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Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 16:05
17.0325a is released.
The release brings several features discussed in the
other thread. Be sure to read the changelog for a full list of changes...
You can now have up to
16 playable cars (both online and offline), and 4 additional slots online for spectators. Set the "number of cars" in Options menu when you host for the first time with this build (you can reach the Options menu without closing the online session).
The host has several new commands in the
Waiting Room:
- Up/Down to scroll through the player list one by one.
- Ctrl + Up/Down to scroll up or down an entire page (i.e., if there are more than 16 players).
- Ctrl + S to set a player into spectator mode.
- Ctrl + D to disconnect (kick) a player from the session.
The waiting room also displays helpful messages in case the game is already in progress (if you joined late), etc.
Other stuff:
- Fixed the crash when more players join than the supported number of connections.
- Reduced global star pickup occurrences.
- SDL GameController database with more controllers support.
- Hungarian language support from Andor.
Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 17:41
Thank you so much! I can't wait to test it out online.
Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 17:45
The star item also appears less often in off-line racing then, right? It wasn't very frequent there anyway.
But anyway: great update!

Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 17:57
Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 18:27
Correction to be made to the sounds of the players' vehicle ...
In fact, I have no engine sound and skid when driving a car, but I do well that of my opponents.
Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 05:27
Ok, here's a short RVGL update
This is a
bugfix release and
is compatible with 0325, so updating is not mandatory. The changes are mostly cosmetic.
- Added Portuguese language by LC-DDM.
- Fixed chat messages overlapping the race finish table with more than 12 players.
- Fixed (finally!) the fogstart bug.
- Some more tweaks...
Known issues:
- Save Replay is no longer available in Championships. It was previously available although it simply froze the game. Expect to see it back some time, but for now it's removed.
- Replays saved with v1.2 and previous versions do not load in any build of RVGL. I could fix it, but doing so will break replays already saved with RVGL... we'll worry about this some other time.

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 16:28
Oh snap, I didn't expect my translation to be added so quickly to one of the official builds. I'm humbled.
Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 17:13
I still have no sound, at the level of the sight to the 3rd and 1st person ...
Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 18:01
Black-Revolt001 @ 28 Mar 2017, 08:43 AM wrote: I still have no sound, at the level of the sight to the 3rd and 1st person ...
Check your computer. nobody has your issue.
Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 20:17
Abc @ 28 Mar 2017, 01:31 PM wrote: Black-Revolt001 @ 28 Mar 2017, 08:43 AM wrote: I still have no sound, at the level of the sight to the 3rd and 1st person ...
Check your computer. nobody has your issue.
Bah, I'm looking for where it comes but I find nothing ....
Posted: 29 Mar 2017, 17:30
Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 09:32
Seems like the sound's working, it's just whatever math determines the falloff for sound is cutting it out way too soon.
Maybe post what's in in the re-volt.log file in your game's profiles folder?, link it here
And just as a curiosity, at what rvgl version did it stop working?
(These last five posts are probably worth splitting off into their own thread on the bug reports forum)
Posted: 30 Mar 2017, 17:13
Gotolei @ 30 Mar 2017, 05:02 AM wrote: Seems like the sound's working, it's just whatever math determines the falloff for sound is cutting it out way too soon.
Maybe post what's in in the re-volt.log file in your game's profiles folder?, link it here
And just as a curiosity, at what rvgl version did it stop working?
