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Posted: 23 Mar 2017, 19:03
Hi y'all, while seeing that the newcoming release of RVGL will have the capability of add up to 16 cars on a single race, i was wondering...
We will be able to use that update on GameRanger? (Cause many of my friends and i play there) or the update just could be used on Rv House?

Posted: 23 Mar 2017, 22:50
Probably not. I'm quite sure GR doesn't allow you to set more than 12 players/connections in a single room.
It's up to Gameranger developers to officially support RVGL and its new features.
Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 03:53
Scott Kevill is somewhat a lazy Australian.
GameRanger is dying...
GameRanger uses port 1600 UDP
Bad luck for those on GR until Evill cares and gives support
Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 04:05
So sad, sooaa.. I think we will move to rvhouse. But port-forwarding is rather annoying. We just can expect a miracle.
Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 06:41
I expect RVGL to keep working as before on GameRanger. You just won't be able to accept more than 12 cars (in the GR room).
Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 18:02
AFAIK RVGL is capable to p2p without the need of port-forwarding