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Posted: 17 Jun 2017, 21:16
I have a concern for creating carbox, as you can see on my photos

How to resolve this?
Posted: 17 Jun 2017, 22:05
Teddy PL
You need to change the best in the RGB value of the string with 0 0 0 for example 2 2 2 and save the picture should help.
Or, if you want, I can send you my carbox image.
Teddy PL.

Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 01:10
Teddy PL @ 17 Jun 2017, 05:35 PM wrote: You need to change the best in the RGB value of the string with 0 0 0 for example 2 2 2 and save the picture should help.
Or, if you want, I can send you my carbox image.
Teddy PL.
I did not use, but photoshop ...
Yes, I want you to show
Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 01:56
With photoshop, you can go to "Select" (at the top bar), then "Color Range", A new window will pop up, at the option "select" you choose "Sampled Colors", set Fuzziness to zero and click at the color on the image that appears transparent on the game, then "ok". that will select all the pixels with 0 0 0 color, so you can just select a different color (almost black, but no totaly) and paint them over with the Paint Bucket Tool.
Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 02:10
zorbah @ 17 Jun 2017, 09:26 PM wrote: With photoshop, you can go to "Select" (at the top bar), then "Color Range", A new window will pop up, at the option "select" you choose "Sampled Colors", set Fuzziness to zero and click at the color on the image that appears transparent on the game, then "ok". that will select all the pixels with 0 0 0 collor, so you can just select a different collor (almost black, but no totaly) and paint them over with the Paint Bucket Tool.
Is not it simpler?
Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 06:08
Black-Revolt001 @ 17 Jun 2017, 05:40 PM wrote:Is not it simpler?
Download. and. Use. Paint.Net. Then.
Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 06:18
Teddy PL
In my opinion, is better and I use it myself, but everyone has their own pragae which apparently trusts.
Here is my carbox that I did for this car.
If you like the link below. ... ptruck.rar
I just forgot that I suspect you are not using colored antennas also you will have to change in this line:
MODEL 17 "cars \ misc \ EBAs-FFFF00.m"
MODEL 18 "cars \ misc \ EBAt-FF0000.m"
From something like this:
MODEL 17 "cars / misc / aerial.m"
MODEL 18 "cars / misc / AerialT.m"
Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 06:31
0 0 0 RGB is used for transparency/alpha in the game, so you have to replace the colour with 1 1 1.
Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 15:43
Teddy PL @ 18 Jun 2017, 01:48 AM wrote: @Black-Revolt001
In my opinion, is better and I use it myself, but everyone has their own pragae which apparently trusts.
Here is my carbox that I did for this car.
If you like the link below. ... ptruck.rar
I just forgot that I suspect you are not using colored antennas also you will have to change in this line:
MODEL 17 "cars \ misc \ EBAs-FFFF00.m"
MODEL 18 "cars \ misc \ EBAt-FF0000.m"
From something like this:
MODEL 17 "cars / misc / aerial.m"
MODEL 18 "cars / misc / AerialT.m"
I love the carbox, thank you for making it ...
I will try to download and train a little ...
thank you
Posted: 18 Jun 2017, 17:55
Teddy PL
Basically this carbox I have done long time, but I'm happy that You like it like you want to some other car to write this boldly maybe I have this car and carbox made it.
Teddy PL.

Posted: 30 Jun 2017, 19:29
There's no problem with Photoshop, all you have to do next time is to use 1;1;1 (or 0;0;2 as I'm doing) and check the car with the color range thing to not contain 0;0;0 and it's fine. For making the shading effect that Teddy made, just copy the layer, move up or down, and change the opacity at layers down with every layer.
With these steps I could make these:

(I know the first one is a bad expample, because it's not containing any black color...)
[HIDE]Maybe if you have some problems like this with Photoshop, just drop a PM, hopefully I'll answer in time