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Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 14:57
Posted at RVA by william murray
PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:44 am Post subject: revolt source
found some old revolt source.
anyone interested?
some assets and tools as well.
For some reason I can not post replies at RVA.
As I get redirected to microsoft each time i press the reply button.
So wondering if someone else can reply to this post
to find out more about this.
RVA Source post
Posted: 29 Apr 2006, 18:49
I await a reply.

Posted: 02 May 2006, 00:28
I have made contact, am now negotiating file tranfer.

Posted: 02 May 2006, 07:49
Right then guys & dolls.
I have spoken with the gent who is offering the source code of Revolt.
Unless someone can offer to host the files (326MB zipped) via ftp, then he will be sending me the files by post/snail mail.
So, can anyone help out here ?
Just to let you know how he came about this source, the company he was working for were contracted to do a port of the game to another system. That deal fell through, both companies have since bit the dust.
Posted: 02 May 2006, 15:21
Someone put a damn FTP server up lol. Sending via snail mail is a bit too much trouble for the dude probably, and missing this kind of opportunity would be a shame.
Posted: 02 May 2006, 20:57
i can put up an ftp, contact me to arrange things
Posted: 02 May 2006, 23:29
me to I can set it up tonight no problem,
Posted: 02 May 2006, 23:46
I have a 2Go free on a FTP if you want.
Posted: 03 May 2006, 03:53
Thanks for the response guys, check your email's

Posted: 03 May 2006, 19:54
If needed I can also open my personal ftp (4 mbps download for me so if you can up at 4 mbps

Posted: 04 May 2006, 22:28
How we doing with this, I have not made contact as yet but will if no one else has.
Posted: 04 May 2006, 22:51
i contacted the dude, and got some files, i finding out what it is all about, he might have more files
Posted: 04 May 2006, 23:52
Thats Great, let us know how you get on. If I can get a set of files I have a contact who might be able to help as well if I can get them to him... Who knows?
Posted: 05 May 2006, 04:37
Josh, contact the "dude" and get yourself a full set of the source, then get your friend on the job ASAP!
The more people that have the full source the easier to get things happening.
Posted: 05 May 2006, 10:10
put somewhere for share what you got so far (is it the full 326MB advertised?), it's pretty easy to check if it's legitimate RV source code for someone who knows the language used (it's probably mostly C).
Posted: 05 May 2006, 12:29
there are 2 packages of files, total of 466Mb packed (extracted 1.5 Gb)
the files are available in
Posted: 05 May 2006, 12:49
once its clear what files we are dealing with, i think its best to organize something.
it wont help if lots of people go "play" with the code, there should be a team of experts that cooperate in this project.
Posted: 05 May 2006, 12:50
I had a quick look at it, and I'd say this is definitely Re-Volt source code.
The question is if it's the full source or just a part of it.
It even contains the sources for the X-Box version.
In there appears to be the original source code that these guys received from the Re-Volt developers. In there is source code too, maybe the one that they were working on? But that has to be checked...
Anyway, I think this can be compiled with Visual C++, now I think it would be time for someone who has the skills to try and compile a full working executable from the sources. If it works it's definitely golden stuff.
Posted: 05 May 2006, 13:43
i download these files and i try to compile them with visual C++ (dsp & dsw are from visual C++)
Posted: 05 May 2006, 14:10
hello guys,
im not good in programming, but the things which i can unravel from your conversation is a possibility to make something revolutionary in the revolt world, im i right?
stox&pix anytime
Posted: 05 May 2006, 14:12
not revolutionary but all we want