(These last five posts are probably worth splitting off into their own thread on the bug reports forum)
Since I installed RVGL
Posted: 01 Apr 2017, 14:44
Hello, here my liste of re-volt.log[HIDE=re-volt.log]
Re-Volt Error Log File
Compilation date: 08:29:02, Mar 27 2017
Architecture: Windows (64-bit)
Build: 17.0327a
===== Video Info =====
GL_EXT_multisample: Not Found
GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint: Not Found
===== Video Info =====
Video: Done
Input: 35 GameController mappings added
Loading: levels/dinner_movie/dinner_movie.inf: Not Found
Loading: cars/misc/parameters.txt: Not Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmn: Not Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/devlogo1a.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/devlogo1a.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/devlogo1b.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/devlogo1b.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/devlogo1c.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/devlogo1c.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmn: Not Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmr: Not Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/frontend.level: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadfront1.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadfront1.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadfront2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadfront2.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadfront3.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadfront3.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadfront4.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadfront4.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage1.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage1.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage2.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage3.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage3.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envfront.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envfront.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontenda.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontenda.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendb.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendb.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendc.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendc.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendd.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendd.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontende.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontende.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendf.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendf.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendg.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendg.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendh.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendh.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendi.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendi.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendj.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendj.bmp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/bballbox.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box01.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box02.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box03.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box04.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box05.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box5.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/chicks.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockcase.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup01.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/helbladebig.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/helbladebig.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/helbladesmall.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/helbladesmall.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/hellbody.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/hellbody.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/hellsb.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/hellsb.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/largemagstand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/largemagstand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/light.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/light.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/magstand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/magstand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/pangacard.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/pangacard.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plain.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plain.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/podium.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/podium.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/posterstand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/posterstand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/posterstand2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/posterstand2.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/salebin.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/salebin.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/track.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/track.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/tvstand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/tvstand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/ufostand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/ufostand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.fin: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.lit: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.taz: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/ Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.fld: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.pan: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/ Found
Loading: models/go3.m: Found
Loading: models/go2.m: Found
Loading: models/go1.m: Found
Loading: models/gogo.m: Found
Loading: models/drum.m: Found
Loading: models/mt.bin: Found
AL: Existing OpenAL error in LoadSfx(): 0
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.tri: Found
Loading: models/pickup.m: Found
Loading: models/pickup.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/pickup.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/firework.m: Found
Loading: models/firework.hul: Found
Loading: models/wbomb.m: Found
Loading: models/wbomb.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/wbomb.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.m: Found
Loading: models/ball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.m: Found
Loading: models/ball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/star.m: Found
Loading: models/star.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/star.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.fob: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namestand.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namestand.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namestand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namewheel.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namewheel.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namewheel.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plainbox.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plainbox.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plainbox.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/cone.m: Found
Loading: models/cone.hul: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/bigscreen.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/bigscreen.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/bigscreen.ncp: Not Found
Loading: gfx/wild_west2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/wild_west2.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/wild_west2.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/wild_west2.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockbody.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockbody.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockbody.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandsmall.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandsmall.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandsmall.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandlarge.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandlarge.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandlarge.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockdisc.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockdisc.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockdisc.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup04.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup04.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup04.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup02.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup02.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup02.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup01.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup01.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup01.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup03.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup03.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup03.ncp: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/wincar/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar/shadow.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/shadow.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/key.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/wincar/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/wincar2/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/shadow.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/shadow.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/key.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/wincar3/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/shadow.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/shadow.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/key.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/hull.hul: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox1.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox1.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox1.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox1.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox2.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox2.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox2.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox3.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox3.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox3.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox3.bmr: Not Found
Loading: strings/english.txt: Found
Loading: strings/french.txt: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/replay.rpl: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.pan: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.pan: Found
Loading: profiles/rvgl.ini: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/profile.ini: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/nhood1.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/market2.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/muse2.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/garden1.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/roof.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/toylite.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/wild_west1.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/toy2.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/nhood2.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/ship1.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/muse1.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/market1.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/wild_west2.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/ship2.level: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/stunts.stunt: Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmo: Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmn: Not Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.pan: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel1.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel1.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel1.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel2.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel2.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel3.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel3.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel3.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel4.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel4.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel4.bmq: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.inf: Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage1.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage1.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage1.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage2.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage2.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage3.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage3.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage3.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envstill.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envstill.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/envstill.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/envstill.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2a.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2a.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2a.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2a.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2b.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2b.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2b.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2b.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2c.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2c.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2c.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2c.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2d.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2d.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2d.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2d.