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Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 20:22
Hi all, long time no speak.
Reading some topics here and on other RV pages over the past few years, it suggest's to me that some discussion's need a more one on one reactive debate with limited restriction's.
Facebook would seem to be an ideal place for this, but my reservation over creating a group dedicated for this purpose exclusively for RV related arguements is that Revolt Live created a Facebook group and although has over 300 members does not get much use.
So, my question's to you all is...
1) would you like a place where you can debate and argue any issue without the usual forum restriction's ?
2) if yes, would you like a new Facebook group created linked with this forum or do you think we should use the Revolt Live group for such a purpose ?
All your opinion's are welcomed, as I'm sure there are a select few who would love to have a good "debate" with other certain people, lol.
So is it


Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 21:49
Look no further than the
Discord server.
You won't get much more activity than this and restrictions from forums don't apply.
People talk to each other in voice calls the entire day, we organize online racing there as well.
We also post our WIP pictures there, ask for help in terms of car and track making, etc.
To keep it short: All activity moved from forums to Discord.

Posted: 20 Aug 2017, 22:32
RVLive's Facebook group proved how unsuccessful the idea was.
I personally think that Facebook isn't great with group discussions. It just doesn't work. I can be biased, since I have a negative opinion on the site in general. It does what it does, I just think it doesn't suit for discussions.
Marv mentioned Discord. And it is indeed the main current activity source for the Re-Volt community.
It's isn't too difficult to use, also works in a web browser, supports PMs, groups, voice calls. Multiple channels and different permission options keeps the place quite tidy. Messages are saved in the server, so you can read them later.
If Discord doesn't suit you, there's still a working IRC channel - #revolt-chat on AustNet. However, you would need to gather people, cause I barely saw anyone since my last visit.
Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 18:28
LOL, "#revolt-chat on AustNet", wow that brought back memories, use to chat on there over 10 years since now.
Seem's the Facebook idea is a bust, not to suprised.
I would like to point out that my reasoning for this idea was so ANYONE could have a good debate (full on slanging match argument) about their ideas and opinions without being blocked or censored, which we tend to do in these public forum's.
So I would ask that this 'Discord' does not start to censor or block anyone, unless their argument has nothing what so ever to do with RV.
So it look's like it's a

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 22:50
Manmountain @ 24 Aug 2017, 01:58 PM wrote: So it look's like it's a
Then why not try IRC once again? I've been there just for fun during the last few weeks.
The Discord server has to be under moderation to keep the place friendly (there are kids around).
Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 01:06
MarvTheM @ 24 Aug 2017, 06:20 PM wrote:The Discord server has to be under moderation to keep the place friendly (there are kids around).
LOL, the kids are the worst these days.
I think the Discord chat is totally the best option and something I did not know about.
IMHO Strong opinions about individuals needs open debate, especially if it is RV related.
I don't like to have to ban/block or censor individuals for having a singular opinion, just saying.

as I've been there myself.

Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 01:51
Manmountain @ 24 Aug 2017, 08:36 PM wrote:
IMHO Strong opinions about individuals needs open debate, especially if it is RV related.
I don't like to have to ban/block or censor individuals for having a singular opinion, just saying.

as I've been there myself.
That doesn't work if the people are complete dorks that you can't have normal conversations with.
It's not like we didn't try.
We never banned anyone for having other opinions. We banned them because they were complete bonks about it and started insulting people and/or posting disturbing things.
...Also, I think it's very important to keep the place appropriate for all ages.
Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 02:37
So you'll be installing ramp's, chair lift's and dedicated sound channel's for the hard of hearing, you know just catering for all ages.
lol, "disturbing things", my fantasy mode has kicked in and I am imagining all kinds, lol
Is there any kind of squelch function/setting that individuals can assign to to other individuals within the channel ?
Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 02:53
So you'll be installing ramp's, chair lift's and dedicated sound channel's for the hard of hearing, you know just catering for all ages.
Ahem... that's kinda inappropriate.
See, this community is very important to us admins/moderators. I want to make sure everyone is well.
Is there any kind of squelch function/setting that individuals can assign to to other individuals within the channel ?
You can block people and their messages will be hidden within a spoiler.
Still, there is no way to welcome people who come to disturb the peace and insult others. Relying on members to block those people is not an option.
Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 15:32
Going back to the original question: given your intentions, Facebook might not be the most appropiate option either, unfortunately. Not everyone might want to have their identity public, and registration requires giving out a phone number for those who don't have an account. You might lose valuable participants to discussions due to that. I would argue that IRC is a much better option, but its complexity (for less experienced PC users) might discourage people from joining as well.
Discord can still remain a good place for discussion. The restricted subjects are very few, and they are usually for legal reasons (distribution of WeGo content, for example). The only other limitation is to keep things civil and avoid conflict, which should be only fair, no? After all, this is a simple community centered around a video game, and I'm sure most of us just want to have a good time. There may be a few people who seem intolerant about certain opinions, but we never censor opinions that conflict with ours. We only censor them if they come along with unnecessary hostility which ruins the friendly atmosphere that this kind of community should, in my opinion, strive to achieve. But I digress.
In the end, if you want a place where people can say what they want, however they want (and there's nothing wrong with that either), I'd say it's best to stick with something simple where people can use their Re-Volt usernames (or whatever alias they prefer), and the person in power will refrain from muting or kicking users. This can still be done with a secondary forum or Discord server, but I personally am not particularly keen on having the community split in multiple places on the same platform, therefore I would still vouch for IRC. I am still in #ReVolt-Chat on AustNET whenever I have my IRC program open, so just hit me up if you'd like to set up the channel again. Alternatively, #re-volt on Freenode would make a good option as well, I think.
In any case, whatever direction this idea takes, I would be interested in seeing how it would play out. Let us know if you decide to proceed and if you need help with anything.
Posted: 26 Aug 2017, 01:51
Ahem... that's kinda inappropriate.
MarvTheM, lol you need to lighten up a little. It was a JOKE.
@URV, I think we have already agreed that Discord is the way to go.