Posted: 05 May 2006, 14:15
At least for starters it should be relatively easy to fix the tuxabug and the 12 players online bug.
Posted: 05 May 2006, 14:22
excuses masters, someone turned of my machine
back online now ( i hope there is resume function)
maybe it is an idea to collect some things we want to improve/ fix
- bugatus
- 12 player
- ghost car in time trial
und so weiter
Posted: 05 May 2006, 14:39
hmm, bugatux is clear, but whats 12 online bug?
as a track maker, my dream is to have more textures than just a 10 small bmps.
is there a hope for me?
Posted: 05 May 2006, 14:42
if we open a game in rv house, we can set the number of players to 12 max. but when the game opens this is reset to 8 players.
Posted: 05 May 2006, 14:51
I tried downloading the source from the link from sjampo.
But I keep getting asked for a user name and password.
Posted: 05 May 2006, 14:53
BurnRubr @ May 5 2006, 11:21 AM wrote: I tried downloading the source from the link from sjampo.
But I keep getting asked for a user name and password.
Posted: 05 May 2006, 16:38
Thanks for the pm.
But i am getting loggin errors.
Posted: 05 May 2006, 17:15
This much I have checked from the source:
the tugabux is precisely what I suspected here: ... wtopic=202
The code does not use the full 64-bit timer value, but only the lower 32-bits, which causes the problems on some machines. Fixing it requires changes to timing.cpp and may cause slight performance penalty unless done carefully.
Posted: 05 May 2006, 19:11
While researching the 12 player bug a bit... I've become a bit skeptical if this source is maybe of an older (beta?) version of Re-Volt.
For example... it writes the registry values to software\Acclaim\Revolt, but as most know the real path where the retail version writes them is software\Acclaim\Revolt\1.0
Another thing... while the version of the sources does write and read values from the registry, it does so for only a fraction of the values the retail version does. As a glaring example, the number of laps does not seem to be read or written to the registry.
But we'll see for sure if darksabre manages to compile the code. It's very interesting though and I don't think it's a hoax. It would require lots of information about Re-Volt and lots of time to do this elaborate hoax.
Posted: 06 May 2006, 05:11
if you are going to release a patch with the use of the source, please allow lowercase letters in your playername instead of all caps, its so annoying.
Posted: 06 May 2006, 05:58
I would like to know if there is any way of increasing the number of AI opponents.
The current limit is 12 individual cars or 30 of the same car(clockwork mode) so the game can handle 30 independent AI but not different bodies. I wondering wether thats down to a graphics sheet issue, as there are only 30 graphics sheets used by both cars and tracks. Information can be found in the documentation of the Chaos tool RV-Remap.
Surely there must be a solution or a definate answer to this.
On the same line, we can alter the number of laps to greater than 20 by external programs(Ladedit) but could there be a way to changing it within the game ?
Also somehow allowing for custom Sky maps and sounds without changing stock folders.
If someone could interpret the section that instructs the objects movements and characterists and maybe create a utility to create your own objects.
Just some ideas buzzing in my head that I'm sure we have thought of at one time or another.
Posted: 06 May 2006, 13:15
both files are splitted and uploaded
have fun with it
gr sj
Posted: 06 May 2006, 15:41
Okay I got the source code from
what setting do I set on Xtremesplit to join things together as a zip file again.
As I do not understand french.
Posted: 06 May 2006, 16:32
just get all the files in the same folder, and open the first one, then press coller
Posted: 06 May 2006, 16:38
Got it all done now.
Posted: 07 May 2006, 00:23
OK I go into hospital for a while and come out to all this LMAO!!!!!!!
Whats going on and how the fook!! and i am gonna go back to hospital now lol
I got so much to do.
How do I get my hands on this code???
Posted: 07 May 2006, 00:37
If it is the full code the possibilities for a RV2 are very strong along with new models, lighting more texture space or larger texture file size and prolly lots more.
I will try to hunt Ali and Antimorph down tonight. Antimorph I can get to but ali may be harder lol.
Posted: 07 May 2006, 10:58
I know you programmers dont need a bunch of ppl giving suggestions..but these are my suggestions if indeed this source is real and a patch is made.
-More bitmap use
-Bigger bitmap use
-if possible, the use of .jpeg instead of .bmp
-custom skymaps and sounds (not custom car sounds tho, too many sounds = mayhem)
- higher number of tracks supported (current is like 255?)
- More polygon support for .prm's and car meshes (60K for instances?)
-More general textures for the track editor
-a more versitile track editor (No need for RV Glue, Select surface properties per track peice:))
-Cheat console, (IE: you dont have to type in u'r name to get the cheats, have an enable/disable screen)
-Use of MP3's for tracks
And LAST But certainly not least
-An email function directly to Skitch2 so we can all harass him about when he's releasing his next tracks:)
Posted: 07 May 2006, 16:06
Hi kids! Skitch2's hunt for me was successful. There I am.
I just downloaded the source and had a short glimpse. Did anybody succeed in compiling it? To me, it looks like rv1\source and rv2\PC\distro\source are same, and contain what we need. Right? The code looks pretty straightforward to me, but is surprisingly small -- 40k source lines? It seems like sound is missing, the AIL_* stuff is nowhere to be found.
What is the legal state of this stuff? Can we safely play with it? I guess the best way to do something is to remove everything that's illegal, get a working version together and do things in public, to attract other people.
Posted: 07 May 2006, 16:38
Yo ali