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2e.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2e.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2e.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2e.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2f.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2f.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2f.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2f.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2g.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2g.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2g.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2g.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2h.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2h.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2h.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2h.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2i.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2i.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2i.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2i.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2j.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2j.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2j.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2j.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.w: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.vis: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.rim: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Bale.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Bale.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Barrel.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Barrel.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Beam.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Beam.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Bench.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Bench.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/bottle.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/bottle.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Boulder1.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Boulder1.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Boulder2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Boulder2.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box1.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box1.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box2.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box3.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box3.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box4.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box4.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box5.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Box5.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Chest.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Chest.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Danger_sign.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Danger_sign.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Flag.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Flag.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Hsign1.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Hsign1.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Hsign2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Hsign2.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Hsign3.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Hsign3.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Mine_ramp.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Mine_ramp.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Pennant.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Pennant.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Pennant2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Pennant2.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Pick_axe.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Pick_axe.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/plank1.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/plank1.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/plank2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/plank2.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Post.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Post.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/poster1.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/poster1.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/poster2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/poster2.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Rail1.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Rail1.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Rail2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Rail2.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/rocking_chair2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/rocking_chair2.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign2.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign3.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign3.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign5.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign5.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign7.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign7.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign8.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign8.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign9.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/sign9.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Sleeper.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Sleeper.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Stool.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Stool.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Support.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Support.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Support2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Support2.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Support3.prm: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/Support3.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.fin: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.lit: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.taz: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/ Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.fld: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.pan: Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/ Found
Loading: models/go3.m: Found
Loading: models/go2.m: Found
Loading: models/go1.m: Found
Loading: models/gogo.m: Found
Loading: models/drum.m: Found
Loading: models/mt.bin: Found
AL: Existing OpenAL error in LoadSfx(): 0
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.tri: Found
Loading: models/pickup.m: Found
Loading: models/pickup.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/pickup.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/firework.m: Found
Loading: models/firework.hul: Found
Loading: models/wbomb.m: Found
Loading: models/wbomb.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/wbomb.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.m: Found
Loading: models/ball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.m: Found
Loading: models/ball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/star.m: Found
Loading: models/star.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/star.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/wild_west2/wild_west2.fob: Found
Loading: models/lantern.m: Found
Loading: models/lantern.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/lantern.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/tumble_weed.m: Found
Loading: models/tumble_weed.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/tumble_weed.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/bottle.m: Found
Loading: models/bottle.hul: Found
Loading: models/beachball.m: Found
Loading: models/beachball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/beachball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: gfx/clouds.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/clouds.bmp: Not Found
Loading: cars/volken/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/Volken/Volken.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/Volken/Volken.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/Volken/Volken.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/Volken/Volken.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/Volken/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/Volken/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/Volken/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/Volken/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/Volken/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/Volken/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/mud/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/mud/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/mud/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/mud/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/mud/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/mud/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mud/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mud/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mud/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mud/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mud/axle.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/mud/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/cgw/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/cgw/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/cgw/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/cgw/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/cgw/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/cgw/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/cgw/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/cgw/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/cgw/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/cgw/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/cgw/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/beatall/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/beatall/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/beatall/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/spring.prm: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/axle.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/beatall/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "75.000000"
Loading: cars/gamecenter/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/gamecenter/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/tc6/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "80.000000"
Loading: cars/tc6/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/tc6/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/tc6/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/tc6/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/tc6/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/tc6/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/tc6/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/tc6/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/tc6/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/tc6/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/bigvolt/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/BigVolt/bigvolt.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/bigvolt.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/bigvolt.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/bigvolt.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/shadow.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/shadow.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/axle.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/BigVolt/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/mite/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/mite/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/mite/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/mite/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/mite/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/mite/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mite/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mite/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mite/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mite/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mite/spring.prm: Found
Loading: cars/mite/axle.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/mite/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/rc/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "90.000000"
Loading: cars/rc/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/rc/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/rc/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/rc/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/rc/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/rc/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/rc/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/rc/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/rc/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/rc/spring.prm: Found
Loading: cars/rc/axle.prm: Found
Loading: cars/rc/pin.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/rc/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/moss/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/moss/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/moss/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/moss/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/moss/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/moss/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/moss/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/moss/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/moss/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/moss/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/moss/axle.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/moss/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "HANDLING"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "85"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/ign-pc/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/ign-pc/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/gekko/parameters.txt: Found
Loading: cars/gekko/car.bmo: Found
Loading: cars/gekko/car.bmn: Not Found
Loading: cars/gekko/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/gekko/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/gekko/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/gekko/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/gekko/shadow.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/gekko/shadow.bmq: Not Found
