.
I can offer you
this. It's up to you to take the leap or keep using ORP.
Posted: 10 Dec 2017, 02:51
I'm here after being warned by Manmoutain about the recent changes.
I have never received any pre-notification about the forthcoming conversion, and there's no option as far as I can see to switch to Zetaboards now..
I can offer you this. It's up to you to take the leap or keep using ORP.
Maybe this is the solution, instead of keeping relying on something we don't have much control on, as we can see right now.
PS: BTW I take the opportunity to apologize for the bunch of messages and request I have left unanswered... both PM and emails.
I likely have read (and forgotten) the emails, but I don't even have had a look at all the PM for quite some time. Once again, sorry for that. :|
I'm not even aware of what's going on in the Re-Volt scene lately... Anyway if it's still needed (and if it can still be used with a recent Blender version) I could make my Blender plugin public so that anybody can use - and maintain - it (but maybe there's better alternative now).
Posted: 10 Dec 2017, 04:13
Welcome back!
Quite a few people already started using the new forum, including SebR for his stock and custom track fixes, as well as Huki for RVGL. ORP has always been an important place for me, even more so since I started developing for Re-Volt. Making it look and work similar to ORP was important to me.
Your Blender add-on can't be used with the most recent version of Blender. The last one it works with is 2.76, I believe. A ton of people are still using it.
Meanwhile, I started developing an alternative that a few people are using already. You could still open the code of your add-on as someone might actually want to continue working on it (especially since many people are used to the workflow). I know you've put a lot of work into it and I don't want to see it go to waste. I learned a lot from it.
It'll also still be helpful for a lot of people trying to figure out how Re-Volt's files work.
Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 19:20
Thank's for your input Jig, anything you can offer is greatly appreciated by all I'm sure. ;)