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Posted: 04 Apr 2017, 01:17
Since many years (2001) Toys In Space randomly crash when weapons are ON but never crash if weapons are OFF

I finaly found where and how the game crash with that track, that thing bothers me since so long time. :wacko:

Farce Fields > ORIENTATION (direction : up, Mag : 10000 and Damping : 9.8)absolutely dont like weapons if they stay too much time on it

Posted: 11 Apr 2017, 16:15
I don't know if it's help but revolt/rvgl not always complettely crash on one of my computers and was abble to take a pic

As you can see my speed (who isn't good at this time) became the max minus value that we can set to "Mag" and "Damping" parameters on Farce Fields ...
(or it's the bugged value that MAKEITGOOD set if we put something bad on those parameters)

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