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Posted: 13 Apr 2017, 16:06
for my upcoming track project I'll have to rely on LoDs for many parts of the track so that it renders faster.
The track is very open and many parts of it allow you to see across the whole map.
To achieve good frame rates throughout it, I need to use PRM models with different levels of detail.
I conducted several tests with custom PRMs with LoD, as well as the stock PRMs from Toy World.
Neither of those seemed to actually work, RVGL always displays the highest quality one, regardless of the bias setting of each PRM. Even on stock tracks, RVGL will always display the highest quality mesh.
Has this feature been disabled at some point?
Here's a teaser.
Posted: 13 Apr 2017, 20:29
Is draw distance set to highest ?

Posted: 13 Apr 2017, 23:53
It is, also tried other settings. I'm sure it should work on highest since that's when you can actually see far and LoD makes sense.
Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 01:31
Killer Wheels
LODs are only working on car wheels. It's a feature I tried with my 3ds to RV exporter and it wasn't worth it because of that
Maybe it was useful back in the days on game consoles so there may be some source code tweaking that can be done !
Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 03:06
There are custom tracks out there that use LODs (Dyspropolis comes to mind, with its blinking arrows). It seems they work on instance files as well, at the very least.
Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 18:56
Instance files are what I want to use. I'm also very certain that I've seen it working before. I'll check dyspro's tracks, then.
Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 19:57
I made a qwick test on the green gator before the jump of Toy World 1
on last revolt alpha and rvgl => no LoD
on revolt Beta =>
in fact it's only reflect and not LoD
but may be adding anysotroping and 32bit textures feature and so on disable LoD ?
only Huki can tell us[/COLOR]
Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 20:05
It almost sounds like LoD does work on that one track by Dyspro since that came out after 1.2 and I remember playing it online. I'll check things later today.
Either LoD has been disabled in RVGL or it's just a bug. I'm glad it generally works, though. That'll help me a lot optimizing for better frame rate consistencies.
Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 20:44
I'm afraid that the blinking arrows on Dyspropolis are simply visiboxed like on MAGNET
so no more LoD on those tracks ...

Posted: 15 Apr 2017, 23:04
All hope's lost. I hope huki can re-enable LoD.
Posted: 16 Apr 2017, 22:48
I do some new test and I think LoD still working for every instances from revolt 1.0 to 1.2/rvgl
THE BIG PROBLEM is that actual graphic cards (even cpu integrated ones) are too strong to let revolt using it
Here is Teddy for tests
on this zip you'll find original teddy.prm from TOY WORLD 1 and :
teddy1.prm : the 1st LoD level (the one we see every time)
teddy2.prm : the 2nd LoD level (colored in blue)
teddy3.prm : the 3rd LoD level (colored in purple)
teddy123.prm = teddy1 + teddy2 + teddy3 (like originat teddy but with custom colors)
teddy321.prm = teddy3 + teddy2 + teddy1
on all revolt (12.07 to beta to last alpha to rvgl) using teddy123 or teddy321 we get only the more detailled teddy (1)
the only way to get low LoD level is to use a prm with only 1 LoD (teddy2.prm or teddy3.prm)
I don't have any old working computer yet to try on it
Posted: 17 Apr 2017, 02:37
LoD never worked for today's standards. probably it is actually disabled in rvgl due to that.
you can try using a low-end video card on a VM perhaps.
How do we tell if lod is working?
i have a amd c-50 1ghz netbook that runs it well and not so well (depending on cpu load)