, Welcome to Our Revolt Pub

, I hope you visit more often.
As to legal ramifications of obtaining and using this source code, well
Has the company that bought the rights to Acclaim made any statements regarding Revolt ?, it's usage or it's future ?
If no one plans to make any financial profit from our collective medling/programing then there shouldn't be any real problems, should there ?
If we are only trying to solve the problems and limitations that the original game has, then thats a good thing for Revolt and the RV community, yes ?
Anyone got Bootes/Gábor Varga contact ? and how about JimK.
Posted: 07 May 2006, 17:27
It seems like sound is missing, the AIL_* stuff is nowhere to be found.
Header is found from inc/mss.h and the linked library is in lib/MSS32.LIB. To me it seems like this library is proprietary and it might be impossible to release a version of Re-Volt without either buying a license or rewriting the sound portion.
Here's the library vendor's pages:
(Miles Sound System)
Posted: 07 May 2006, 17:43
arto @ May 7 2006, 12:57 PM wrote:Header is found from inc/mss.h and the linked library is in lib/MSS32.LIB. To me it seems like this library is proprietary and it might be impossible to release a version of Re-Volt without either buying a license or rewriting the sound portion.
Ow. $3k? That's much. Maybe they'll let us use it for free if we trade in our souls or something. Anyway, looks like rv2 release .1 will be a quiet, hence work-safe, game.

Posted: 07 May 2006, 18:09
Killer Wheels
I believe that everyone is impatient to exploit the sources but before beginning anything it's better to be sure to be able to do whatever we want with, without having problems thereafter.
Posted: 07 May 2006, 21:37
Wow!!! Source code and Ali! What a combination!
Welcome back Ali - I was playing 'At Home' only last week.
What I think should be the 1st priority, if possible, would be to make RV run reliably on XP.
Posted: 07 May 2006, 22:22
Hehe Hi ali!
OK Firstly.. In the files there is a rooftops level that is a totaly different one to the released one from santa lol
I have grabbed it into max and I am gonna texture it up as a lost level!
There is also loads of other max related stuff that has vallidated loads of things i was going to put into the tutorial as far as poly sizing and things go, so ill have more info on that very soon. So code or no code this find will have major advantages as far as track and car creation goes!
OK now to the code stuff.. this loses me a bit, but from what i can see is an opertunity to find out about all the little niggles that have had us scratching our heads over for years.
Open ended tracks, texture space, texture size, Animated models, the piano (already know now that is done with vertex colour in max lol ) and many other bits and bobbs.
And to read notes and ideas from Balor knight and other peeps from before Re-Volts release is just a joy to read over, so for me the code has already done a great job, even if we cant do alot with it. I have been jumping about all day with new ideas and plans for the normal release of RV and to hear from Ali and Antimorph is just the cream on top.
Keep it real and have fun, we will see what comes up!!
Posted: 07 May 2006, 23:18
Skitch2 @ May 7 2006, 05:52 PM wrote: I have been jumping about all day with new ideas and plans for the normal release of RV and to hear from Ali and Antimorph is just the cream on top.
Keep it real and have fun, we will see what comes up!!
You've contacted Antimorph ?
Could someone explain to me in simple terms exactly what the legal ramifications could be ?
Several people have now received the source code, and several move have obtained it from them, so the source is out!
Who would make any complaint ?
What could they do to stop any developments coming from this source ?
Could there be allowed developments with certain legal restrictions or requirements ?
If we are not intending to make any finacial gains from our developments, but produce it as freeware or unofficial patch, would we still have to pay some kind of licence fee ? and if so, to whom?
Maybe we could collectively define, discuss the structure then create a Revolt 2, then give this to who ever holds the rights to promote by what ever means they wish. Thats of corse if we fully only enjoy creating for the fun of sharing with others.
Posted: 07 May 2006, 23:50
I think that the days of a company gettin pissy coz we fiddle with code on a game that was ditched by its owner a long time ago are gone doods. Look at all of the new games out now like HL2 and FEAR and FARCRY all of which are fully modable.
In the long run no one apart from us gives a crap about this game and i think that after this amount of years ripping the bugger out of RV anyway (what with Ali's tools and all of our max editing ) they can stuff the legal bits up there tail pipes for all i care. It aint as if we will become millionaires over it, all we want to do is expand on what we have already achieved.
$3000 dollers? we will need to see if the code we have will do what we want and the find out how many Re Volters there are and split the cost of any sound system we may need (the more of us put in the less it will be). 3 grand split between 100 people is what? 30 quid? hell ill put that into my paypal account now if ya like lol.
Any way, Ill rant all day as you know if i could so ill get outta here and into max where i belong lol
Posted: 07 May 2006, 23:50
One very clear legal ramification is this:
the source uses third party libraries (probably only for sound), which Acclaim licensed from radtools.
Would we release a free software, that uses radtool's library without their permission and without paying them, they would be very right to be pissed off. If we release something that uses their library, we must license the rights to use that library in our release.
Radtools is still doing software and licensing their technology so this is a clear matter.
The sources themselves are very gray area and I do not have the expertise to say anything about it. I remember someone bought from Acclaim the rights for Re-Volt after they went bankrupt and that might cause problems. But I dunno. It's worth pursuing anyway IMO.
Posted: 08 May 2006, 01:02
was hoping to discuss things (and say hello) in some irc channels, but I'm alone...