Loading: cars/gekko/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gekko/wheel-l.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gekko/wheel-r.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/gekko/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/acclaim/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "HANDLING"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "85"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/Acclaim/car (139).bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/Acclaim/car (139).bmp: Found
Loading: cars/Acclaim/car (139).bmq: Not Found
Loading: cars/Acclaim/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/Acclaim/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/Acclaim/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/Acclaim/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/Acclaim/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/Acclaim/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "HANDLING"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "75"
Loading: cars/gamespot/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/gamespot/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/pcgamer/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/pcgamer/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/pcgamer/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/pcgamer/car.bmq: Not Found
Loading: cars/pcgamer/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/pcgamer/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/pcgamer/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/pcgamer/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/pcgamer/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/pcgamer/hull.hul: Found
Loading: cars/phat/parameters.txt: Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/phat/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/phat/car.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/phat/car.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/phat/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/phat/body.prm: Found
Loading: cars/phat/wheelfl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/phat/wheelfr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/phat/wheelbl.prm: Found
Loading: cars/phat/wheelbr.prm: Found
Loading: cars/phat/spring.prm: Found
Loading: cars/phat/axle.prm: Found
Loading: cars/misc/Aerial.m: Found
Loading: cars/misc/AerialT.m: Found
Loading: cars/phat/hull.hul: Found
Loading: profiles/Cedric/wild_west2.level: Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmo: Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmn: Not Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/font.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/spru.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/loadinga.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/loadingb.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/loadingc.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.pan: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel1.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel1.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel1.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel2.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel2.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel3.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel3.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel3.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel4.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel4.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/loadlevel4.bmq: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.inf: Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage1.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage1.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage1.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage2.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage2.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage3.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage3.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/fxpage3.bmq: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envfront.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envfront.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/envfront.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/envfront.bmr: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/envroll.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmp: Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmq: Found
Loading: cars/misc/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontenda.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontenda.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontenda.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontenda.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendb.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendb.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendb.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendb.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendc.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendc.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendc.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendc.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendd.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendd.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendd.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendd.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontende.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontende.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontende.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontende.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendf.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendf.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendf.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendf.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendg.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendg.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendg.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendg.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendh.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendh.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendh.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendh.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendi.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendi.bmp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendi.bmq: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendi.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendj.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontendj.bmp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.w: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.vis: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.rim: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/bballbox.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/bballbox.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box01.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box01.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box02.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box02.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box03.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box03.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box04.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box04.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box05.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box05.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box5.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/box5.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/chicks.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/chicks.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockcase.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockcase.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup01.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup01.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/helbladebig.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/helbladebig.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/helbladesmall.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/helbladesmall.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/hellbody.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/hellbody.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/hellsb.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/hellsb.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/largemagstand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/largemagstand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/light.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/light.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/magstand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/magstand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/pangacard.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/pangacard.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plain.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plain.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/podium.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/podium.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/posterstand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/posterstand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/posterstand2.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/posterstand2.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/salebin.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/salebin.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/track.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/track.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/tvstand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/tvstand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/ufostand.prm: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/ufostand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.fin: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.ncp: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.lit: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.taz: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/ Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.fld: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.pan: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/ Found
Loading: models/go3.m: Found
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Loading: models/mt.bin: Found
AL: Existing OpenAL error in LoadSfx(): 0
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.tri: Found
Loading: models/pickup.m: Found
Loading: models/pickup.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/pickup.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/firework.m: Found
Loading: models/firework.hul: Found
Loading: models/wbomb.m: Found
Loading: models/wbomb.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/wbomb.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.m: Found
Loading: models/ball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.m: Found
Loading: models/ball.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/ball.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/star.m: Found
Loading: models/star.hul: Not Found
Loading: models/star.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/frontend.fob: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/smallscreen.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namestand.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namestand.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namestand.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namewheel.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namewheel.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/namewheel.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plainbox.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plainbox.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/plainbox.ncp: Not Found
Loading: models/cone.m: Found
Loading: models/cone.hul: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/bigscreen.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/bigscreen.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/bigscreen.ncp: Not Found
Loading: gfx/wild_west2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: gfx/wild_west2.bmp: Found
Loading: gfx/wild_west2.bmq: Found
Loading: gfx/wild_west2.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockbody.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockbody.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockbody.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandsmall.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandsmall.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandsmall.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandlarge.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandlarge.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockhandlarge.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockdisc.m: Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockdisc.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/clockdisc.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup04.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup04.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup02.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup02.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup01.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup01.ncp: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup03.hul: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/cup03.ncp: Not Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/wincar/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/wincar2/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar2/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Warning: Unrecognised word: "Handling"
Warning: Unrecognised word: "50.000000"
Loading: cars/wincar3/car.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/car.bmr: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/shadow.bmo: Not Found
Loading: cars/wincar3/shadow.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox1.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox1.bmr: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox2.bmo: Not Found
Loading: levels/frontend/carbox2.bmr: Not Found
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Loading: levels/frontend/carbox3.bmr: Not Found[/HIDE]
[Vaid]: Use [HIDE] tags or upload the text file to some text dump website, like Pastebin. No need to clutter this topic with unnecessarly long posts.
