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Posted: 01 May 2017, 23:42
This add-on is intended to be used with Blender 2.79.
Please note that there was a Blender bug that got fixed recently. It prevents some unwrap features from working.
To make sure you have the latest version with the fix, download the latest 2.79 build from
Download and Documentation
GitHub page
Import and Export Meshes (.prm/.m):
Mesh, UV, vertex colors, texture, face properties and lods (level of detail)
Import Cars from parameters.txt:
Import the car model and wheels from parameters.txt files.
Import and Export World (.w):
Import and export Re-Volt level mesh files including boundary boxes, environment colors and texture animations.
Import and Export Collision (.ncp):
Import and export Re-Volt collision files, properties and materials.
Mesh Editing Tools:
Edit face properties, vertex colors and texture animations.
Generate Shadows:
Generate shadow textures and coordinates for in-game use with just one click.
Generate Texture Animations (World):
Create A-to-B or grid animations easily.
Shade Meshes:
Shade meshes by baking light to vertex colors with just one click.
Posted: 02 May 2017, 01:16
I don't use Blender, but the project does seem promising. Added a star on GitHub!

Posted: 02 May 2017, 06:47
Very good! I'm glad it's open source, that way the add-on won't die so easy. Good luck with the development

Posted: 08 May 2017, 18:46
I just pushed a big update. Here's the change log (includes past changes):
+ Car textures will now be loaded even if / is used instead of \ in parameters.txt (thanks to Gotolei for reporting)
+ Textures are now kept even after reopening a .blend file with an imported prm/w
+ Export now takes object scale, rotation and translation into account properly. This should also fix issues with exported ncp files. (Thanks to R6 for reporting)
+ New buttons in the tool panel. You can now import and export directly from there. There also are new buttons for batch-setting object types, as well as additional also-export-as properties. For edit mode, you now get buttons for selecting all faces of one or more types. (Thanks to Gotolei for inspiration)
+ Dummiesman changed the world export script to be a lot more efficient and less prone to errors. Thanks a lot for putting up with my code.
+ Many small bug-fixes that you can read about on GitHub.
Posted: 26 Jul 2017, 18:27
I just pushed another update
I started a feature poll to find out what feature to develop next:
Added some more features: We now have a simple one-click shade button and a shadow generator that generates negative shadows, ready for in-game use (shadow tables, too!)

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 12:50
Cool, thanks for working on this! Glad to see it's open source too, maybe you can include the license (MIT, GPL, public domain or whatever) in the repo :-)
Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 17:19
urnemanden @ 10 Aug 2017, 08:20 AM wrote: Cool, thanks for working on this! Glad to see it's open source too, maybe you can include the license (MIT, GPL, public domain or whatever) in the repo :-)
Sure! Right now it's non-commercial CC. What license would you prefer?
When Blender 2.8 arrives, I'll probably start a rewrite and change the license.
Posted: 11 Aug 2017, 08:23
MarvTheM @ 10 Aug 2017, 08:49 AM wrote: urnemanden @ 10 Aug 2017, 08:20 AM wrote: Cool, thanks for working on this! Glad to see it's open source too, maybe you can include the license (MIT, GPL, public domain or whatever) in the repo :-)
Sure! Right now it's non-commercial CC. What license would you prefer?
When Blender 2.8 arrives, I'll probably start a rewrite and change the license.
State it's non-commercial CC? he's only asking to add a license information, so it's clear
Posted: 11 Aug 2017, 12:04
When Blender 2.8 arrives, I'll probably start a rewrite and change the license
I'd like to know which license is best if I'm intending to change it.
I'm asking because I think that Urne's understanding of licenses is better than mine since he's been around open source communities more than I have.
The most important thing is that I to prevent
certain companies from exploiting the add-on but still keep it accessible and maintainable by the community.
I don't want it to end like Jig's plugin that we can't do anything with due to his restrictive license. I tried contacting him about it but there was no answer. I want to make sure that my add-on can be maintained by other people if one day I'm not around anymore, for what ever reason that may be. The game and its tools have to be easily accessible if we want to keep it around for a while longer.
That's why I want to choose the most fitting license.
Posted: 13 Aug 2017, 02:26
You can give this article from Github a read, it's quite interesting:
I tend to use the GNU General Public License v3.0 for most of my projects hosted on Github. It's a rather permissive license, but does impose some conditions on your code's usage:
Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.
Posted: 17 Aug 2017, 18:07
Yea, I'm typically in favor of GPLv3 too, since it poses copyleft. It's a bit like CC Share-Alike. So if any company
does decide to use the code, they are legally obliged to share it just like you did.

Posted: 18 Aug 2017, 13:57
Thanks a lot, guys! I'm working on a new base for the add-on that's less prone to errors right now.
There's also an issue with the edit mode panels that I'll have to fix. This will probably take a little while, so don't worry if there won't be (m)any updates in the near future.
Posted: 16 Sep 2017, 17:36
My rewrite supports PRM (incl. face properties, LoD, etc.) now.
I'll update the main post when I implemented more features.
For now, try it out
here and please report any errors that you encounter.
Posted: 17 Oct 2017, 23:53
I released a new version of the add-on:
It now supports PRM, W and NCP. You can now create tracks with it.
Here's a feature list:
Import and Export Meshes (.prm/.m):
Mesh, UV, vertex colors, texture, face properties and lods (level of detail)
Import Cars from parameters.txt:
Import the car model and wheels from parameters.txt files.
Import and Export World (.w):
Import and export Re-Volt level mesh files including boundary boxes, environment colors and texture animations.
Import and Export Collision (.ncp):
Import and export Re-Volt collision files, properties and materials.
Mesh Editing Tools:
Edit face properties, vertex colors and texture animations.
Generate Shadows:
Generate shadow textures and coordinates for in-game use with just one click.
Shade Meshes:
Shade meshes by baking light to vertex colors with just one click.
There were also a ton of bug fixes. Try it out and let me know if you run into any errors!
Here's a screenshot of Aquavolt Redux in NCP editing mode: