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Posted: 04 May 2017, 11:57
Rvgl runs great using a wine wrapper but it does stress my cpu fan, comparing it with the linux version a lot more, how can I help you to improve that? I think I'll play with the setting to use all or one of the cores to see if that solves the problem

Posted: 04 May 2017, 13:55
it's because its wine itself, you're running a full platform
amd its windows more or less
do you use the linux version on the same computer?
probably your hardware is old.

Posted: 04 May 2017, 14:53
Even the native Windows/Linux version of RVGL will stress your computer a fair bit. I have a comparable device and it also ramps up its fans, on any platform.
Running RVGL in Wine will stress your system a bit more (however, Wine does not run a full Windows subsystem). It's mostly due to RVGL itself.
There will be updates to the renderer of RVGL which will make it more efficient and a bit lighter on system resources. A native Mac port is not hard to do (the absence of one is just due to the lack of hardware to develop/test it on). Maybe we'll see one in the future.