Posted: 05 Apr 2017, 01:11
Lo Scassatore
Hi there!
While testing this new version (16 cars races are awesome!) I've noticed a little thing.
If you run in GAZZASAICARS mode, the hood camera of the car (that camera which one could modify position through parameters) starts flipping out
It seems happen only with GAZZASAICARS turned on, in normal mode there's no problem.
Am i the only one who suffer this? Someone else has the same problem? It's something fixable?
Thanks in advance, and greetings!
P.S. i was wondering if it's possibile, for future releases, to have a starting grid like the number 1 (F1 style with two lines of cars) with the same gap within positions even on 16-cars starting grid. Is it possible?
Posted: 06 Apr 2017, 23:11
Just to tell you that my sound problem is solved ....
Posted: 09 Apr 2017, 21:56
Why Rubberbanding AI's disable is removed again? I miss that feature a lot..
Posted: 23 Apr 2017, 16:04
Well. . . honestly i don't really like last 2 updates/patches:
Gameplay is not enjoyable anymore. It's feeling like Arcade = Simulator for now. Driving is just too unstable...
Updates buggfix and changes are ok, but should we really need to change gameplay?
Someone might say its the same, but IT'S NOT.
It's has gone worst from 17.0115a.
Posted: 24 Apr 2017, 08:28
Meta @ 23 Apr 2017, 07:34 AM wrote: Well. . . honestly i don't really like last 2 updates/patches:
Gameplay is not enjoyable anymore. It's feeling like Arcade = Simulator for now. Driving is just too unstable...
Updates buggfix and changes are ok, but should we really need to change gameplay?
Someone might say its the same, but IT'S NOT.
It's has gone worst from 17.0115a.
Eh, a bit of this was already discussed in another thread...
Posted: 25 Apr 2017, 20:41
Abc @ 24 Apr 2017, 03:58 AM wrote: Meta @ 23 Apr 2017, 07:34 AM wrote: Well. . . honestly i don't really like last 2 updates/patches:
Gameplay is not enjoyable anymore. It's feeling like Arcade = Simulator for now. Driving is just too unstable...
Updates buggfix and changes are ok, but should we really need to change gameplay?
Someone might say its the same, but IT'S NOT.
It's has gone worst from 17.0115a.
Eh, a bit of this was already discussed in another thread...
Can u lead me to that thread, ABC?
Posted: 02 May 2017, 00:45
Is what the developer can do something for the time trial mode when we reposition the car that goes straight to the starting line.
Posted: 02 May 2017, 01:09
Black-Revolt001 @ 1 May 2017, 08:15 PM wrote: Is what the developer can do something for the time trial mode when we reposition the car that goes straight to the starting line.
When you need to reposition your car during a time trial you'll
want to go back to the starting line. The purpose of this mode is to get the best time, similar to TrackMania.
Posted: 02 May 2017, 01:27
New 16 cars limit seems to be working flawlessly, thanks!

Posted: 02 May 2017, 19:48
MarvTheM @ 1 May 2017, 08:39 PM wrote: Black-Revolt001 @ 1 May 2017, 08:15 PM wrote: Is what the developer can do something for the time trial mode when we reposition the car that goes straight to the starting line.
When you need to reposition your car during a time trial you'll
want to go back to the starting line. The purpose of this mode is to get the best time, similar to TrackMania.
No, I do not want her to come back on the starting line. I want her to come back where I'm falling.
Posted: 02 May 2017, 20:35
Black-Revolt001 @ 2 May 2017, 03:18 PM wrote: No, I do not want her to come back on the starting line. I want her to come back where I'm falling.
I understand that. My point is that this is not what Time Trial is designed for. It makes no sense to reposition the car to the last position. You can use practice mode for that.