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Posted: 31 Jul 2017, 04:48
Posted: 31 Jul 2017, 06:09
wooop! ^ ^
does that mean we can get revolt driving licenses now?

Posted: 01 Aug 2017, 22:35

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 03:11
go to hell revolt i wish u were never born u buggy pieace of s***

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 03:14
Be nice Cosmo! You know it's still fun.

Posted: 02 Aug 2017, 22:18
Re-volt will never be 18 years old!
Re-volt is dead on the day is the first alphas have been released !
Re-volt is dead and nobody plays with it !
RIP Re-Volt
Posted: 03 Aug 2017, 00:52
It's quite amazing.
I wouldn't be doing the things I'm doing right now without Re-volt. It got me into computer graphics and programming.
This game defined a huge part of who I am. I met some amazing people, even in real life. I spent time with them, talked so much with them, shared good and bad moments.
Re-Volt and its community is always there and will always be, no matter what's going on in life.
This community is something special. Thank you guys, you keep me going.
Posted: 03 Aug 2017, 01:00
This community pretty much defines me.
Posted: 24 Sep 2017, 23:33
Oh jeez! This game is amazing! Great reason to keep up with what's happening with it.